This is a long one but I really need you to pray for me...

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Post by naveah »

We (God with you).
And he laid it upon my mouth, and said, Lo, this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged.Isaiah 6:7
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Post by prayingwoman »

Just a few thoughts:

The flood - (could be something positive or negative, I don't know) - but no matter if it represents a coming judgement concerning the church or a movement of the Holy Spirit or something else – it seems to be something that will force you to leave your house and to move to another place.

I don’t know if this move is a literal one in another city or just a move out of the “well known” or maybe the church you are in, but I think it’s a sign for a coming change.

The train– could represent a ministry, but not a regular one, not a usual one. I could imagine a ministry of correction maybe even in the public - like you corrected the driver in the dream publicly. This kind of ministry is a neglected one in the church, a ministry that was “hidden in the underground” for a long time (like a subway), which is now about to be revealed (now the “subway” is above the ground). The train is white, because correction will bring a cleansing.

To give correction is part of a true prophetic ministry; every true prophet of the bible has done this. Prophetic ministry isn’t only about encouragement and comfort but also correction/exhortation. In fact, in my opinion, these three elements have to work together and a word of encouragement/comfort has to be given together with a word of correction. A wise preacher once has said: You can only have the blessing, if you remove the curse. Applying to prophecy, it means, you can get the prophesied promise only if you remove the hindrances (like the Israelites had to do, as they took the prophesied Promised Land. They first had to take courage and fight and drive out the Canaanites). A complete prophecy will show you the blessing God has for you and the change, which has to take place in your live to get this blessing.

The beautiful city – the first stop (there seem to be other places where the train will stop) – the huge hospital – seems to be a place where all kinds of people will get healed and delivered. Maybe they can enter this place only through a ministry of correction (this is my own experience: I received much deliverance after I met someone with such a ministry; the correction led me to repentance, cleansing and deliverance).

Driver serving pizza - You will be blessed by these people, you’ve corrected, because you blessed them first through bringing truth in their lives.

Pretty woman - No idea over the pretty woman, sorry.
Search me, O God, and know my heart, try me, and know my thoughts. And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. (Psalm 139,23-24)
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Post by Moriah »

I dont know the circumstances going on in your life and only offering some thoughts here. Maybe these will help but toss if they dont.

First with the flood I just could hear how overwhelming things are especially for you. Maybe, not as much with your husband. He is maybe half and half on an issue taking your side and then listening to others maybe in the church. I truely feel this is an issue that extends first in your personal home and then with your church family. I think you feel you are going to be overtaken if you don't move! Now only you know what this move is and to what extent.

When I think of a wooded area, I think of something first of all that is very old but wont last forever(maybe tradition).

I think the white train represents a powerful, fast moving ministry that you connect with. The women might represent a leader who is very rude but you don't let this spirit intimidate you. You stand up and by doing so you receive respect and are approved of. This in turn eventually puts you in a place of leadership or favor of the Lord in this ministry which will involve helping others heal and get well.

Now with the beautiful young women. I want you to think about this and see if she may not be you too. I really feel your husband sees two sides to you and he prefers one over the other right or wrong. Its like he wants the best of two things. This doesn't set right with you. Could he want to stay put or something????

WFH, go ahead and toss if it doesn't speak to you and may God bless you with the understanding you are seeking.
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Post by WaitingforHim »

Hi guys!!! Thanks again soo much...

Naveah, I sooo understand now what you were saying with the "we" about that...I don't take your word lightly as I felt the Holy Spirit when I read it..I am waiting on Him...thank you.

PrayingWoman, bless you sister..Alot of what you said rings true in my spirit also...

