Demons and glowing shoes

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Demons and glowing shoes

Post by glowingshoes »

Hello all! I had a dream that has been bugging me for a while because I can't figure it out. As a background, I have been a Christian for the last 14 years but for the last six I had kind-of fallen away. I have re-dedicated my life to the Lord and am seeking Him again, but its been a struggle. After all of my rebellion, my relationship with Him, sadly, is not the same.

The dream: I was in my dining room and a huge, strong demon had me upside down by my feet and was shaking me vigorously. I noticed that I was barefoot. I felt angry because I thought that, as a child of God, he had NO right to do that to me. I was trying to rebuke him but he had my feet with one hand and with the other he was covering my mouth. During this whole process, I was also looking out of my living room window and I saw a drug addict (guy I literally went to high school with and he sadly became addicted to drugs) go up and down the streets completely high (or drunk). So I'm struggling with the demon and watching this drug addict go up and down my neighborhood streets. I could not get free from the demon's grip no matter how hard I struggled. Finally, my husband came down the stairs (I understand that it was really Jesus). When the demon saw my husband (Jesus) he immediately dropped me and flew out the window.

I immediately approached Jesus and practically yelled in fury "DID YOU SEE THAT?!?!?!? He has NO right to do that to me!!!" and with fleshly pride I said "I am a Child of God!!" At this point the drug addict was there with us and he responded (in a very drunk/high slurred way) "Yup, yup...I saw that!" I looked at Jesus and He just nodded at me peacefully.

The vision changed and suddenly I was going up my stairs. As I went up I sensed that another demon was lurking around the corner. I made it to the top and entered my computer room/office. The room was brightly lit as if it were the sunniest south Florida day. It was amazing. And brilliant shoes covered every inch of the floor. The shoes were colorful and they were so illuminated with light that they were glowing. It was absolutely beautiful. But in the middle of this wonderful room was a demon floating in the air. He picked up one of the glowing shoes and went to throw it at me. He hated me and I sensed that he was aiming to literally take my head off of my body with that shoe. But I rebuked him and he dropped the shoe and flew out the window. Then I woke up.

What could all of that mean?

Thank you and God bless.
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Post by charlie »

HI glowingshoes...I am praying about this dream...when the enemy has you strung up by your feet then everything seems upside down and confusing for sure!

A couple of can represent our spiritual walk:

Ephesians 6:10-17

The Armor of God

10Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 18And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.

You don't need more than one pair of shoes according to the above scripture....

A couple of thoughts here:

1.Have you ever suffered or do suffer literally from a shoe buying addiction...maybe through internet shopping...?

2. SHoes can also represent "ways" or "paths". As they are lined up glowing in the computer/study room maybe you are attracted to and are contemplating other Ways to live your life either spiritually (distracted by other religions...philosophies etc.) or otherwise. All that glitters and glows is not gold and it may be that the enemy has sought new tactics to distract you particularly in the area of your mind where he has failed to hold you in the past (?in other areas of addiction).

Head...decisions/thinking...Romans 12:2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will)

Praying for revelation and for strength to grow strong as Abba's child...where there is a fight over you there is also hope for the future...

Please discern and discard what is not relevant.

Jesus said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3
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Post by spoken4 »

What strikes me about your dream is that you were barefoot.
That seems key here. It seems the barefoot, may point to being unprepared to deal with this strongman because part of your armour is not in place. The word of God is powerful!!! Being barefoot many times in my dreams has been God showing me that I need to get back in the word. The word of God is to be a light unto our path...a lamp unto our way.
You knew you were a child of God and this was wrong but the enemy had a hold on you that you could not seem to break free of and he was trying to silence your voice!!! It may be key here that as long as he could keep you barefoot (not in the word) He would also be successful at keeping you from being able to speak and exercise the authority that God has put in you to see him evicted!!

A strongman (strongman of addiction???) (For you to discern)
had you bound but it seems like when Jesus entered, The strongman had to flee.... but through revelation (window) You were shown a lesser demon, so to speak. One familiar to you from the past that still had access to your home through past contact. Drugs represent somone "under the influence" of a foreign harmful substance that alters ability to think clearly...

God may be revealing to you that He has called you to step into the "office" of what He has called you to walk in. It could be that though this is a beautiful, multifacted design that he outfitted for your walk in him...that there is still a demon who has infiltrated that design and is trying to use part of what you are called to walk in as the weapon of choice, to leverage against you.

To take someones head off..would be to silence their authority, there ability to speak.

