Dancing amongst the lions

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Dancing amongst the lions

Post by Daybreak »

In this dream I was with my family at some type of park. It looked like a safari area, there were a lot of trees spread out, the ground was dry and dusty. Somehow we were inside this safari game park and decided we were ready to go, because we had been in the park for quite some time. As we were walking out I saw a man lying down by this big rock, he was wearing a white shirt, blue jeans and red running shoes. So I thought it strange that he would be lying down in this park, as I got closer I realized he was eaten by a lion because he no longer had a head and his body was badly chewed up.

I remember advising my family to stay close because there were lions that were loose in the park. As we were exiting sure enough there were about 10 or 15 lions, blocking our way. I wasn't afraid at all, these lions started to come towards us and licking their lips and I spoke to them with such authority while pointing my finger at each one. I said something like "I have the power and authority over you in Jesus Name and you cannot, and absolutely will not touch us. Your mouths are shut in Jesus Name." And I began to walk with my family the lions wanted to eat is for sure, but all they could do was follow us licking there lips and making this sort of growling/grunting noise some came so close I could actually feel their fur against my skin, and I would stop and look at them and would say that authoritative command to them. Finally we managed to get out of the park and when we reached the top of the landing, one of the guards who was watching us came up to me and said he had been working at the safari park for so many years and has never seen anyone do that with any of their lions and live. Most people go in and never come out. And sure enough when I turned around there were people who were behind us being devoured by them.

We stood with him and watched the entire safari park. It reminded me of a miniature verison of Africa (though i've never been in irl). After awhile I saw bunch of people coming in, with music, equipment, food, party decorations, tables, etc. And they all walked through the park with all the lions and they were not harmed in any way. As they were setting up in this safari park I realized they were jewish and were having some type of celebration, because all the men were dancing at one point in a line and were laughing and singing to the music that was playing. I remember this 40-something year old man man came by me as we were watching the festivities, he was mute and all he did was smile. Some how he and I got talking in a long conversation without words. He liked me so much he gave me a picture of his family, in the picture was his wife, and his little round faced boy who looked like he was probably one or two. And the dream ended with me holding this picture and watching the festivities of jewish people dancing and singing amongst the lions.

Daybreak 8)
Praise be to the LORD my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle. Psalm 144:1

Post by talitha »

wow! this is soooo a God-dream.....

praying for full revelation.....
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Post by Daybreak »

LOL :lol: Yes...I so sensed that when I woke up...even now there is still such an incredible sharpness to this dream.....First thought that came to me, it sort of reminded me of Daniel in the lions den. Being down in this safari park. When we came up higher I could see down below all the lions roaming around and various animals grazing etc. And then there were a couple of Safari guys up on this platform like thingy looking directly down at this park, i'm not entirely sure why they were there because they were definitely not helping the people who were being eaten....eek.. :shock: . You saw EVERYTHING people entering into the safari park (the park was sort of designed as a massive square, and people were coming from the other side towards where I was), walking this way and that, some animals were congregated together doing their animal thing. And behind us up on this platform thingy was like an enclosed cafeteria with chairs but no food service. You could buy stuff from a vending machine.

But what struck me was when the jewish people entered into the park there weren't harmed at all, but everyone else was. Not sure if this background info will help.
Praise be to the LORD my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle. Psalm 144:1
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Post by keilani »

Didn't really have time to ponder prayerfully but one thing jumped out--is it possible the man was symbolic of America?

"he was wearing a white shirt, blue jeans and red running shoes"
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Post by Daybreak »

hmmm :| ....could be...but could be other nations as well England, Netherlands, Costa Rica...just to name a few...but do you know something interesting though....I googled "red, white and blue" in the order of the man's clothes "white shirt, blue jeans and red shoes" it's the flag colour of the Russian Federation Republic..... :shock:

Still waiting on the Lord's revelation fo this dream.
Praise be to the LORD my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle. Psalm 144:1
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Post by keilani »

OMGOSH! That is too cool! It's amazing that you said that--don't know if you watch John Hagee at all but he interrupted his normal scheduled programming for a teaching on Israel and the end days. He said Gog was symbolic of Russia; Magog--the land of Russia itself; Meshech-Moscow and the hook in the mouth--Oil (and the fight over it)**see Ezekiel 38**

I NEVER get up that early and stay up but I had been pondering your dream all day yesterday cuz I knew it was prophetic but I'm not a end days/prophecy scholar. Well, I got up around 0600 this morning and stayed up (rare since I have 3 babies and try to sleep when they do since I hardly get to rest well!) and John Hagee was preaching on Israel, Russia and prophecies concerning the end that are now beginning to unfold!

I would encourage you to watch it! I think you'll find the answers you need! God bless you and the Jews--both those in the natural and grafted in! Hallelujah!
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Post by Daybreak »

I don't get the opportunity to see Him, though I've heard about him...very interesting in what you shared. And its funny that you shared Ezekiel 38, a few weeks ago I finished going through the gospel of John and asked the Lord which book He wanted me to study next.....I heard Ezekiel....so very interesting that you would share this in light of this dream.....hmmm... :D
Praise be to the LORD my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle. Psalm 144:1
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Post by keilani »

Praise the Lord--that's so exciting! He obviously wants to open up some awesome truths to you!!!
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Post by Daybreak »

I just love how the Lord is giving me pieces to this dream....I JUST LOVE it....Keliani, He used you in a mighty, mighty way today....You started a thread called "Singing Amidst The Pain" Temple was singing the 23rd Psalm which I downloaded... :lol: hahaha.... from itunes and i've listened to it over and over and over again...and then thought about this dream.......two scripture verses came to me....

1 Peter 5:8
Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.


Psalm 23:5
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.

Daybreak 8)
Praise be to the LORD my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle. Psalm 144:1
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Post by keilani »

Thank you for sharing that! It's so awesome to see how the Lord causes us to be interconnected in order to bring the fullness of His revelation. It is just as He says, that we are one body and no one part can claim to be more important than the other! As we work together, the body goes where it needs to go and does what it needs to do!!

Thank you! That in itself was a revelation for me--I knew it but didn't really KNOW it!

I downloaded the song Temple sung as well :o I made my husband listen to it and he was hesitant at first since she was in labor, but not too long into the song, he was singing along with her :lol:

I so love Him and His body! God bless you greatly and may He surprise you with more awesome revelations!
***More To Come***

Eph 3:8...proclaim to the Gentiles the unfathomable riches of Christ 9
and...enlighten everyone about God’s secret plan—a secret that has been hidden for ages in God who has created all things.