on the bus...

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on the bus...

Post by anyamanee »

So I am dreaming and we, my friend and i are riding on a bus or a train, not sure; we get on at the beginning of the line and ride on until the end; it's just me, my friend and the driver.

This ride takes place over many hours. We are chatting and having a great time. At one point I notice the heart pendant he wears which I gave him (not to wear but rather as a thing to remember me by, he decided to actually wear it) now has a small Buddha amulet in the center.

Also, noteworthy; we are communicating perfectly; my Thai is clear and he is speaking fluent English (he only speaks a tiny bit which he rarely uses with me) I recall he said one or two very significant things; cannot remember what they were.

At first I try to "practice my Thai" by speaking Thai but figure, oh who cares, as long as we are speaking and understanding?" and from then on I'm not sure what the language we used was.

what do you think the pendant means? He really does wear this pendant; I really did give it to him; but it's the pendant is simply a heart with diamonds around it.
Second question, what do you think the dream means? Was it from God? What should I do?

Also, noteworthy; though a Buddhist ((and we are careful to say, "it is not about changing religions but about knowing and following Jesus Christ for salvation and joy)) this guy has had some significant signs of turning his life over to Christ, perhaps not yet but perhaps shortly.

The whole atmosphere was fun, peaceful, filled with love....time passed by without notice for either of us.

Thinking back on it I thought, was this heaven? No language barrier, no other obsticles; perhaps the driver was the Lord?

Post by anyamanee »

since posting this I have now learned that this friend got very ill; after going out with his 10 yr old child taking her out touring the city and getting wet in the rain came down with a high fever (he said, 40 C) and was shaking from the fever. He went to the clinic and they gave him a large shot of meds and he slept for 12 hours not eating nor drinking
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Post by WaitingforHim »

Wondering if this dream is speaking to you of your journey with this man....the bus or train ride speaking of your journey with him...

Thinking the Lord may be showing you that even though all seems well and there are no communication(languages) barriers between you....you still have a problem....Its a heart issue....He has given his heart to Budda ...another love other than Christ.

I believe that Lord is showing you that you have tried to communicate this to him in ways he can understand (by trying to speak thai) but its not working too well....

I am wondering if this is a dream for you to consider whether or not the Lord wants you to continue your journey with this friend..??? I am not saying that the Lord would want you to just forget about this person...just maybe rethink how much of your journey you spend with him on his journey...You can still witness...

If none of this bares witness please discard it...
Lots of Love
Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Post by anyamanee »

yes i see how it could be about our journey. We have been friends since about 7 months into our term here. We ae now here 2.5 yrs; and are yet friends. The time together has been limited a great deal from the past and perhaps this is a Word to hae less contact now as well. Not sure. I really enjoy him and learn alot and so the dream in part may have come from a desire to have a long time to just sit and converse as we used to when he was my language tutor.

but its not to be for now....perhaps not until heaven; and the Lord has over and over assured me, "he will be saved; it is the reasson you have had so much contact; seen so much movement toward Christ.

Perhaps, and sadly, our friendship has been reduced to just between us; no one else validates it; except the kind driver of our journey who is happy to have us sit and chat.

Thank you for your words; they are considered and I do think you may be on target. Bless you.
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Post by Blessings »

Oh how I long for that day that we can commuicate that way. That was a glorious picture of what God is doing. Keep praying for this man. Be encouraged.

Post by anyamanee »

thank you so much.

I am having a bad day; quite discouraged b/c yesterday i broke my foot.
whatever i suffer if it means someone comes into the kingdom as a true worshipper of the Lord Jesus I count it nothing.

Post by anyamanee »

i have had another dream; this time most details were related to a desire of an ex-pat friend of mine to have this person (same guy) do a project for homeschooled kids....

and he was preparing to do the project, in the dream. I notice he has an amulet necklace -- again it really stands out. I look again and it has a time clock, like a time bomb with it.

my husband appears in the dream; is cordial but then leaves in a bit of a huff; I think, "oh no I'm going to have trouble now" as my husband has had misunderstanding with this guy and has a very cool relationship with him; doesn't like me to have anything to do with him; never mind it's the one person God seems to be moving more than anyone else. It's something for prayer.
I have sensed a long time now that my husband is going to lead this guy to the Lord.

