Spirit of Jacob - A Fire Walk

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Spirit of Jacob - A Fire Walk

Post by Daybreak »

In this dream my husband and I were were in front of this long rectangular area of hot firery coals. And I remember a man was instructing us to remove all our jewelry and throw it on the coals. I remember thinking that I didn't have jewelry except for my engagement and wedding rings. (Irl I don't wear alot of jewelry except for my rings and my earrings). I remember my husband threw a chain from his neck and his wedding band. Then it was my turn and I managed to take off my engagement ring and my wedding band. And I remember my engagement ring fell, and when I looked down I noticed it was in two pieces. And I remember picking it up and just weeping/sobbing this deep cry was coming out of me and I remember looking at the fiery coals and weeping even harder. I remember looking up at my husband and he just looked at me with such love and but he didn't say a word to me. When I finally got myself together I finally threw my broken engagment ring into the fiery coal area. And watched all our jewelry burn up.

Then I saw a pastor friend of mine at the end of the rectangular area. He was standing on one side, his wife who is also a pastor was standing on the other end. I was standing shoulder-to-shoulder with my husband on his right hand side and we began to walk across the fiery coals, step by step. I remember thinking why isn't my feet burning when I looked down there was this huge soft blue blanket beneath our feet on top of the fiery coals. I could here the coals popping and hissing, but it did not singe the blue soft blanket, nor did it catch on fire. When we got to the other side both pastors had this huge smile on their faces and then we heard this magnificent singing from an invisible choir they were singing
The Spirit of Jacob ...yeah...will get you to the other side.
The Spirit of Jacob... will get you to the other si--i-ide.
The Spirit of Jacob...yeah...will get you to the other side.
It's gonna get you..... to the other side..
Then there was this massive brass section just blowing away after this and the choir went back singing again. End of dream.

Interesting thing I received an mp3 player for christmas (best gift EVER) and when I awoke I grabbed it and recorded the song. I'm so glad I did. It has this kind of southern gospel feel to the song.

Daybreak 8)
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Post by NOTW »

Awesome dream - I have no clue what it means, sorry!!! Here are some verses that refer to the spirit of Jacob.

Gen 45:27 And they told him all the words of Joseph, which he had said unto them: and when he saw the wagons which Joseph had sent to carry him, the spirit of Jacob their father revived:
Gen 45:28 And Israel said, [It is] enough; Joseph my son [is] yet alive: I will go and see him before I die.

Lam 2:3 In fierce anger he has cut off every horn* of Israel. He has withdrawn his right hand at the approach of the enemy. He has burned in Jacob like a flaming fire that consumes everything around it.
Oba 1:18 The house of Jacob will be a fire and the house of Joseph a flame; the house of Esau will be stubble, and they will set it on fire and consume it. There will be no survivors from the house of Esau." The Lord has spoken.

It sounds like the Lord is going to bring Israel through the fire. Yet, I'm sure there is a more personal revelation.
Love in Christ,
NOTW (Not of this World)

2 Chronicles 29:11 - "My sons, do not be negligent now, for the Lord has chosen you to stand before him and serve him, to minister before him and to burn incense.”
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Spirit of Jacob

Post by beloved »

Blessings Daybreak:
What an awesome dream. Ironically enough you are Daybreak and since Jacob wrestled with an angel until. lol, lol, lol. What I am getting that you and your husband will be operating together in ministry and the fire which represent the Holy Spirit shall sheild and guide you along your path. Even as the Hebrew boys (Israel)
declared the fire had no power over them, nor was an hair (1)of their head singed, neither were their coats and hosen changed, nor the smell of fire upon them. Regardless of where you go and what come you are protected. I see the positioning of you and husband shoulder to shoulder represent Equal no one being greater and it is oneness, you see the pastor and his wife as Shepherd and Shepherd, having authority over, Amen!
Remember Jacob was Patriach and added to Abraham and Isaac,
God called him now Israel for he had met an angel of the Lord, and asked of his Name, after this experience you know it is the Lord, and even as I mentioned before the Hebrews (Israelite) was unharmed because an Angel of the Lord was with them Amen Daybreak, AMEN! Seek the Lord and most assuredly He will lead and guide you in all truth, for the Spirit of Truth and Counsel will rest upon you. I pray that the Lord will bring every good and perfect gift and thing yo fruition in your life and in this New Year of birthing. Be blessed. Read Genesis32:24-32, and study Jacob and
what God says Jacob I have loved, Esau, I hate, not hating the man yet his wild and untamed spirit for he was a hunter, didn't say much but his actions and his rebellion, and set up a people to defy and war continually with blood relatives, ISRAEL...God bless you.
In His Service~,
Being confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you will
perform it until the Day of Jesus Christ.
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Post by Daybreak »

