Levels Up Dream

Archived Dreams from 2018
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Levels Up Dream

Post by bjcollin »

I finally had a good dream last night for the first time in a long while.... This is a dream I have had a couple of times before, only this time it has changed a bit... In this dream I am being put into a set of caves as a game or punishment of sorts. The game in the caves is played like survivor or big brother in that each person is given a clue book with a certain clue in it, and you need to collect a certain pass phrase to continue on to the next part of the game. Each cave has cells and each of them are numbered, and you are put into a cell with 2 other people at first. My cell was number 501 I think. In my cell was an older man who had been there a long time, and he did not want to be bothered and kept to himself. Also in my cell was a younger blonde female in her 20s. I ended up pairing with the younger girl and swapping information with her. We ended up getting enough information in this manner between the two of us interacting with friendlies on other teams to get the pass phrase and move on. Once we left the caves area, there was a telephone pole with the number 2 on it at the entrance to the next area. They would have a graduation ceremony, and if you gave them the right pass phrase, you would be allowed entry into the 2nd area. After the ceremony, I was allowed into area 2. In a previous dream I had explored around area 2 so I already knew what to expect. Area 2 is a giant german beer garden type of area, with smoking and drinking and music and fun galore to be had. It is one giant party of sorts. I knew I didn't want anything from it, so I was determined to stay on the path and head toward area 3 next. I was climbing a set of stadium stairs on the path when I heard an asian guy who was a friend of mine calling my name. I got to the top of the stadium stairs and I stopped to wait for the asian guy to catch up to me. He finally got to the top of the stairs and he stopped and fell to the ground as he was panting and he was exhausted. I was not tired, so I turned and asked him how he was doing, and if I could help him get further. He said that he needed some money to buy something that would help him out of the level, and he was in the process of collecting the money and he was almost done. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a wad of change that I had and asked him how much did he need me to help him with. He declined because there were others that were set to give him some money, but then when I was about to put my money away, he did say that he could use a nickel, so I pulled the nickle out of the wad of change and offered it to him. When he took it, I turned to go back on the path to level 3 and the dream ended.

In the past I had a few dreams where I was stuck in level 1 for a while. I also had a few dreams of exploring around level 2 so I knew what was there. This is the first time I encountered the asian guy in the dream, and the first time I was headed out of each level so quickly that I knew what the purpose was to get up and out of there.

Any ideas? Thank you.
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Re: Levels Up Dream

Post by PastorJKG »

It reminds me of Rick Joyner's book, "The Final Quest". The caves made me think of David's cave and Elijah's cave. Places of preparation. The teamwork needed to advance seems to clearly show the need of unity and oneness with the whole body of worldwide believers. Even those with different convictions from our own. If God accepts them, how can we reject them. They may not be walking in our level of sanctification or enlightenment but they are walking by faith in the level they have. The nickel= 5 is the number of grace. Getting the right "Pass Phrase" by working together with other believers I believe speaks of the prophets being subject to the prophets and working together to hear the word of the Lord corporately to a much greater degree than we could ever hear Him individually.

Hope this helps Pastor BJ
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Re: Levels Up Dream

Post by bjcollin »
