Trixann's Dream with Jamieson

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Trixann's Dream with Jamieson

Post by HisBlood »

Trixann had another dream -
She was in the car with her husband (my son Jamieson) going through an intersection,
in another country!
She knew they were moving towards the future or in the future!
She looked up and knew there was a new type of speed radar on a curve lamp type
post looking down! She was concerned they might get a speeding ticket! Jamieson
knew they had to get out of there, quickly. They went past the lights and she saw a
man in black watching them! They kept driving and she could still see the man in
her side mirror watching them and waving! He was very clear, to her but actually
a far ways back! He had no expression, just waved!

Thanks for your thoughts,
Blessings Carolyn
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Re: Trixann's Dream with Jamieson

Post by bjcollin »

Cool dream, sorry I forgot to get to this one earlier this week. Yes, the enemy just watches and waits for an opportune moment to jump in, especially when we break the law of God which gives them an open door or permission to attack us. The enemy waving at her just letting her know that they are aware that she sees them for who they are. I wonder if Ms. Trixann's gifting is intercessor?

in Christ,
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Re: Trixann's Dream with Jamieson

Post by gloryhis »

Praise Jesus!
The parenthesis are direct words from the dream.

In the dream she seems to be at a cross road of some sort. ( Intersection)
A decision needs to be made in the future, ( moving towards the future) but perhaps she is feeling rushed (speed radar) to make the decision, because of some unexpected pressure (a curve) being put on her.

She doesn't know how to maneuver in this situation. ( another country).
Concerned they might have to pay the consequences if they move too quickly.( speeding ticket)
The man in black represents her reluctance and something similar to this happened before, which she can still see clearly from the past. ( He was very clear, to her but actually a far ways back).
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Re: Trixann's Dream with Jamieson

Post by seeHIMspeak »

Some people who are fast learners or are really progressing rapidly in the things of the Spirit are frowned upon by those who are jealous. Maybe she had an experience in the past that was hurtful when she received praise for some ability or accomplishment she had but someone else really gave her a hard time for it. Being in another country could just be new territory for her, a place where she hasn't been before, a place that functions different from what she was taught. It's now time to know how discern to make the right decisions, she can not draw on learned knowledge but has to get instruction from the Holy Spirit.
She sees the man in the rear view mirror, she needs to not look back and react to fears and intimidation from the past but needs to shift her focus and look out the windshield.
A ticket is something that usually puts us back financially, she does not want to be delayed.
Jamieson realizes that she is struggling and is getting her out of that place of fear. I'm not saying that she is a fearful person, but maybe that something from the past is holding her back.
Just my thoughts....
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Re: Trixann's Dream with Jamieson

Post by HisBlood »

All of these have vital points, I feel! (BJ) don’t ever apologize, you’re always answering and blessing
people, on here! You’re so appreciated!

Lots of valid points to ponder! Thank you all so much!!! ❤️💙
Many blessings on you all
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Re: Trixann's Dream with Jamieson

Post by HisBlood »

It’s so good to see you Karin 🥰💕
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