A friend totally changes her personality and looks.

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A friend totally changes her personality and looks.

Post by steadyone »

Another dream.


I was with a friend who is like a mother to me and some other gal I do not know. I had to do something and I asked them if they could hang around until I was done. So my friend goes well I am going to the beauty shop. So they did girl stuff while I had my appointment. I am not sure what the appointment was about but then I came out and my friend and the other girl walk up to me and my mouth dropped and my heart sank. My friend totally changed her hair it was black and white stripped like a witch. She was proud of it and I was blown away that she totally changed her looks and she was not the same she was different and it was not good.

Post by Elle »

black and white stripped like a witch
This bit's got me curious. I don't know quite what you mean by this. None of the witches I've known have had black and white striped hair.

So I'm wondering if you thought she had turned witch-like in the dream, or whether in the dream you just didn't like her hair and when you woke up, you compared it to a witch hair style? Was it like Mortitia in the Adams Family?

Because I'm wondering if the black and white hair may mean something else?
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Post by steadyone »

Okay yes in the movies you see witches with weird hair. This is what it looked like. I was surprised because it was out of character for her. It scared me meaning she had changed in personality as well with her looks and it was evil not good. Something had gotten into her like rebellion etc.

As we know why and black stripes is not good.

Post by Elle »

and black stripes is not good
Can you clarify this for me too?

Post by Elle »

I've just been thinking that when i have a dream like this about a friend, it's usually just for me to pray for them.

So do you have any indication IRL that your friend has gone off the rails? Rebellion is so self-destructive.

I would just pray for peace for her and for the opposite of rebellion. What's the opposite of rebellion?

This can be a tricky area because what some people think is rebellion is actually just a person refusing to come under another person's control (and that's a good thing).

I would be praying that this girl would feel 'safe' in God. Also, if we feel 'safe' in God then there would be less desire to rebel. But I would also pray for protection for her from outside influences.
Last edited by Elle on Sat Dec 24, 2011 11:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by steadyone »

Thanks ha ha I have already got an interpretation.

It is not about my friend it is about a church. My friend represents a church. The hair represents the covering of the church. The Lord has been speaking to me about it.


Post by Elle »

Thanks ha ha I have already got an interpretation.
Why post then? I don't appreciate the 'ha ha', thanks. Mockery - not appropriate.
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Post by steadyone »

Hi wow, I was not mocking you, or trying to make fun of you. I did not get the interpretation until after I had posted it.

So not sure where this is coming from but differently not my intention. The reason I said, HA HA was that I was glad God gave it and was rejoicing that He revealed it. The reason I said thank you was because you but what you thought the Lord was saying.

Besides often it is nice to get a confirmation anyway.

Well be blessed and have a very Merry Christmas.