Debt, Snakes, and God's Treasure - Renamed & Reposted

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Debt, Snakes, and God's Treasure - Renamed & Reposted

Post by NOTW »

Hey Guys! It has been a couple of weeks since I have dreamed anything that I thought was from God or could comprehend enough to post. I'm sorry it is so long...I broke it up as easy as I could. So here goes...

Scene 1:
I am talking to my mom and telling her that I need some money. The bank has called me and my account is over drawn and they have charged me $2500.00 in return check fees and charges.

Scene 2:
I'm at this house and I saw an albino deer and then there is a white and red snake about 18 inches long that is coming at me. My husband takes a shovel and hits it on the head and it is dead. My husband then picks it up off the ground and begins to stretch the body out and I'm about to warn him to be careful b/c I knew that the venom would still be in the fangs. Before I could warn him, his hand slipped and the fangs sank into his hand.

I was very upset b/c not only had my husband been poisoned, but I had no money to pay his medical bill at the hospital. Mark, a friend from church, told me that he would help me pay.

Scene 3:
There were several people going on a trip (I believe people from my church). Everyone was ready to leave and we were all sitting in stadium seating somewhere in town. I think that we were going to play a baseball game when we got to where we were going. However, I realize that I had forgotten my shoes for the game. The shoes that I had on were slip ons and I would definitely not be able to play in them but it was too late to go home to get my old ones. I decided that I would buy some new ones when we get to where we were going but I was upset b/c I would have to put them on the credit card b/c I didn't have any money to buy them.

While we were sitting in the stadium, I was sitting by our ex-youth pastor, Thomas, and he was being obnoxious to me and I was asking him why he was acting this way. It was almost like he was a child and thought that he was being funny...

When we get to the hotel, I realize that I was missing clothes or that I had no clothes in my bag. So I was upset b/c that was something else that I would have to buy.

Well, me and my husband go to this store and I have a list of items that the Holy Spirit had given to me regarding someone that he wanted me to speak to that met the criteria that was on the list. I went into the store to look for shoes and a man was helping me. Well I left the store, and someone outside was commenting on the clerk inside and as he began to talk, I realized that the clerk matched every criteria on my list. So I go back into the store and there were 5 other clerks all looking somewhat similar to the guy that I was looking for. I asked the clerks and they said that the one that I was looking for just went outside. I catch up with him and begin to tell him that the Holy Spirit sent me to him and began to tell him about Jesus..


Let me give you guys some background.... I do feel stressed over my finances. I have about $7000 in credit card debt that I'm trying to pay off and I prayed last night that the Lord would make a way for me to get out of this debt. I asked him to show me the way...

I went to my cousin's house and she had a white deer skin.

Also, I watched a podcast from extreme prophetic about how they went on a treasure hunt. It was all about finding God's treasure. They would pray and be led to make a list of things such as red baseball cap, brown shoes, beads, etc. Well, then they would go into the city and look for these clues and find the person that God was leading them to wittness to.

So I'm wondering if these dreams were soulish or from God being that I had just experienced these things yesterday....

Any thoughts?
Love in Christ,
NOTW (Not of this World)

2 Chronicles 29:11 - "My sons, do not be negligent now, for the Lord has chosen you to stand before him and serve him, to minister before him and to burn incense.”
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Post by WaitingforHim »

When I read this dream before I ever got to the bottom I felt the Lord was showing how you were concerned about your finances and how you were going to pay for the things that you need and the things that you want..I was seeing that you were overwhelmed and that even when you have tried to stretch what you have had it ended up biting you..Butttttt...
I was also seeing that the Lord was showing you to focus not on what you don't have, but what He has given to you already. Seeing that as you follow HIS leading and continue to serve others in your testimony of who Jesus is that your needs will be met as well.

I could be wrong, so please seek Him for confirmation.
I love you, and as I also am believing Him for help in this type of situation I do know what you are going through. But He is more than able!!
I love you!
Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
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Post by NOTW »

As I was reading your post, the Spirit was reminding me of the disciples that went into other cities to minister....

Luk 9:2 and he sent them out to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.
Luk 9:3 He told them: "Take nothing for the journey-no staff, no bag, no bread, no money, no extra tunic.

I do know that God will provide all that I ever would need or want and I just need to trust his ways and not my own devices. I feel that I'm getting the go-ahead on a business setup for my family and that God will bless it. I asked Him to open or close doors if this is not what we should do and so far the doors have been opened. If this is the case, then when we get our income tax back in April, then all of our credit card debt will be paid!!! Praise God for answered prayers and an immediate response to them. Thank you so much for your encouragement WFH! I also ask God to grant you financial security and for every tithe and offering presented to Him, I ask it to be doubled and tripled for the kingdom and it to also manifest in the earthly realm. God is miraculous and I can't wait for the testimonies to unfold!

Love you to sis!!!
Love in Christ,
NOTW (Not of this World)

2 Chronicles 29:11 - "My sons, do not be negligent now, for the Lord has chosen you to stand before him and serve him, to minister before him and to burn incense.”
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Post by WaitingforHim »

Excited and waiting with you my blessed sister.
Thank you so much.
Love you
Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.