Airport / Naked Dream

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Airport / Naked Dream

Post by mc061390 »

I was in the airport, but I was naked. So I desperately tried to cover up. But there were people looking down on me with shame and disdain, soon a man (more so a flight attendant) says he will help me. So he buys me a plane ticket. He was quickly trying to get me in the plane avoid any more discomfort. Later I was inside. He handed me a suit. (weird it looked like a man suit) to cover me up? Then he took me to the bathroom and when I went inside he had arranged a box filled with clothes.


For some reason I KNOW that there is a symbolic meaning behind it. So if you are led by the Holy Spirit, or just any suggestions. By all means they are welcome =)

Thanks ;)
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Post by Demon_Buster »

Greetings mc061390:

A few things come to mind This seems to be a dream about coverings, Holy Spirit covering, comes to mind getting new clothes to cover your self and receiving a suit that looks like a mans suit.
Getting a ticket it’s like saying ok let’s fly all point to the Holy Spirit f filled church, have you been feeling a little out of place in your church, or with friends

Being naked in a dream could be lack of covering, shame could be a form of guilt or past sin, going to the bathroom shows cleansings or relieving one self。

I hope this helps。



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Post by mc061390 »

Hm, the covering idea is very interesting, I never thought of it that way.... But I have been feeling out of place with my family, friends, even with my new in-law's, and I have been feeling a bit guilty of getting married even though my parents opposed it. But I knew that it was God's will so I'm at peace =)

I was thinking that the people in my dream was representing my friends, and family, who have literally tossed me aside, and have ignored me... The nakedness I thought was a representation of these people revealing personal info since I'm currently a victim of gossip. The suit I'm still clueless about. The flight attendant I thought was a representation of someone helping me through this situation... and the bathroom a place of cleansing (which you mentioned) But the main thing that I'm still trying to connect are: Airport, Airplane, & Box of clothes...

I don't think I'm 100% right about what I think but it's what I have in mind thus far, and wanted to see if you can see something I still cant see.
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Post by Demon_Buster »

Hi again mc061390.
In my experience and most people on the board will say, dreams are about the person dreaming and the people in the dream are different things or aspects in the dreamer’s life.
We dream about things we know, like mother fathers, brothers, pets, and places have meaning also like airports, churches and so on. A lot of dreams I feel are the Lord calling us to draw closer to him in our growth spiritedly. We all see in part, some things in the dream might have a meaning or we can’t see what it is, it could be something the Lord wants to show us that we haven’t learned yet.

In you dream being at the airport seems the Lord is showing you can grow but first you need some covering part of it could be the church covering but most of all you need spiritual covering from the Lord. The Lord is our rock and my salvation.

We need to seek the Lord daily and most of all we need to thank him even if we have a bad day or our in-laws’ don’t like us, we cant change people but the Lord can change us so we can accept things in out life so we can grow more to be like the Lord.

Seek the gifts, pray in the spirit read the word everyday


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Post by mc061390 »

Well I do go to church, I just recently moved so we've been trying to find a church which we think suits our interests. The only difference I would say is that I haven't been hearing from God directly like I used to. Before I would hear his voice everyday, along with visions.

But after a bad experience I have shut myself out from ever hearing his voice or seeing anything... because some things were not true, thus I was discerning incorrectly. Since we listen to 3 voices Our own, the enemy, and God through the Holy Spirit.

Maybe that may be the covering that you're talking about ?

I know about dreams this is something I devoted to years of study, so I understood what you meant =)
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Post by Demon_Buster »

Hi again,
Since we listen to 3 voices Our own, the enemy, and God through the Holy Spirit

I don’t know about you but when I hear the enemy that’s what I hear, when I hear the Holy Spirit it only him the enemy can try to sound like the Holy Spirit but it not the Holy Spirit and I know what I sound like

Trying to find a church which we think suits our interests, hmmm.
I am thinking maybe it’s why you don’t hear from the Lord..not saying it is but it does come to mind.

When we discerning incorrectly and I still do and a lot of people do as well it often comes from the flesh the Holy Spirit can and will lead us only to what the lord tell the Holy Spirit to say and do he will not act on His own.


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Post by mc061390 »

I'm confused, what do you mean (although just a speculation) Nothing is certain yet =) about the church thing, and hearing God speak? From what I understood, or from what I'm making out of it is that, the reason why I am unable to hear his voice is because I have not been covered spiritually, to a church?

Which would make sense to a certain extent... since the mistake or error upon me discerning began when I was unable to attend church on sundays because I had a weird schedule in college. Thus causing me not to go. And my accountability partner was very busy, thus I had no mentor at the time as well...

