yellow bicycles

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yellow bicycles

Post by grace_full1 »

After no dreams in a long time....LOL

I was waiting at an intersection and the oncoming traffic was turning in front of me (I was waiting to make a left hand turn) the vehicles turing in front of me were all yellow bicycles. There were long ones and tall (old fashioned types with the big front wheels) One was long with green polka dots (there was on older guy with a bower hat and beard riding that one)

Some were using their arms to make turn signals. Most were signaling to turn left (arm straight out) one signaled to turn right (which I knew was the wrong signal) but turned left. I had to wait for all of these people to turn before I could turn because of the fact some didn't know their signals.

When I was finally able to turn I turned onto a sidewalk type road. There were two gals in front of me going to ride their bikes on this road as well. It was a difficult path and they decided they would pay someone to ride the path for the the price quoted to them was $98 each or $196 total. So they were walking in front of me.

I somehow knew both of them (went to school with them) I only knew the name of one of them she was wearing black pants and a green top her name was Amber (I know again with the yellow) The were walking in front of me .

The path was hard and it was difficult to pedal my bicycle up the path. It looked more like a skateboard park vs. a path cause it went up and down and turned. I was humming to help me get up the hill and keep me motivated while pedaling (I didn't realize I was doing it I just did it naturally) I was humming a line of "Jesus loves me" with each push of the pedal.

The gals in front of me decided they were not going to walk on ahead they were going to stay with me so I could "entertain" them with my humming while I was riding the path. (I basically groaned at them (it was a lot of work) and said "don't you dare" (In a I can't believe you are doing that to me type of way)

I got to the end of the path and woke up when I bumped off the trail at the end.
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
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Post by bjcollin »


Your dream with all the different bikes in it almost reminded me of a few crazy dr sesus books that I used to read to my son when he was younger. hahaha. Anyway, whenever I have seen bicycles in a dream, especially when I have been riding one, it was showing me a time in my life when I was living very selfishly and living only for myself. Bicycles are vehicles that only have room for one person, yourself. At any rate, your dream seems to also hold this same type of individualistic meaning for bicycle but is a little different in meaning, in that it doesn't have the selish meaning.

In this drea it seems that as you are watching everybody doing each his/her own thing in this life, some with style, some without style, and some with very old fashioned style. Sometimes you will even get mixed signals out of people from time to time or run across those who don't know what they are doing or where they are going. Everybody has to ride and choose their own path, but you will even see some people trying to buy their way out of it which won't ever work. It is a lot of work, and some have paved the path before you, but eventually you will break free and be blazing your own path before the Lord where other's cannot go. I see this dream as encouraging. Hope this helps.

in Christ,
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Post by grace_full1 »

Thanks BJ,

The dream wasn't really discouraging to me (but trying to interpret it was if that makes sense cause I knew that it could represent something in the flesh but it didn't seem quite right to me cause I didn't feel in the dream like it was something bad.) It just seemed like there was this task in front of me and I had to accomplish it...on my little yellow bicycle...granted I don't know WHAT color my bike was in the dream but my bike IRL is yellow with orange flowers...(yup I'm the envy of the preteen set in the town...LOL )

Thanks again I'll pray over your insight of it.
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
~ Romans 15:13
