Is this a prophecy dream?

Archived Dreams from 2015
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Re: Is this a prophecy dream?

Post by Hope in Christ »

Tis alright E.T. you are so cute :D, lol,
It's all in Fathers time, it's been a really interesting week for my family and I, I have been getting rid of lots of baggage.
God truly is Sovereign and His yoke is easy His burden is light, when it's time He will reveal these things, you are so loved, be blessed dear one.
Shalom and Lots and Lots of Love.... :s0:
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Re: Is this a prophecy dream?

Post by chrisy »

Very interesting dream...

The black and white cows remind me of Jacob's dream of instructions that God gave to him in order to bless him - the "speckled cows". He had the dream when he worked for his uncle Laban. Genesis 31.
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Re: Is this a prophecy dream?

Post by ElijahsTask »

Chrisy…. just read and re-read that about the speckled today……. VERY interesting.

Thank you for your response. :wink:
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Re: Is this a prophecy dream?

Post by ElijahsTask »

ElijahsTask wrote:Chrisy…. just read and re-read that about the speckled today……. VERY interesting. Much more to this story than meets the eye. Good call Chrisy.

Thank you for your response. :wink:
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Re: Is this a prophecy dream?

Post by ElijahsTask »

((((((Hope)))))) YOU are too kind beloved. Thank you. :s0:
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Re: Is this a prophecy dream?

Post by chrisy »

Just thought about something... Have you listened to the messianic Jewish Rabbi Jonathan Cahn? Do you know about the Shemitah year that we are currently in? Have you heard about the harbingers? Do you know about the black cow that was born with the number "7" written in white on its head? There was also another cow that was born with the same number "7" on its head as well - both born at the beginning of the Shemitah.

Both events are reminiscent of Joseph's dream where the lean cows ate the fat cows... Just may be applicable to your dream. Here's the link:
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Re: Is this a prophecy dream?

Post by ElijahsTask »


yes, I most certainly have listened to Jonathan Cahn. We follow him and have most of his videos. The way I see it according the the Jewish calendar, the Shemita year ends on Sunday, September 13 2015 which is ELUL 29 and their New Year Begins the following day, Monday September 14th, WHICH IS THE YEAR OF JUBILEE :mrgreen: So much will be happening………

Also, he put out an exceptional video which will knock your socks off and blow your hair back called, the Mystery of the number 8

riveting to say the least!

HUGE blessings to you this Lords Day,
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Re: Is this a prophecy dream?

Post by ElijahsTask »

:oops: almost forgot lol….. :mrgreen: Thank you for your post!
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Re: Is this a prophecy dream?

Post by Newbie »




The dream takes place in an upscale neighborhood, the yards all manicured.

I go out my front door, walk to the street and look down the street to my RIGHT where I see, a dead cow in the middle of the road with something odd protruding from it's lower part, down by it's feet.

Walking over for a closer look, I see what looks like a warthog with large tusks protruding from either sides of it's face, laying on it's belly, eating a large, plump, dead, black and white Holstein cow. It didn't even bother to look up at me.

It was feeding from the feet of the cow upwards.

Standing there, I noticed to my left, down the street, a wild boar was eating another large, dead, black and white Holstein cow, it too was eating down around the feet. It simply looked up at me while continuing to devour.

I ran back to tell the others.




UPDATE: The dream takes place in an upscale neighborhood, and all the yards are manicured.

Walking out of my front door, I walk to the street and I look to my RIGHT whereI see a dead cow in the middle of the road where the warthog is now eating up around the cows rib cage.

The warthog was now stretched out over the feet of the cow, laying upwards covering the cows belly.

Walking up to the cow, I noticed something had stripped the meat from the front legs of the cow because only bones were left of the two front legs as well as just bones on the back legs of the cow.

I went to the left to investigate the other large, dead, black and white Holstein cow, and cautiously started walking up to it. I saw the wild boar on it's forearms, buttocks up in the air, continuing to ravage the dead cow.
It was working on the belly up toward the rib cage of the cow.

The wild boar looked up at me, it's face and tusks covered in the cows blood, got up, then charged at me, came to a precise halt, looking me square in the eye said: " You'd better get out of here or you'll be next!!!! " Iran away.

ET, the cows maybe symbolic of believers whom some have fallen prey to the enemy and they are being devoured. The warthogs are evil men. Brings to mind Matthew 7:6, ""Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces."
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Re: Is this a prophecy dream?

Post by ElijahsTask »

Greetings ((((((((Newbie)))))))) :mrgreen: ALWAYS so good to see you.

I agree with you wholeheartedly. Funny how even after a time lapse here, I can see the results of this dream coming about.
Thank you for your input, it's valuable as always!

ET :s4:

I just posted a long response to you Newbie and when I went to click on it, it disappeared. SO........ I will recap and hope this doesn't go anywhere. :wink:

My thoughts with the lights going out was that things can happen in the blink of an eye, or, overnight. We can awake and be surprised by "what's left"
By learning about God's grace, it also has taught me humility. I believe He has, over the past 2 years wanted me to downsize ( smaller purse) and not so hung up on "maintainig" that which doesn't have eternal value. The scope of this is huge for me and I am having to re-evaluate what I am doing with the time I believe we have left, and does it have eternal value.