I have had a few calling dreams where I believe the Lord is calling me to be a prophet....then after much prayer and fasting it was confirmed through a pastor in the church to me....I had a hard time with this as I was asking the Lord to confirm this word with my Head Pastor and he never did....but I know the Lord chooses who He wants for a reason...Anyway, I tend to be used prophetically to speak encouragement and uplifting words to people in the body and yes...I also have been given words of correction too...and you are hasn't been welcome in the churches for some time...I heard the Lord tell me a while ago that He was going to begin to give me words to speak that would be harder in nature and that I needed to obey and not worry about who liked me or not...because it wasn't about that...since then I haven't had to do that ...the last message that came through me was about 4 months ago and it was a warning that the Lord was going to begin to cause things to bubble up within people and some of it wouldn't be good...and when they began to see these things within themselves they needed to repent right away and let it go...I thought that was, since then I have heard the Lord showing me alot and its not good...I am not one of those Doom and gloomers like some people call others...I am very sensitive to the needs of others and try to be very joyous...but you are right...correction will come...and I do think this may be letting me know again that its coming...

I also agree that there is a move coming...I am unsure and am seeking the Lord for a confirming word...I believe He spoke to me the other morning quite matter of factly but I am seeking confirmation only because I am a human vessel and I know that I can make mistakes and I want to be sure I am staying on HIS Path for my life....

If this word is indeed for my church I can see where it would bring deliverance, healing, and reform....but I refuse to speak until I know that I know He is telling me to....It has to be all of HIM and none of me...

I can see where you got the pizza thing being a blessing...interesting..

Thank you for your prayer and time on my have blessed me..

Moriah, thank you dear sister...much of what you said is interesting...I will ponder in prayer over it...I do believe that my hubby is seeing two sides to me...and He would like it very much if the pretty woman who is attractive to him were the one he seen all the there is another side to that is driven...looking for that purpose that God has for me ....searching for HIM....My hubby isn't as driven about the Lord as I am...though I am believing for that to change...

Right now I am just in a time of transition I do believe...I am pushing through...and am excited to finally arrive at the next

thanks you guys...
Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Post by Joy2dream »

In this dream I was at my house and the river was flooding by the house...I remember looking out the window and seeing that it was coming up over the banks and knew it was moving fast and we were going to have to leave the house...
(Some rivers are good, some not so good. The rest of the dream indicates this river flooding your house isn't so good. The message is to leave what ever is going to happen is going to happen soon.)

I also seen a group of people in the wooded lot next to my house..they were all conversing about the flood coming...Only instead of just being my neighbors there was some church people there too...
(The people in the wooded lot are in a wilderness. They see the flood coming and just talk and take no action.)

I remember thinking that I wish I could be over there socializing with them but I knew I had to prepare and get things that I needed...But my hubby seemed like he had a little extra time to be there...He was helping me but had a little more time to be over there too... One particular church friend was in the group and I remember her name means "beautiful, pretty".
(The dream indicates that your husband is your IRL husband and he may not see things exactly as you do in regards to the church. He is seeing the things that are pretty about it, in other words he is choosing or the Lord is only allowing him to see the good in the people/church. Sorry, I don't mean to say anything negative regarding your husband. :oops: )

Then the scene changes...We are boarding a train..It was white and looked fancy like a subway that is above ground...not like a regular train..I remember going to the back of the train to sit...There were all kinds of people on this train and of course I didn't know them...
(Thinking the train may be symbolic of a large ministry on the move. Hmm, I like that all kinds of people are here.)

I remember the train driver being very mean...she was very snotty and rude...she was yelling at people ect...At one time I remember Her yelling at someone and it was wrong and out of my mouth came something back at her...I don't know what I said and in the dream I didn't know either was like the Holy Spirit spoke through me..she stopped talking..and the guy in front of me turned around to me and handed me a twenty dollar bill....He gave it to me for standing up to her...I giggled and handed it back to him and said "Don't worry about it.."..
(The position you come into in the new ministry will have a person in leadership that rules with a strong arm. The people around you will recognize the word of the Lord in you and want to honor you but you are ok with setting and learning at first.)

