Holographic images in dream

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Holographic images in dream

Post by Manassehs_Warrior »

I think it was last year that I had this dream:

I was in a mall, walking around, and was entering a store similar to what we have as "Radio Shack" stores (like techno and electronic gadgets). As I approached the store, a woman came up to me. I think it took me a minute but I realized she was a holographic image! Not a real live, flesh human being. I could sorta see through her, but other than that she seemed very, very real. She reminded me of on Star Trek, as they were being beamed up (I was never a fan of Star Trek but I remember something with them beaming up or something... they would kind of fade away... .this is what this woman looked like).

She spoke to me, could interact with me and dialogue with me as if she were real (as opposed to a programmed thing). She made an advance toward me as she was talking and I backed away, but also felt temptation. Then I think I started to leave the store and was met by other people, all holographic images as well but very, very real aside from being made of ? and not able to be literally be touched. THey were all tempting me in some way or another (I cant recall right now exact specifics).

I was able to talk with them and them to me. It was like out of a science fiction movie or something except it was totally real (in the dream). I then at some point exited the store and started to walk away further into the mall and one of the holographic people walked after me, calling after me. But I think I kept going.

This was creepy.... I felt I did commit at least one sin at one point in the dream with one of the "people" and it was just strange, because it really wasnt a real human being. But that they were able to tempt me and cause me to sin, and werent even real.... was unnerving and freaky.

Too much pizza before bed or ? The dream was pretty intense and quite real. I woke up thinking about it a lot. It made me worry that maybe someday technology will be able to pipe images of people into a store (or even a home via TV) and people can be controlled and manipulated through these holographic "people' or whatever they are.

Any Spirit-led insights?

Usually when I dream of being in a mall, I take that to represent life, my life. The store being a Radio Shack type store.... could God have been showing me the future? Of some weirdo technology to come? :?: