Snakes coming out of the walls

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Snakes coming out of the walls

Post by sophie »

Would greatly apppreciate your thoughts regarding a dream my husband had recently please,

In a recent dream I was back at my old church even though it looked totally different, I knew it was the same church.
There were many different people but I was aware that the same pastor was still at this church.
I was somehow seated in the the front 2 rows and was later asked how I managed that as it was reserved for the leaders etc.
I replied that someone there let me and later he me asked me to come with him and as we got to the toilets he showed me snakes coming out of the wall.
I tried to catch one with a stick but it headed outside and got away.
It’s appearance seemed to change to that of a lizard
The walls were made of rocks that looked like those from a mountain.

Thank you
Gal.2:20 I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.
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Re: Snakes coming out of the walls

Post by bjcollin »


Sorry I missed your husbands dream this past month. I was doing some board maintenance and just now ran across it. What has happened in the last month for this dream? To me the dream's message is that there are some lies and some things of the enemy that will be brought out to light having to do with leadership. If you choose to share on this dream, please remember no names. Thank you.

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Re: Snakes coming out of the walls

Post by PastorJKG »

The thing that came to mind for me was that bathrooms are supposed to be places of cleansing or elimination but this bathroom seemed defiled and full of serpents. I wonder if there is an idea of deliverance ministry with some strange things attached that are not from the Lord. The wood to me often speaks of the Cross which seemed ineffective perhaps because of another spirits involvement. We can't exercise righteous authority from an unrighteous position. The minister may change locations and styles but if he doesn't change his heart it will produce the same spiritual disfunction. For your prayerful consideration.
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