I am fascinated in the fact that the Lord has given me a great interest in a subject that used to instill fear. This fear is completely gone and I wait eagerly to see what the Lord has on His agenda for my the following day.

I am still growing up in Him but so excited about where He is taking me.

Rich blessings to you beloved friend........ I LOVE hearing from you, ALWAYS!!! :s4:
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Re: Is this a prophecy dream?

Post by ElijahsTask »


Thank you for your very thorough response, I so much appreciate the time you have invested in this and pray you'll be richly blessed.

Yes, I have been seeing things coming and I do see the attacks coming from all levels of rank in society.
I agree with you, that it is our own personal relationship with the Lord that will get us through these most trying of times that are right around the corner. I have been amazed by the prayers my husband has been praying and it's as if the Lord was speaking right through him directly into my heart, preparing me.
I agree with thefinances being ravaged by pigs. There is a part of me that sees where folks will be caught unawares when "that moment" arrives, then, there will be those who, though they knew this was coming, having done all they could to keep their interests and assets safe and secure; when the ravaging hits, we have but to "stand" the podium. The battle is the Lord's and after we have put on our armor, then we are to "stand" Eph 6:13
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Re: Is this a prophecy dream?

Post by ElijahsTask »

Starfire, because my hubs lap top is on a timed thing.... I have to hurry to get what I want to say out, therefore, I will post in bits and pieces. So sorry for the disconnects :wink:

The enemy has tried to discourage me and get to me through my family and a few on the outside of my family BUT GOD ( I just love that saying) did not allow the enemy's plans to come to fruition. I am not saying it's over BUT GOD has given me a peace to move forward and not look back.This darkness IS in fact temporary amen!!!
If we were all in a store, theater, hallway in a hotel,.... an "unfamiliar" place and the lights went out for just a moment, what would be our first response? Pray! Pray and wait. Wait for direction.

Christ IS waiting at the door. There is a peace there because I know He is there, because He has promised to never leave nor forsake me.....
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Re: Is this a prophecy dream?

Post by ElijahsTask »

:shock: STARFIREI cannot find your post. Either my husbands lap top has an exceptionally bad attitude or........... or I don't know what :?

I am going to hurry and say this before it gets gone too.

I love your summery. Speaks to my spirit big time. God bless you!This is very encouraging.

[b]I hope this helps you to clarify. To summarize:
The prophetic message in the 2 dreams/vision is:
1) Hard economic times are coming (still grey, but rapidly turn black)
2) You need to eliminate what you can in your life & rest in the Lord so you will be prepared.
3) Your valuables will be plundered-like all others, rich to poor, by those who will do *anything* to survive & are not believers(unclean animals)
4) Christ is right outside the door; He won't allow the darkness to prevail, despite the surroundings and troubles
5) Don't let the enemy (circumstances) prevent you from warning others. You could hardly believe your eyes in the dream.
Others likely won't either, but remember that in the dream, in spite of the lack of finances and physical harm you saw, YOU are doing the watching, not personally harmed. Stay in God's will and will envelope you in His Grace
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Re: Is this a prophecy dream?

Post by Carterman »

you might already have the answer i didnt read all the thread but the dream seems to be a warning about some people or a company who may devour your money since cows in the bible sometimes represent wealth.
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Re: Is this a prophecy dream?

Post by ElijahsTask »


Thank you for your response. I value everyone's input.

It's been awhile since I have been here or posted. For that, I apologize.

Re this dream, I am watching as the financial world is as if it's sitting on a seesaw of sorts. There has been much preparation in my home and those homes around us preparing for "just in case"

I believe this was a warning dream and is far more reaching than just being a personal dream. I have taken the advice of STARFIRE and have not allowed the enemy to prevent me from warning others.
b]I hope this helps you to clarify. To summarize:
The prophetic message in the 2 dreams/vision is:
1) Hard economic times are coming (still grey, but rapidly turn black)
2) You need to eliminate what you can in your life & rest in the Lord so you will be prepared.
3) Your valuables will be plundered-like all others, rich to poor, by those who will do *anything* to survive & are not believers(unclean animals)
4) Christ is right outside the door; He won't allow the darkness to prevail, despite the surroundings and troubles
5) Don't let the enemy (circumstances) prevent you from warning others. You could hardly believe your eyes in the dream.
Others likely won't either, but remember that in the dream, in spite of the lack of finances and physical harm you saw, YOU are doing the watching, not personally harmed. Stay in God's will and will envelope you in His Grace.[/b]
We are even getting our families prepared with what they call "bug-out-bags" I pray we'll never need them but incase of an emergency, even a fire, we'll be ready to "bug out". Thanks again for your input!

Joel 2:1 Blow the trumpet in Zion; sound the alarm on My holy hill. Let all who live in the land tremble, for the day of the LORD is coming. It is close at hand--