GBU both for this....NOTW...I love the passages of scripture you left especially the one from Obadiah, it really spoke to me. Never knew that the house of Jacob was fire. Very interesting.

Beloved, yes, "Daybreak"...new day, new beginning, a definite change, joy comes in the morning. The funny thing is in irl that is what my name means and i'm NOT a morning person by any means. I can stay up all night, but don't expect me to get up early. If I had my way I would be in bed until noon. LOL :lol:

I'm definitely going to study Jacob, just sensing that what my dh and I will be entering through is pretty big, and a definite sacrifice from us to walk the walk. God has been doing this amazing thing in his life, almost like he is on this acceleration program with Him. And the fact we going step by step shows the oneness in what He will be doing with us. At times I feel like we are somewhat unbalanced, not in a bad way or unequally yoked. I believe its the way we've have been maturing with the Lord. We both come from very, very conservative baptist backgrounds. And when I prayed "Lord is there more to being a christian" about five years ago. It was from dry dusty christian to speaking/singing/praying in tongues and experiencing some real and tangible spiritual/physical manifestations that would probably scare most average christians. Up until then I never realized how MIGHTY our Lord is. WOW :cry: I feel like at times its been from 0 to 100 and no in between, sort of on the job training as I journey with Him. But i'm seeing this take place in my husband in the last few months and some amazing God things I never thought would happen has happened. So i'm truly blessed by what you both shared. There is a definite cost in serving Him and i'm praying that I will be able to stand firm in Him and with Him in this next season.

Thank you so much.

Daybreak 8)
Praise be to the LORD my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle. Psalm 144:1

Post by talitha »

reminds me of one of my husband's computer art pieces - he calls it "Peniel". Let me see if I can find it....

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Post by NOTW »

Awesome picture Tal, and so true. You know, there was a picture of some people worshipping in a retreat and one of the men in the service had a line of fire coming down on his head in the picture. It was soooo cool!!!
But i'm seeing this take place in my husband in the last few months and some amazing God things I never thought would happen has happened.
Daybreak, I know just what you mean. I've been baptist all my life and by God's grace, I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit this past June. My husband probably thinks I've gone nuts especially since he just converted this past year from Mormonism to Baptist. I just can't wait until the Lord reveals more of Himself to my husband so that we can be on fire together. Love you much!!!
Love in Christ,
NOTW (Not of this World)

2 Chronicles 29:11 - "My sons, do not be negligent now, for the Lord has chosen you to stand before him and serve him, to minister before him and to burn incense.”
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Post by Daybreak »

Tal, your husband never ceases to amaze me. What a creative gifted man!! I have my "Break Free" pic up by my computer and everytime I look at it, I get Holy Spirit goose bumps. Such power and anointng in his paintings.
I just can't wait until the Lord reveals more of Himself to my husband so that we can be on fire together.

Yes, keep praying for him, even when things don't appear in the natural right away. We had an absolute scary moment in our marriage last year, but what the enemy intended for evil, God made sure it was for our good and it has drawn us even closer to each other. The power of prayer of a praying wife.

We are no longer attending the baptist church. During a practice before our christmas eve 2007 service. I was standing in a semi-darkened sanctuary listening to the choir rehearse and I heard in my spirit that this would be our last christmas. I didn't even know what to make of it at the time because my husband had been telling me for months there was absolutely no way he was leaving there, and he wasn't the type to church hop. There are people there who were literally born in the church, married, raised their kids, took their grandkids and basically retired there. I think my husband probably envisioned us doing that. But come Jan 2008, he looked at me and said, "I believe God is preparing us for something and we need go." I was absolutely dumbfounded when he made that statment because I was ready to go like 2 years prior two...LOL :lol: Exactly 8 years, 8 mths to the day we left, and that was indeed our last christmas there. We are now attending a vibrant spirit-filled church and just within the short few months we've been there, I have seen such tremendous growth. WOW. :o

I will definitely uphold you and your husband in prayer NOTW. Love you too my dear sister!!!
Praise be to the LORD my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle. Psalm 144:1
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Post by HisBlood »

My husband came home from work tonight talking about Jacob and Joseph and how we need to study them in the Word. I found this and thought it would bless you as much as it did us!!