Its kind of like, a drug addict who is lured into this behavior when deliverance from addictions was part of the call on the life...
Or someone who is called to the prophetic and attracted to all things supernatural. So the enemy, early on tries to use that very design (Gods design) to take them out luring them into the occultic/ demonic side. They have a prophetic call...that is their God given walk into the office of a prophet....but instead the very things that God put in them to draw them to the supernatural is what the enemy uses to lure an effort to keep them from their destiny.

These are just some suggestions!! I like what Charlie said also. This is for you to discern whether that room was a lure to the counterfeit of the enemy disguised as something beautiful or Gods design interupted by and unwanted guest with leverage, so to speak.
Either way, you do have authority in Jesus name!!!! Blessings as you search!!
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Post by Jewels-inhisheart »

There seems to be a recurring theme here... FEET>
The devil had u by the foot handing upside down.... then later he was throwing a shoe at u in anger.
Part of the Armour of God is to have our feet shod with the gospel of peace. Those shoes are important and seemed to be unworn. They are there for all of us,,, but arr not being used. U found the " shoe room" and the devil was mad. There must be power in that shoe to cut someones head off!
The devil is always harassing Christians... and trying to rattle us, He seems to often work on our thinking, ( being turned upside down would cause blood to run to your head and cause inevitable some problems) watch for ungodly thinking patterns,,,, or patterns of logic that run counter to Gods word. If u mediate on such eventually it will come out of your mouth.
Do a word study on shoes and there significance. I Know that walking barefoot can cause callouses and wounds,,, Feet should have a covering so one can walk more surely and run when needed. If ur feet are hut it can cripple ones walk.Feet when wet and cold can make one very uncomfortable...
Now what is the gospel of peace and how does one cover their feet with it,i have wondered this myself and it would be a good discussion.
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Post by jackiebauerle »

To me this is an awesome dream! I am so excited...that my heart just jumps. Let me see if I can put it into words.

As I read it...this is what I saw and heard:

The devil had you upside down...(foundational teaching..have been shaken during your adventure away from the Lord) You did not have shoes...(no shoes as compared to shoes up stairs in the bright room)..Shoe is the preparation of the gospel of PEACE!..You obviously did not have PEACE while the devil is shaking your foundational beliefs. Interesting part is that you are looking through the window!!!! (a LR picture like vision of ministry...and you saw the lost and needy...addict so this says that your heart is connected with God and he is showing you the needy or otherwords...people who are captive of a stronghold) But you could not help(minister to) him because you are struggling with your that has silenced you. I find it interesting that the clue in also in the are THOUGHT he could not do this to a child of God....(dealing with your belief system again and possibly a hurt) you are struggling to be that child of God...but you are not convinced you are there (because the struggles you are having...down deep in feel weak...and he (devil) knows it and is using it against you.

When the husband (Jesus) ends...notice what you do are yelling in fury...Did you see that? (where were you when I needed you) He had no RIGHT to do that to me! and the FLESHY PRIDE SAID...i AM A CHILD OF are making a convincing loud stand before your Lord...then the addict(one trapped in flesh and bondage) comes up. He backs your fleshy pride by saying...he saw it. (he was from the past...perhaps you have used something from the past to justify where or what you believe: God wants more) You looked to Jesus...for an responce of expecting him to back it up too..after have a witness. He gracefully knodds his head Peacefully because you are not revealing anything..he doesn't already know. It is by His Grace..will learn that (Draw nigh unto God...submit yourself to him and then resist the devil)

As you are moving to higher are warned by the sense that a demon is lurking (you sensed it) but you have not seen it. Your previous struggles...God is building enter your work room or processing room (for believers that is in the Spirit) found...the room brightly lit...raditiantly sense of amazment. Here at this place you found brilliant shoes (preparation of the gospel of PEACE) covering every inch of the floor. Illuminating light...but in the middle of it the demon is floating...(indicates that he communicates to you to influence you in this destroy you:aiming for your head)

God is telling you....not to listen to him...and your peace will be restored....How do I know that?

You rebuked him (refused to his lies) and He dropped the shoes in your room (dropped his influence over your peace) and flew out the window....Out of your vision....(freedom from the 1st part...looking through the window that you could see the needy but not help) ...Praise God!!!!

Know who you are in Christ!!!!! Faith comes from hearing and hearing the word of God... it is like the scripture Luke 9:44...powerless disciples could not cast the demon out...but Jesus...did...and he said to his disciples:

"Let these saying sink down into your ears (spirit not flesh); for the son of man shall be delivered into the hands of men"

Time is short...then and now...He is lifting you up in the Spirit (HS) for the fields are ready!

This is what ministered to me...Thank you for sharing...if you judge this...and it does not fit...God Bless you to find your answer...I was so Blessed by what love and wisdom I saw him sharing in this for you!