I remember the train going at a rapid speed around these mountains and at first I was afraid we would fall because we were extremely high in the sky....but then remembered we were on a track and couldn' was taking corners very fast...Then all of a sudden it came into this beautiful city...All I could see was this amazing old brick building that was dimentional in shapes and levels and was soooo big it went for blocks and blocks...and was extremely tall too...I was in awe of it and realized that the train was descending down into the middle of the this stopped and we were surrounded by this building...I heard the driver say "This is our first stop"...I knew we only had an hour so I didn't want to go I was afraid she might
(The Lord wants to take you to new and higher places in Him. You've never been this high before and have to remember that you are on the right track and cannot fall off. The old brick building seems to me to be symbolic of this ministry isn't a new one and it is dimentional, having ministry for all people. The brick seems to be that it has a firm foundation. But you can only stop for awhile, I think this means that your time of "learning" in the new ministry will be for a brief period of time.)

We got off and I seen the same driver serving pizza to everyone at a window...I went up to the window and only had a couple dollars...I needed to get pizza for my whole family...she pointed at a plate with several pieces on them...And said to me, Take it ...its only a $1 ...I couldnt' understand why she blessed me...but she did...
(The same driver that was seemly rude earlier is now offering you provision for very little. She will one of those types that you have to prove yourself to and then you have a friend for life (like me, LOL). She will end up being a real blessing to you.)

Then I seen a woman that was very pretty and young..she had been on the train with us...I noticed she was staying there and we were getting back on the train...My hubby went over to her and was talking...I remember feeling jealous...and I knew he was having intimate feelings for heart was aching...When he returned I said to him"You like her don't you?" and he said to me "Well, if she was ______ I would but since she isn't I don't"...I don't remember what he said in the blank though...My heart was hurting...I knew if he had a chance he would have left me for her...he would have been intimate with her...
(I think this woman on the train is symbolic of the church you are currently in, or maybe the memory of the way it was. At this stage your husband has feelings for her/the old church and if things could have been different he would have wanted to stay and this is heartbreaking to you.)

As we were leaving to get back on the train I noticed that the building was a HUGE HOSPITAL....
And the inside of the train/subway looked like a bus would look inside...
(The huge hospital is a place for huge healings. This stop was a place for you to learn and heal from the past hurts.)

Hey, this is what I seen yesterday and more today. You know what to do with anything that doesn't witness to you.

Please pray over all I have posted and I mean no harm to your hubby, I have one kinda like him, I think. :?

Love to ya,
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Post by WaitingforHim »

Hey sis...If you don't mind I would like to kind of work through this with you as I do believe the Lord has allowed you to see into my world for a I will tell you what is ringing true with what you wrote and what is off a little...I am open to have you help me work it out...Thank You Lord for sending me these saints to help me through this...

ok...I believe the river flooding is judgement...I have pretty much heard the Lord on this one...And I agree its coming quickly..

I also agree that the ones in the wooded lot are 1. close to me 2. Are knowing what is happening but seem to be just talking and not doing anything...I think they really aren't sure what to do because no one listens...

I seen the part of irl hubby the same as you ...Just after today actually...He doesn't seem to be 100% sure of wanting to leave..and in my dream I didn't want to either but knew I had to...My hubby knows alot of the things that are "wrong" but seems to be comfortable and you know men...once comfy they don't want to move...I am kind of like that too though...He does see what the Lord is showing me but he is kinda ok with it...I mean, he doesn't seem to be real "spiritual" if you will...He told me he would pray though..its important to me that we be in unity and agreement about this but at the same time I believe I am hearing the Lord..Hubby is the type to go along with me even if he doesn't want too.. :| I do know that he used to want to leave but I knew it wasn't that I hear the Lord, my hubby is going ..ARE YOU SURE?? I'm kinda comfy...lololol

I was thinking the train was something but was caught inbetween whether it was a ministry or part of a journey on the way to where the Lord was going to plant me...part of me even wondered if I would be "planted"...

I see what you mean by the driver..hmmm..I am definatley ok with learning first...I am hungry to be taught more and was ready to learn even where I was ....I will pray more about the driver part...