The Joseph Anointing To Fall in 2009

Julie Baxter

Houston Texas USA

Long before the term became popular my husband and I had what we termed a Joseph anointing. We had unusual favor with governments, supplies given and piling up on our doorsteps to give to those who had none, and a desire to change a nation.

We also had prophetic words about wealth transfer coming our way. The wealth didn’t appear. We prospered, but nothing we would have called wealth. And certainly not what anyone in the world would have called wealth.

God dealt with us about not giving over to “get rich quick” ideas, paying our tithe and giving sacrificially (that means it hurt – sometimes it hurt badly to give), and sowing generously when we were in famine.

We again were blessed and still are – but still there are those unfulfilled prophecies we are warring over in the Spirit.

Now add to this mix – several prophetic words given me this past 1.5 years; about supply lines beginning to dry up beginning with 2008 Fall Feasts, a season of changes, and winds blowing and not being cemented mentally, spiritually or physically to one place – but remaining fluid and flexible.

I was considering all this today and the Lord began to speak to me out of Genesis.
Scriptural References: from the New American Standard Updated

Genesis 37:3

Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his sons, because he was the son of his old age; and he made him a varicolored tunic.

Genesis 45:4-7

Then Joseph said to his brothers, "Please come closer to me." And they came closer. And he said, "I am your brother Joseph, whom you sold into Egypt. "Now do not be grieved or angry with yourselves, because you sold me here, for God sent me before you to preserve life. For the famine has been in the land these two years, and there are still five years in which there will be neither plowing nor harvesting. God sent me before you to preserve for you a remnant in the earth, and to keep you alive by a great deliverance. NASU

Genesis 49:22-26 Jacob’s prophesy/blessing over his favorite son.

Joseph is a fruitful bough, a fruitful bough by a spring; its branches run over a wall. The archers bitterly attacked him, and shot at him and harassed him; but his bow remained firm, and his arms were agile, from the hands of the Mighty One of Jacob (from there is the Shepherd, the Stone of Israel), From the God of your father who helps you, and by the Almighty who blesses you with blessings of heaven above, blessings of the deep that lies beneath, blessings of the breasts and of the womb. The blessings of your father have surpassed the blessings of my ancestors up to the utmost bound of the everlasting hills; may they be on the head of Joseph, and on the crown of the head of the one distinguished among his brothers.

The Joseph Anointing Prophesied is Poised to Fall in 2009.

All you who hear My voice, listen. Listen with hearts that will remember My former words to you and with minds set to obey at a moments notice.

This is that which I have prophesied – I AM Your Provider. Not your job, not your inheritance, not your government, not programs, not relatives – nothing and no one but ME has ever provided for you. You do not provide for yourself. I am the one who has caused you to have talents, skills and abilities to put food on your table. I am the one who opened the doors of employment and provision. I am the one who will close those doors to demonstrate My power to sustain you supernaturally.

I AM THAT I AM, and there is none other. Your very life breath comes from me.

For those who have heard My words and have hidden them in your heart – get ready. Make sure your base is secured and your teams are trained. I am about to pour out of My treasures in heaven the anointing My son Joseph received to save his family and his nation. Even as Joseph was tried – you will and have been tried. I will always try My own. Not so I see your gold, but so you see it.

I AM The Savior. And I want you to recognize when I say you are created in My image and My likeness – I want you to be a savior to those to whom I give you. A savior saves.

That means the ones needing the savior cannot save themselves. Just as you need Me to save you there are multitudes in the valley of decision – valleys sculpted out by My hands in this time and in this age to show them their lack and drive them to Myself.

You must be strong. You must not fear. Just as Joseph survived the attacks of his brethren so shall you. You must not expect to be any different than he – nor better than your master.

You must master your trials – or they shall master you.

