Baby comes with instructions

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Baby comes with instructions

Post by connie »

Dream took place in a basement aprtment which was very bright, full of light. (I don't recognize this place from IRL) I was sleeping in my room on a double high set of mattresses set right on the floor. The 'bed' was pushed up against the corners of the wall. All the bed linens were white on white. Someone placed a baby in bed beside me. I was to care for the baby on a probationary or foster-care type of basis. I was under the impression that the baby was mine already because I felt very comfortable with it.

Baby came with many instructions & particular conditions. There was a schedule and some multi-stepped, complicated method of preparing it's formula in some unrecognizable contraptions. I didn't even recognize it's bottle. I was rummaging through the baby's boxes looking for ? maybe a diaper and clothing. I made a bit of a mess, as I pulled items out of different boxes and set them down in various places in my room. I wasn't feeling overwhelmned but I was thinking all the conditions and contraptions were basically unnecessary.. but I still wanted to be obedient and adhere to the rules. I thought if I can't figure out how to work all this stuff, I have some extra baby supplies.

This part is interesting. The baby had been brought in through my living room window by Paul. I thought of Paul as an 'overseer' in the dream. (IRL, Paul was the property manager of a place I worked in)

I was taking the baby for a bath & enroute, I saw Paul peeking through the living room window. He had come to check up on me and baby already. Baby was dressed in all-white, too loose & too much clothing (receiving blankets, nighties, undershirts & cloth diaper) As I was walking down the hallway, it's clothing was falling off. Baby filled my arms; it was a few months old but physically it looked like and weighed like a 6-7 month old.

I'm holding baby & trying to reach for a specific towel set smack dab in the center of a pile of other towels in my very full linen closet. I called out for my son to help me because the stacks of linen were starting to fall out. He came running but the linens all fell on the floor. Quite a mess.

I took baby back to my room and wondered what Paul would think about the state of clutter. He was sitting in a corner armchair, slouching down in a really relaxed, casual position. I think he came through the window again. His facial expression was calm & I thought he seemed to be ok with the temporary state of upheaval in the apt.

I walked into my room and noticed my 'bed' had been pulled away from the corner walls. That struck me as odd but I pushed it back against the wall with my foot & I set baby on the bed. I started to change it's diaper. I was wondering how long I would have to use cloth diapers and if I could or should switch to disposable pampers after a few months. I was mentally doing laundry, estimating how many diapers I could fit into a washing machine. I could feel Paul's presence or eyes watching me but I wasn't uncomfortable at all. End

Hmmm.. too much turkey? :lol:

In His Love, connie
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Post by sheep »

Hi Connie,
The baby I believe is a new believer in the Lord. Paul is the Lord and he is putting His little one in your care. Having the bed pushed against the wall I feel is being intimately attached to the Lord (cornerstone). When things start to get messy I see that the Lord has given you the faith and strength to hold onto the peace of God (your foot pushing back the bed into the corner).


Post by talitha »

Connie, blessings and love in the name of Jesus! and from my heart as well.... :mrgreen:

these bits stand out to me:
  • basement aprtment which was very bright, full of light
  • The 'bed' was pushed up against the corners of the wall.
  • through my living room window
  • I wasn't feeling overwhelmned but I was thinking all the conditions and contraptions were basically unnecessary.. but I still wanted to be obedient and adhere to the rules.
I think the basement full of light is indicative of the position of your "room" in the Father's house - you operate from a secret place that is often unseen and under the surface - low profile - but that doesn't mean it's dark. "If therefore your whole body is full of light, with no dark part in it, it will be wholly illumined, as when the lamp illumines you with its rays." (Luke 11:36) Awesome.....

The bed pushed up against the corners of the wall - to me this is a place of hiddenness within your place of hiddenness..... Your Secret Place within your position..... hope that makes sense - and is indicative of your relationship with the Lord - no unnecessary adornments but a double portion of the cushioning - lol, I'm now thinking of jewel's cushy place she spoke of.....
fwiw the etymology of mattress:
c.1290, from O.Fr. materas, from It. materasso, from M.L. matracium, borrowed in Sicily from Arabic al-matrah "the cushion" (cf. Sp. almadraque "mattress"), lit. "the thing thrown down," from taraha "he threw (down)."

meanwhile, back at the ranch..... :mrgreen:

"through my living room window" - your overseer is observing your living, it seems - and he enters your life in that way and for that purpose to observe and oversee - not much intrusion - he brings you this baby - this ministry, perhaps - through the window - you have been observed and judged worthy of consideration for an assignment? this is a very serious assignment, so perhaps a trial period is wise.

Hmm, I'm beginning to think that this dream holds a prophecy for you for this coming year - change and new responsibility coming because you have passed a sort of test....... that seems to be happening with a lot of people in a variety of ways - very exciting!

The part about the unnecessary trappings - you will need to exercise discernment, it seems, when it comes to your new responsibility - what "conditions and contraptions" you really have to deal with - perhaps proving yourself to be faithful (study to show yourself approved, etc.) - and what "conditions and contraptions" are truly just hoops people want you to jump through - or perhaps "the way we've always done it" to others, you know?

lots to think about here.....

blessings again
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Post by connie »

Thank you sheep.. the new believer did come my way the next day and the Lord's grace and faith was with me.. in the midst of the clutter that came.

by the way, the mess wasn't really a mess.. just 'clean clutter' lol

And back to Tally's ranch

I understand what you're saying and I thank you deeply for this. The Lord let me know earlier in the week, He had something for me through you. You've helped me to pinpoint what situation the Lord is refering to.

You are right on with the 'hoops' and I've been jumping through hoops for a 'little while' (to borrow the Lord's phrase, which translates into years :lol: ). In this past season, it's been particularly trying for me but I praise the Lord for revealing that the 'hoop jumping' isn't done yet but His grace will be with me through it all. I know He is using me as a 'whetting/sharpening stone' for someone else's sword practice and it's painful at times but He is always about doing two-fold good works in all things. I'll remain yielded by His grace.

The contraptions in the dream were from the past.. bulky bottle sterilizers and stuff. The baby was wearing clothing from that time period as well and personally, I dressed my babies in that type of cozy clothing (except for the cloth diapers).. but not in so many layers. I think He is unraveling some of those layers this year! PTL

Thank you for the root meaning of mattress.. 'the thing thrown down' well.. I understand what the Lord is saying.

You've also given me great revelation on the whole 'basement suite' symbol! I've wondered about that.

Your interp gives me hope and I feel renewed and energized to stay the course. I'm pleased to know i've passed the 'test', *big sigh of relief. I look forward to the newness that is coming forth this year and am praying to keep my ears pressed to His heart that I may discern correctly.

Blessings to you and your house Tal and Nathan.

In His Love, connie

and I acknowledge and receive everything else you offered.. I feel like the proverbial cat who swallowed the canary :lol:
