VISION: Incoming call w/name & written message on scree

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VISION: Incoming call w/name & written message on scree

Post by eyes.enlightened »

VISION: I saw a vision of an incoming phone call from my friend Clara. Her name appeared on the caller i.d. and immediately after it rang once, another call showed up on the caller i.d. It was like a flash of her name on the screen, then another flash and on the screen was a call from my friend Sam. His name appeared on the caller i.d. along with a written message with a question mark behind it. I cannot remember what the message said, but I know that is was a question with it, because at the end of the sentence I saw a (?) mark.

In (irl) incoming calls do not come in with a written message on the screen with the person's name too, but it did in the vision. It wasn't a "text message", but an incoming call with a typed message on the incoming call screen. This makes the vision interesting, I know this a different, but there has to be a reason why it appeared that way with the name and message on the incoming call screen.

Telephone visions are interesting. I know that sometimes it means a message from God. However, I have been praying about it. I am wondering what the Lord is saying to me through these unusual type calls coming in back to back in a vision. Usually my visions are literal, but this seems to be symbolic, so I am in wonder. Is it literal or symbolic?

Your input would be appreciated.

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Post by A Warrior's Heart »

Maybe it has to do with your spiritual gift(s)...or receiving direct messages from the Lord. Perhaps just a way that the Lord communicates with you about certain things or people. I guess it would help to remember the messages if you can.
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Post by bjcollin »

I guess you are being called to pray for these people in intercession... also maybe there is a message for them or for you as well. Pray for more clarity from the Lord.

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Post by eyes.enlightened »

WH :roll::roll: PS! I didn't know that I posted this vision in the Dream Question section. I thought I'd posted in the Visions and Dreams section. Bj, do you think that you could move this vision to the Vision and Dreams section, I would appreciate it. If not, I'm okay with it staying in the Dream Questions.

Anyhow, thanks for the replies, "A Warrior's <3" and BJ". I was thinking on the line of both of you. I am wondering if the two calls has anything to do with the answer to what I have been praying about? I had been in fasting and prayer for a few days when I saw the vision. The second call is the one that really baffles me. The one with the name and message on it and the question mark behind it.

A Warrior's <3, I couldn't see the message because it flashed too fast to read it. The only thing that I could grasp that quickly was the (?) mark at the end of it. This is how I knew that it was a question the caller was asking me.

I'm still praying about it like...
BJ said, "maybe there is a message for them or for you as well. Pray for more clarity from the Lord."
I know that there is something more that I need to understand. Seeking and I will find.

"Thanks a bunch"!
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Post by bjcollin »

Seek and ye shall find, knock and the door shall be opened unto you.

Moved the dream to dreams and visions section. God Bless you.

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Post by eyes.enlightened »


Thanks for moving it. Yes, seek and I will find, knock and the door shall be opened. Speaking of seek, find, knock and open; exactly what I am doing. I had a dream last night that Clara called me and I answered the phone. She's talking to me and in my mind I am thinking about the vision of her calling me the other day. I'm thinking and saying to myself in the dream, "Clara has called, so Sam will be calling me too, just like I saw in my vision". I am so surprised and happy that the phone call was unfolding as the vision showed me. I knew in the dream that my vision was coming to pass. Those were my thoughts while I was dreaming.

I know that the Lord has a reason why he repeated a part of my vision in the dream last night. I believe there's something about to manifest itself in the natural. Maybe, He is preparing me and giving me some insight of what's to come, ahead of time? This dream has made me more curious and I am seeking to find out what will happen next. I guess, It's obvious that my vision and dream are one and the same. In Genesis 41:25, 32;
25"And Joseph said unto Pharaoh, The dream of Pharaoh is one: God hath shewed Pharaoh what he is about to do."
32"And for that the dream was doubled unto Pharaoh twice; it is because the thing is established by God, and God will shortly bring it to pass."
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Post by A Warrior's Heart »

Didn't realize this had moved, sometimes I just don't get the notifications. Anyhow, I meant to also add when I first responded (for some reason I held back) that maybe the Lord is giving you an idea of or glimpse into what He wants you to do. The question mark could be symbolic for the question "Are you ready for this?" I believe it's a taste of something to come and the Lord wanting you to be prepared for it. Also these seemed like direct messages. Could that be your role.... something like a "direct messenger" of God? Of course these are calls and they have to do with your communication.

Also these names, don't necessarily think that they are actually concerning these people...when I saw clara again I immediately thought clarity and so I went to look up the name and it means clear, and bright. Sam short form of samuel means "His name is God" Maybe the Lord wants you to make sure that all lines of communication are open between you and Him so that the messages that He gives you will be seen, heard and understood very clearly and succinctly. That there will be no doubt or cloudy thoughts about these messages.
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Post by eyes.enlightened »

"A Warrior's <3",
Anyhow, I meant to also add when I first responded (for some reason I held back) that maybe the Lord is giving you an idea of or glimpse into what He wants you to do. The question mark could be symbolic for the question "Are you ready for this?" I believe it's a taste of something to come and the Lord wanting you to be prepared for it. Also these seemed like direct messages. Could that be your role.... something like a "direct messenger" of God? Of course these are calls and they have to do with your communication.
...when I saw clara again I immediately thought clarity and so I went to look up the name and it means clear, and bright. Sam short form of samuel means "His name is God" Maybe the Lord wants you to make sure that all lines of communication are open between you and Him so that the messages that He gives you will be seen, heard and understood very clearly and succinctly. That there will be no doubt or cloudy thoughts about these messages

Wow, you really put a whole lot of heart into this word. I can really feel it, and it has given me so much to ponder on. This is an eye opener, now I can see that the LORD is trying to reveal to me why I had other unusual experiences this year.

It seems to me that the vision is unfolding in two fold, 1) symbolically and 2) literally. Yesterday, Clara called and asked me a question. She said, "What does El Shaddai mean? I told her that it meant, "God Almighty". In my mind, I am thinking about how I saw in a vision and a dream that she would be calling me about something--here I am seeing God confirm the vision. Again, two-fold meaning; a message from God to me, through the vision and a message from God through me, to them. Hallelujah!

I will continue to meditate and and chew on those profound words that I believe God put in your heart for me. Again, thank you!

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Post by A Warrior's Heart »

God is truly amazing and I praise Him for the work that the He is doing within you eyes!!! God Bless your ministry.
"The grass withers, the flower fades, but the Word of our God stands forever." Is 40:8