When this anointing of favor, of provision, of rule – even this anointing to war pharaohs and pharaoh’s people of coming disaster comes – you must be in place to save.

When this anointing (this coat of many colors – this robe of distinction) comes your way – be in right standing with all you will ask to be your team – your cabinet of support. You will need to be comfortable with honor or pride and haughtiness will destroy you and tear others from My plans as well.

Some I will share My wealth with – some will manage it as Joseph did for Pharaoh and Daniel did for Nebuchadnezzar. Be ready to be a great steward of My resources whatever position I deem is right for you. Be ready to work within your nation’s rules and laws for I will not prosper the rebellious nor will I bless those who set up their own government. Babel fell and always will. It only appears to stand as long as I permit it. Do not emulate it’s methods in any way.

Even as Pharaoh’s people blessed Joseph for their salvation, so you will be blessed by those you rescue – if you do it My way. I gave Joseph wisdom to acquire grain when prices were low and blessed his rule by urging him to sell it when prices were high. No one will resent you for this tactic if it saves their lives and rescues their families. Watch the people whom I taught My business principles – watch and learn of covenant blessing and transactions. They have outlived any enemy set against them and prosper when no one else does.

The Joseph Anointing is already upon some of you in germ seed. You are not known as a forerunner for no reason. You are “out there” to many of your peers, and totally misunderstood by many of your family.

Get used to it. This anointing grows as you exercise it and are exercised by it. When you are faithful with a little, I will give you more. The more you acquire and give to others – the more I will give you to give. If you do not heap it upon yourselves nor give it to those swine who clamor for your attention – I will give and give and give. Do you think Bill Gates prospered himself? Do not be foolish.

The rain falls on the just and on the unjust – but I will always bless generosity. I love a cheerful giver. The happier it makes you to give the more you may expect this anointing to fall upon you. 2009 is just the beginning.

Even as I made Joseph a father to Pharaoh, and lord of all his house, and a ruler throughout all the land of Egypt so your heart to parent even the unruly and the awkward will position you to be a ruler in My Kingdom. It matters not what their testimony was – it matters what you will charge them with becoming. It matters not who parented them before – it only matters that they submit to your parenting. If they do not – they will wander. If they do – they will set at a banqueting table in the presence of their enemies.

Be prepared for your branches to run over walls! Every wall set before you – you can leap over if I command you to do so. Be prepared for when your tent is so enlarged your present place cannot contain it.

Always think in future terms. Be a visionary. Not just one who sees visions, but one who is always thinking and planning how to implement them. Don’t you believe I give strategies to those who are ready to run with them?

Seek Me for your next step. Keep walking – don’t stop – but seek Me as you raise one foot after the other. I order the steps of the Godly – but the unbelieving will wander aimlessly and make no progress from year to year. Seek Me for huge faith. You will need it in the years ahead.

Just as Joseph’s name means “he will add” – just as I am the One who adds to those with the Joseph anointing out of My riches in glory – so you must be willing to be called adders.

This will be the stigma for receiving the Joseph anointing. Those who are blinded by fear, mistrust and unbelief will call you a snake. They neither understand nor implement My principles and call those who do adders. They will not understand nor like your promotion or your increase. They will want to experience the corporate blessing without the corporate faith. Do not worry what they say about you – only that I have written your name in My book and your testimony in My heart.

Beginning in 2009 you will see fulfillment of dreams and visions and things I have prophesied to you. My forerunners, My prophets already have heard as I have mentioned these things in My courts. There are those Josephs being prepared by My hand for decades that will soon be made manifest.

It is My will that you all work together. I will be the One who gets the glory. If you work alone there is the temptation to steal My glory. I will not permit it. The anointing will fade and blow away gradually if any one man, woman, family or corporation tries to keep it their own.

The one thing that will distinguish you from all others is the love you have one for another. Just as Jacob loved Joseph best – My love is mutual – I love them that love Me. Love your brethren as I love you. Love the unsaved as I love you. Love will distinguish you for they will know you by your love. This fruit – this love – will clearly demonstrate who I AM in your life and the source of your anointing and blessing. It will bring to you all that you need to possess in order to do My will under the Joseph anointing.