After waking my husband was in a super crabby mood related to some nagging work conflicts, in which he has a lot of frustrations and I understand; also I recently broke my foot so I was also "out of it" and not very supportive
(I usually am, as I agree with him 100% on the issues of conflict)
and he got touchy as the dream had actually prophecied...


Post by anyamanee »


Re: on the bus...

Post by anyamanee »

At one point I notice the heart pendant he wears which I gave him (not to wear but rather as a thing to remember me by, he decided to actually wear it) now has a small Buddha amulet in the center.
--------this part of the dream was esp. clear; the pendant shone in the middle. i have now noticed that the pendant is no longer on the chain. I sense that perhaps it was taken off or lost when he was so sick the very day and time even perhaps i had this dream.

I also suspect it has a good meaning...i will post my thoughts in quesions, as I need some discernment in this matter, and don't trust my heart to make a good move. Thanks and blessings

Post by talitha »

bumping - see related thread - I need help to discern

Post by anyamanee »

i have discoverd just how prophetic this dream was.

the pendant in the dream I now know was given to his daughter; as I said, he had gotten very ill after taking her out touring all day; ended up with a high (40C) fever, went to urgent care; got a shot and fell deep asleep for perhaps 20 hours; not rising to eat, drink or go to the bathroom....

The dream happened when he was sleeping; and the pendant was gone. I have talked with him about it now.

Discernement on the meaning further in the dream? Why would I have this dream?


Post by anyamanee »

argh.....I'm weeping inside b/c he has now attached a Buddha-type amulet in place of the heart pendant. :-(
So the dream was completely prophetic in the pendant aspect. Was it in the rest? Will we have a long relaxed journey together? Will it be relaxed, peaceful, with "driver Dad" looking on approvingly???
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Post by WaitingforHim »

Wondering if this dream is speaking to you of your journey with this man....the bus or train ride speaking of your journey with him...

Thinking the Lord may be showing you that even though all seems well and there are no communication(languages) barriers between you....you still have a problem....Its a heart issue....He has given his heart to Budda ...another love other than Christ.

I believe that Lord is showing you that you have tried to communicate this to him in ways he can understand (by trying to speak thai) but its not working too well....

I am wondering if this is a dream for you to consider whether or not the Lord wants you to continue your journey with this friend..??? I am not saying that the Lord would want you to just forget about this person...just maybe rethink how much of your journey you spend with him on his journey...You can still witness...

If none of this bares witness please discard it...
Lots of Love
Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Post by anyamanee »


Thinking the Lord may be showing you that even though all seems well and there are no communication(languages) barriers between you....you still have a problem....Its a heart issue....He has given his heart to Budda ...another love other than Christ.


funny to have this quote, "there are no communication barriers" when I just had a hard day really days with language; specifically with this person. So there are barriers. However, one thing that is a bit different here: we have clearly communicated that you don't have to change religions to follow Jesus.
In another words, it is possible to remain a Buddhist (but not an animist, which is the mix that typically exits here) and follow Jesus.
And so, w/o really knowing what he's wearing (I only saw it from far, he is hiding it from me as he did the first pendant} it can be all kinds of reason; and I won't know until I ask; and I intend to ask b/c he knows about this dream but w/o the particular detail of the pendant with the amulet inside....and now I will b/c we do talk of prophetic senses/dreams which he also has a strong history of and says "it is started to get very high again" though won't give details...i suspect he has sensed something about me or my family that is not for me to know...I have felt for a long time he has a very high pre=believer prophetic..as I did..

As for ending our friendship /journey that is up to God....
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Post by WaitingforHim »

it is possible to remain a Buddhist (but not an animist, which is the mix that typically exits here) and follow Jesus.
Could you explain what you mean a little clearer here? If isn't possible or biblical to serve any "two" Gods. Any if you are a buddhist aren't you serving another God? Am I misunderstanding what you are saying?

Also, yes, I agree that it is up to the Lord whether or not the relationship continue...I stated that earlier..And it is also possible to love one another even if we do have other religions...but I also know the word does say to seperate yourself from them in the sense that if you have given the truth and they continue to walk in sin or worship idols then all that is left for you to do is pray for them and if the Lord speaks to you then obey...but to remain in relationship with them ...well, I just don't think that is biblical. If I am misunderstanding here as well please explain...

Love to you...
Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.