Keys,Witchcraft & Cellphone

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Keys,Witchcraft & Cellphone

Post by zadokpriest »

Strange dream I had some time ago:

In this dream I was with several women. We where going to meet in an apartment for prayer.

When I went to pray - two electrical cords stood up and came to attack me! :shock:

In the dream I found a hatchet and cut the head of these cords off.

Then other appliance began to attack me.

In the dream - I realized that the people I was with where operating and witchcraft and they realized that I was not one of them.

The immediately began to chase me.

I ran out the building and got into my car.

While in the car my girlfried (she was also with us in prayer) called me on my cellphone.

She begun to talk but did not make any sense - she said now you can spend more time with Nicole (her sister in real life).

The Spirit of God told me that she was bewitched and her mind was being controlled.

I immediately hung the phone but now I knew that they could track me through my cell phone. In the dream I saw these people transmitting things across the airwave - deceiving many, many people and controlling their minds. False signs and wonders where abounding and people where being control and seduced by this people. They where praying and releasing these spirits across the network and airwaves.

I then threw the phone out the window - but the Spirit of God said, "Retrieve the phone, transport the information from the phone - i.e. contact names and phone numbers to another phone - then get rid of the phone.

I left my car ran and got the phone - then I got into a taxi with a man that was the head of the group of people that I was with originally. However, they where blinded - it was as if they did not have discernment - hard to explain. Although this man was the leader of this group - the spirit of God told me - he is not the leader, there is a woman behind the scenes that is pulling his strings.

I was in the back seat of the taxi and he was driving.

He the pulled out this cologne and went to spray it on everyone, however, when he went to spray it on me - it repelled back to him and left an odor - that was when he realized that I was not one of them.

I then jumped out of the taxi and ran into a Hotel Ball Room.

The man and the others came running after me.

In the ballroom there where three sets of keys one set was mine, the other was this man's keys and then there was third set.

They sent people out in the Hotel looking for me - this group had mind control over the people.

I ran but I also grapped my keys and the man's keys!

He was livid and told everyone to stop me because I had his keys.

I ran into the ballroom area to distract them.

In the dream - I remember I had to get to my son and I needed to do so quickly.

End of Dream.


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Post by Robert159347 »

Well, basically I think it means that you need to give a second thought about the people you have fellowship with. The phone I think means to keep the information about them to tell other people and warn them, and also since you had to get rid of the phone it means to completely cut off any communication with them. The rest is pretty self explanatory except for the keys, which I'm not to certain. If G-d reveals it to me I'll let you know.
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Post by Robert159347 »

Here's what common biblical symbols says about key.

Key: Kingdom access; knowledge; authority that is prophetic; capability to overcome and understanding of the Word; ruler over evil through the power of the cross; the Lord Jesus; the dominion and standing given to the children of God to defeat sin and the devil; possessor of supreme power both good or evil.

Don't know it applies to your dream, but I'll let you decide that.
"I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me." Gal 2:20
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Post by zadokpriest »

Thanks Robert. :)

I pretty much got the jest with regards to the people and keys - yes. Thank you for the insight on the phone very good!

What I'm looking to get more insight into was the cologne the man was trying to spray on me - I've never seen that in a dream before or even heard of that - so I'm wondering what is it and what does it mean.

Be Blessed!

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Post by Lillian »

This verse comes to mind:

2 Corinthians 2:14 But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him.
2 Corinthians 2:15 For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.
2 Corinthians 2:16 To the one we are the smell of death; to the other, the fragrance of life. And who is equal to such a task?
2 Corinthians 2:17 Unlike so many, we do not peddle the word of God for profit. On the contrary, in Christ we speak before God with sincerity, like men sent from God.
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Post by ditte3 »

Interesting dream.Please ask the Holy Spirit about your dream.
I will think of it.What came into my mind about the taxi driver not being the real leader,but a woman,that it is said that Spirit of Jezebel can appear even in the Church,so we have to watch out.I don't know if that is the case.
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Post by Jewels-inhisheart »

I can t have much to share except when i have been in deliverance our lines have been attacked. About threw maybe FOUR TIMES. firs IT WAS A BUZZING. The n]my daughter for some reasons went into her room and monkeyed with the wiring i her room unwittingly messed with out phone ( in the middle of a phone conference) another time ti phone cut off completely,,,and the the phone company had to repair the breach that i think said was done the road....' Other times i have gotten phone conferences mixed up,. One i almost over;sleep the other day almost it except for my cell.'Yes the enemy can use the phone lines....'MY cell has been left close by in case of another incident with our land line.. The supernatural realm can going to those to. I never experienced that but my daughter did,,but she was in rebellion, separated from a abusive relations and haunted house a tithe time..In other words the dark forces can monkey with electrical appliances and phone lines.... Keep ur phones and maybe radios and TV coveted with the power of Jesus blood,binding any use from and of the enemy. Do this every day diligently especially int-ll after about a week or two after Halloween.
keep pondering the dream and keep it bumped.
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Re: Keys,Witchcraft & Cellphone

Post by shesthedreamer »

zadokpriest wrote: I immediately hung the phone but now I knew that they could track me through my cell phone. In the dream I saw these people transmitting things across the airwave - deceiving many, many people and controlling their minds. False signs and wonders where abounding and people where being control and seduced by this people. They where praying and releasing these spirits across the network and airwaves.

I immediately thought of that commerical they started having on the last superbowl about the tv and it sucking or eating your brains out. And the actor laughing about it, it's the Hulu commerical. I see it when my children walk past tv's in a store, they immediately get sucked it, it's scary.
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Post by dance-in-the-son »

It appears that the Lord is giving you the keys to help defeat the enemies attack, I beleive the Lord is exposing the tactics more and more so that we can overcome and stand in our place of authority. I beleive this woman is Jezebel as it was spoken already. This could be a corporate warning, ask the Lord to reveal the full meaning and plan of action which starts and ends with makes you really want to be aware of where you hang out and the false signs and wonders...we really have to know how to discern the false spirits out there even the closer we commune with the Holy Spirit and know His word, the better we will discern and stay away from the wrong influences.
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Post by zadokpriest »

Thank you all for sharing! I do believe that this is corporate as well as personal and yes I believe it is a Jez spirit. I will continue to pray on this.

Lillian thank you for posting those scriptures! In the dream when the man sprayed me the cologne bounced back on him and it stunk to him.

Much Love!

zadok :D
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Post by piano »

Hi Zadok,

The connection between the electricity/appliances and witchcraft is something I think is important.
This power is different from the power of God, because it is something that is of the world, and not of Him.

It has to do with creation, rather than the creator.

Any more thoughts on this one Zadok?

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