pinching my bottom?

Archived Dreams from 2016
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pinching my bottom?

Post by Joshua116 »

dream my not be from God but it may reveal some helpful Psychological information... :idea: ?

i had a real realistic intense dream the other morning where it was like i was at my Grandparents' former Florida a previous dream i recently posted...the house in this dream was 'all glass' now

my cousins and relatives were all there as was common in real life when i used to visit there

but there were a ton of other people, random strangers, young people too, i felt uncomfortable about it...later i would realize what it was for

at one point in the dream my cousin Angela and I were in the living room and she had me in this painful wrestling grip, pinching my bottom, in front of my dad and some of the other adults, i couldn't get free
Last edited by Joshua116 on Wed Aug 10, 2016 6:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: pinching my bottom?

Post by Joshua116 »

then at another point, a strong storm, like a hurricane blew through...the wind and rain was so thick i could barely see anything right outside the door in the patio area

i was concerned for all the other people, i did my best to yell for them to take shelter in the garage and wherever they could

me and my dad alone took shelter in the laundry room

then the next part of the dream

i was by myself somehow somewhere

i was showing up to a wedding of a different female cousin named Jennifer who is already married in real life

i figure that's what all the other people at the Florida house were in the dream for
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Re: pinching my bottom?

Post by PastorJKG »

I believe this dream is from God. Not sure why you thought it might not be. Maybe there was some carnal part that you felt couldn't be from God. Sometimes the devil tries to enter a vision and pollute it. This is to bring confusion. Here is what I see. Grandparents house has to do with inheritance. This can be positive and or negative. I believe there are some things you have inherited from your blood line are the very things now hindering you and need to be prayed through. The all glass house speaks of transparency. Being seen by others in your struggles and feeling ashamed and embarrassed about it. Your family was there which seems to speak of generational issues. You felt uncomfortable perhaps because of the families expectations of you and the feeling of being controlled or hen pecked by them. The name Angela means Angel. Jacob wrestled with an angel till God blessed him and when he did he touched his thigh creating a limp from that day forward. Your bottom and your thigh are in pretty close proximity. She did it in front of your Dad and others creating an uncomfortable scene once again. The storm seems to be something coming in the form of a great trial and you tried to warn them which is part of your calling. Then you and your Dad were alone in a laundry room. At this point your Dad is no longer your earthly Father. He is your heavenly Father, God, and He will cloth you with a new righteousness and mentality of faith. When this is accomplished you will be ready for your future wife. Jennifer means white. White speaks of righteousness and purity. You are on a journey of preparation. The key to survival is remaining thankful in all things. You may not be able to thank God for what your going through, but you can thank Him for what He has brought you through and where He is taking you.

Hope this helps
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Re: pinching my bottom?

Post by Joshua116 »

thank you PastorJ

yes my earthly Dad and i have not gotten along for many years...he's got a very aggressive, idealistic personality about Job/Career..."Work" in general

it's been hard living with him many times

a lot of yelling by him for things that don't require such anger
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Re: pinching my bottom?

Post by Joshua116 »

i'm still single and lonely these days

even with a new part time job and having joined a Singles group at my Church, nothing has changed

i'm hurting over this

i can't explain how frustrating it is to see all the people on Facebook that have LIVES and i don't

my younger sister is so the opposite of me...married, living in a very nice, cozy, rich part of my state, they have friends, they do social things all the time and post photos about it

i'm at a loss for WHAT to do...WHERE to go...HOW to meet my Future Wife

is "Future Wife" even a 'thing'?

is this even a concept the LORD has put in my heart or is it just from my own mind?
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Re: pinching my bottom?

Post by PastorJKG »

My suggestion is to use this time in your life to focus on the Lord and ask Him to fill the void your heart fills. Perhaps He is wanting to prepare you so that if someone comes into your life, you won't be too clingy or pushy and scare them away. (Not a criticism, it happens all the time) We need to be happy with our relationship with God. The devil wants you to believe that another person will make everything better but another person will also bring their issues into the scenario as well. I'm praying for you brother. Don't give up. God has enough love to meet every need of the human heart.

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Re: pinching my bottom?

Post by Joshua116 »


yes i understand about not expecting a girl to make everything better...i DON'T expect EVERYTHING...just that particular void to be filled...a void is a void...i get these panic attacks every so often, i PHYSICALLY feel them, the lonliness, it hurts like hell

i just don't know if i'm DOING enough, GOING TO ENOUGH PLACES, getting EXPOSED to enough people

i don't know where to go