The Baxters +>i<
Ezekiel 1:20 Wherever the spirit was about to go, they would go in that direction!
God Has Plans to Prosper His Own

E. Julie Baxter

Blessings and Love
Carolyn Cook
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Post by HisBlood »

Hi Again

I had forwarded this to my husband who has been
moving in interpetation more and more......

Here is his response -

The jewellery in this dream, especially the rings are only symbols of the love that is really in our heart. The spirit of man or the world will try to make her and her husband destroy the symbols of their relationship and their relationship with Christ but the real love is in their heart (he looked at me with such love) and it can't be destroyed no matter what the spirit of this world tries to do to the things around us. They walked shoulder to shoulder across the fiery coals - this speaks of a trial they will face together but it won't touch them as the blanket represents the Spirit of God taking them through it. The Spirit of Jacob represents their hanging onto God like Jacob did when he wrestled with God and he wouldn't let God go until he was blessed. The Spirit of God is their determination to see God's blessing and His will being done that will take them through the trial that is coming.

Tell them to get closer to God than they ever have. Read the scriptures and get the promises of God close at hand and hold into them with all of their hearts. He is their champion.


Hope this blesses u as much as it blessed me!
Blessings and Love
Carolyn Cook
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Post by Daybreak »

I am blessed beyond measure by what your husband shared. PLEASE give him a big thank you hug on behalf of myself and my dh. (And you too, let him hug you back. LOL :lol: )

It’s been interesting the past few days with regards to this dream, because I have not stopped thinking about it. Last year October I attended my friend’s Fall conference at her church,her Aunt-in-law spoke and because it was my birthday she had given me a CD of one her sermons. I haven’t had the chance to listen to it until shortly after this dream. The title of the teaching is called Return to Your First Love. So in my mind at the time I thought it was based on 1 Cor 13 or some passage that talks about love. Boy was I wrong!!! The entire teaching was on Jacob. LOL :lol: So i've been listening and writing etc. God's perfect timing once again.

Another interesting thing, this afternoon I was singing the Jacob song over and over. And I stopped and I remember asking the Lord, "Why the Spirit of Jacob? Why not the Spirit of David? or the Spirit of Elijah ? Then I heard the line from the song as my response, The Spirit of Jacob ...yeah...will get you to the other side. And I wondered about that, and then this thought was deposited, yes he wrestled with the angel of the Lord, but he also had a dream in which he saw a stairway from earth to heaven with angels ascending and descending. When he awoke he said, “How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God; this is the gate of heaven” Gen 28:17.

The other side to what my husband and I will be going through will not only be His protection upon us, guiding us safely out of our trial. But that we would “see THE other side” the heavenly realm of activity through our situation…(whatever that is, because at this point it hasn’t happened as yet). In Jacob’s spirit, he did see the other side. WOW. So love the Lord’s download. I was in tears after receiving this revelation. God is so good! God is so good! He’s so good to me!!
Praise be to the LORD my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle. Psalm 144:1
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Post by HisBlood »


I sent this to Eldon.....he loves to be hugged too, lol!

I have always loved Jacob's story and can relate, so much!
Have seen and dreamt about portals in heaven. We had
a prophetic vision spoken to us of how our home was a
huge crystal gold fortress on a hill, a place of refuge and
war. There was a portal from heaven on the top of our
home and angels ascended and descended on us and
we sent them out through prayer and scriptural declarations.
If it happened to John, it can happen to us.

Rev. 4 : 1 -After these things I looked, and behold, a door
standing open in heaven. And the first voice which I heard
was like a trumpet speaking with me, saying, "Come up here,
and I will show you things which must take place after this."

The supernatural is going to become more and more common
place for us, as we are stripped and the more chamber time
we spend with HIM!!

You should share some of those things you are receiving in the
teaching section?

The entire teaching was on Jacob. LOL So i've been listening and writing etc. God's perfect timing once again.

Perception and discernment are crucial now more than ever
and Jacob seemed to have those qualities! Except of course
in regards to his wife, lol!

The Spirit of Jacob ...yeah...will get you to the other side.

We will all have to get to this place....we walk by faith and not by sight
we would “see THE other side”....In Jacob’s spirit, he did see the other side

Be blessed dear sister,
Love ya
We overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb and by the Word of our testimony.....
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