I was alone, trying to figure everything up without anyone guiding me or having any confirmations... Interesting.

Also today, I looked up and did a study on coverings... and much of it make sense now =) So yes I will admit that I lack it.

But How can I be covered again? I am clueless as to where I would begin other than just studying his word, and living it out everyday.

(Speaking in a dream sense) -->How can I go to the bathroom and pick up my box of clothes? Or how can I acquire my suit to get to the plane and to finally get my clothes again?

I'm not sure if that's what you meant but I hope it is... everything is beginning to fit now....
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Post by Demon_Buster »

Hi mc061390, you asked
But How can I be covered again? I am clueless as to where I would begin other than just studying his word, and living it out everyday.

Coverings come from the Lord our spiritual covering and the church covering both come from the Lord. Like Moses, Noah, Abraham,
When we have our spiritual covering that comes from the lord as we draw closer to him. In prayer in our quite time and in doing his will, the more we draw closer to him the more he will cover us and protect us the more we will be like him.
Church covering comes from the church the lord covers the church and the church covers us a church should have a fivefold ministry. The church covering covers us as a church we have fellow ship in a church with other believers and move in the same direction
So we get covered by doing his will to do his will we need to hear from him to hear from him we must be close to him [he talks to us in a small still voice.] we are never alone the Lord is always near us, He seem far at times due to the lack of faith, Lord Lord I have been praying all week why don’t Isee you.
Hes there wating to see what we will do...
Like the story Foot prints he is always beside us he will never forsake us.

(Speaking in a dream sense) -->How can I go to the bathroom and pick up my box of clothes? Or how can I acquire my suit to get to the plane and to finally get my clothes again?

We have spiritual clothing as we grow in spirit the lord will give us new clothes or clothes we sometime forgot we have forgotten about.
I think sometime we need to act and fallow the Lord in order to do His will sometime its not with the church you are in … let me put it this way….Steven was a man of God the church had plans for him but the Lord had a greater plain…and myself…if I had stayed in the church I was in , I would never have come to china to do His will.
The Lord has a call on everyone who is a Christian but sometime we get comfortable where we are and we get distracted by the world.
I for one know this first hand.
We need to press in and press in more pressing in to the point where we wil die,sometime we need to make sacrifices in order to shed the worldly things that are holding us back..
While I was in my former church I thought and prayed and started to work with street people I thought at the time it was my calling.

Blessings in the Lord

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Post by Taps »

hi... mc061390

I wanted to stop by.... contribute a little to the conversation.

I remember a conversation I had with Father God a number of years ago. He said that He was my "covering"...and that is all that is needed. Just as Adam and Eve were completely protected and "covered" by God in the realm of His presence and Spirit. Man is not a covering. Leadership that God brings alongside you are there for purposes of accountability, to help us to mature in Christ.

Having said that...
Nakedness means we have stepped out of our first estate. We have been reconciled to God in Christ, so when we accept this gift He offers we are seated in the heavenlies with Him. When we step out of this place, this being our First Estate, we, in essence, remove our covering, remove ourselves from certain protection, remove our clothing if you will. We end up feeling naked and then we notice that we are not where we should be in Him because conviction comes to rest on us.

One way we 'become naked' is when we seek knowledge apart from Him. We then compare this knowledge with His truth and based on experience, we decide what is right or wrong or good or bad and there is no true wisdom or discernment in that. His Truth is Truth.. and we should measure everything according to this.
But after a bad experience I have shut myself out from ever hearing his voice or seeing anything... because some things were not true, thus I was discerning incorrectly. Since we listen to 3 voices Our own, the enemy, and God through the Holy Spirit.
This would be one reason you find yourself naked.
I think you're right in seeing the attendant as an aspect of God.. I would say this attendant is Wisdom. That Wisdom has arranged for a box filled with clothes for you tells me that there are choices you can make in what you will choose to clothe yourself in when seeking Understanding.

The plane ticket and plane is the opportunity to elevate yourself above your current situation. The suit provided for you until you make your own choice would be Authority.

By the way... it says in 1 John, I believe it is, that you have no need of anyone to teach you... as you have Holy Spirit within you to help with that. Which just means He is the perfect mentor when there is no one else who can walk with you. He is excellent in this position and has kept me from deception for many years.

I trust that this will help you answer the questions you have.
I have shut myself out from ever hearing his voice or seeing anything
I would suggest you also reconcile yourself in the area of your hearing Him or seeing in the spirit realm. Your decision in this area to shut yourself off is what has kept you from trusting Him to further speak and reveal to you His word and His world.

God Bless you
affectionately... Taps