Wild ride on a blue bicycle

Dreams and visions to be interpreted
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Wild ride on a blue bicycle

Post by bjcollin »

Before bed last night I was reading the book of Zechariah in preparation for a sunday school lesson that I'm teaching next week... I was touched by reading all of these prophetic visions in that book and asking the Lord why I had not had dreams/visions such as these in quite a while. I ended up praying before bed and confessing my sin as in Zech 3 to remove the filthy rags, and to have visions restored from the Lord... This dream happened right after I fell asleep last night...

It is a sunny afternoon In the dream I am standing on a green hill side overlooking a river valley and I am talking with some unknown person about this very topic. The next thing I know, the unknown person dissapears and now is back and he is offering me a little royal blue colored bicycle to ride on. It looked like one of those kids bmx trick bicycles. I look down the hillside and there is a long concrete sidewalk that looks like a long ski jump type of ramp that heads straight toward the river. I am kind of fuzy on this part, but the person with me talks very quickly that they took out an insurance policy on me and that they have 75% stake and that somebody else she has 25% of the policy going to them. I was a little confused, but I was then handed the bike. I hopped on and I am not sure if I took off on my own or I was pushed down the hill onto the ramp. I picked up speed and I started gonig down the hill very quickly and picking up so much speed that they bike started to shiver like I was going too fast. I was getting scared and at one point I thought I was going to crash, so about 75% down the hillside I started to turn to the bike to the right to get off the ramp to avoid crashing. I successfully navigated off the ramp onto the grassy hillside and narrowly missed some people and missed a parked truck or car. The grass was helping me to reduce the speed, until I reached another sidewalk that was running along the base of the hillside running along through the valley. I got onto that sidewalk and I was peddling and riding the bike normally when it started turning dark very quickly and at the end of the sidewalk there were these two street lamp globes on either side of the sidewalk marking the end of the path. These street lights were kinda like the ones in narnia, but they had round globes on their tops. At one point I thought that the guy who gave me the bike was chasing me down the sidewalk. End of dream.

After the dream when I woke up exilirated, I was worried and praying to decide if this dream was from the enemy or from the Lord. At first I thought it might be from the enemy as I thought somebody had taken out an insurance policy and then was trying to kill me. haha. Then I thought it was from the Lord because of what I had prayed for. Any other thoughts?

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Re: Wild ride on a blue bicycle

Post by PastorJKG »

Many times bicycles represent self effort but I don't think that's what yours means. It seems a test of sorts. I believe there is a great anointing available to those who are willing to overcome their fears and go hard after God. It seems the Lord is looking for radical X-trem believer's who will have the courage to do a great work. I have seen several dreams of this sort and had a couple myself. I sense there are elements of the dream that are not meant to be interpreted because they have to do with your future. Like a sealed envelop that will be opened at the right time.

Hope this helps
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Re: Wild ride on a blue bicycle

Post by bjcollin »

it does help thank you

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Re: Wild ride on a blue bicycle

Post by bjcollin »

verbal reply from a friend of mine at work...

you were not supposed to turn off to either the right or the left out of fear, you were supposed to go straight through in faith. Riding a bicycle is an intuitive thing, it cannot be a taught/learned thing like knowledge is. You have to just get on the bike and then intuitively the balance will come and you will learn how to ride the bike.