I was thinking also that the whole description of how high I was and the twists and turns and the speed of it all was describing this transitional time...this journey to where He is taking me...I was thinking the Lord was comforting me in this part letting me know ahead of time its not going to be a straight smooth transition and that when I start to get worried or scared to remember I am on the right track so I will be ok...

I am not sure about the brick building.. I agree its something about healing...but am thinking maybe the stop will be all about my healing..maybe some areas that the Lord needs to heal up in me before I go to the next level or next stop...for some reason I am feeling like my journey is going to be more like "evangelistic"...meaning going from place to place as he leads me and not being planted right away...that is part of what He spoke to me anyway...hmm..

This driver is really puzzling me..lololol....
I agree that the woman could be the other church..I never thought about that...I am really feeling like my hubby in the dream...Like its attractive to my flesh...I want to stay...And like I said earlier, my hubby is kinda it kind of does seem like it is in the dream...And it does break my heart...but also that the Lord isn't saying anything to hubby yet...though I wonder if hubby isn't listening??

Thanks took such a large amount of care and time for me sis...I wish you could see my gratitude for heart is sad but relieved too...does that make sense??

Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Post by jewel »

Hey sweetie.... I'll head at this from a completely different perspective like I normally do. I'd felt this the first time I read it, but you seemed to be finding confirmation and what others were saying wasn't even close to what I thought. SO I layed low and quietly figured I was wrong, but you've said that maybe there is something more. Perhaps that is my cue to share... if I'm off please feel free to discard.

I was seeing the jealous feelings you had.... as being feelings the Lord has for you. He seems to be working overtime to assure you that your doing okay and are on track.... but something continues to pull at you, almost dragging you back to this unsteady place of uncertianty. (I'm not saying anything bad, humans do this often.... ME INCLUDED!!) So I was seeing this as a passionate desire for you to simply not allow anyone else to take that place.... the one where your safe and secure knowing your loved. For when you doubt, His heart literally aches. When something specific is required in order for you to believe, it seperates you from the joy of simply trusting Him with your deepest dreams and desires. I was seeing it as sort of trying so hard to stop trying so hard.... yet every time this doubt creaps in and causes you to fear you didn't try hard enough. What a cycle.... it is so easy for anyone to fall into, but I think this is what your dream is showing you.

I think I should explain just one step deeper.... you know when you really want something that feels just out of reach. For example only; lets say you really want money to buy lots of beautiful things. You'd even be totally willing to buy beautiful things for millions of other people.... but you sort of want to be noticed for your generosity. That doesn't change the beauty of your kindness on the outside but what has it done to the generous act on the inside of your own heart? It isn't so beautiful when one looks at the real desire of doing these things. God knows us so deeply and so well that sometimes he won't give us that money even if we would do generous things for others with it.... because that small desire to be noticed would literally destroy us. Quietly and ever so slowly eating away at the deepest parts of us, making room for the e. to take us down after we are so deep in it that we no longer notice it is there.

So this jealousy I was seeing as being the heart of the Lord for you to let go of that small wispering doubt. Not just say it, but allow Him to remove it completely. Let Him be the one to assure you and remind you consantly that your on the right track, and headed down the right path and nothing is going to harm you on the path that He has designed for you but there is a bump.... one of doubt that might grow big enough to knock you around pretty good. If you continue to feed that one, well it could become something that seperates you from the one that loves you the most.

Like I said, you can discard if your spirit doesn't agree.... that is just where my heart was lead.

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Post by WaitingforHim »

Thanks Jewel...

I do believe the doubt thing is an issue but its more doubting my ability to hear HIM clearly in this decision that I am facing...only thing is...I know I need to just trust HIM because when He spoke to me it was with urgency to "move" in a direction...I am going to have to completely trust that I am hearing correctly and believe that He knows my heart and knows that I want soo desperately to be in His will and on the right track...Have mercy and grace Oh Lord...

Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.