I was beautiful again.

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Jewels sunshine

I was beautiful again.

Post by Jewels sunshine »

I had another dream of seeing me as a much younger prettier person.This is the SECOND and mabey even the third dream of me being younger and prettier.
I wa svery blond and just looked super pretty. Any insights.
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Post by Blessings »

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. As you grow in Christ and nearer to him you become more beautiful.

Post by Joy2dream »

And like Blessings said ........... who is really beholding you Jewels?
You are beautiful to the Lord Jesus.

I think you are beautiful also.

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Post by Krista »

Something hit me the other day that was very funny.
I was thinking of all sorts of different ways that I could make myself more beautiful, and preserve whatever youth I might have, and this and that. I was mourning over that fact that while in my body weight range, I'd never see how utterly beautiful I'd be if I'd lost weight enough to be skinny.

I'm just being really honest here. I know these thoughts arent anything to be proud of lol.

Suddenly it hit me, that I was sad because I would never see myself at my most beautiful. But that isnt true, one day when we are with God we will be the best we've ever been! We will get new bodies! And then pride won't seek to eat us alive.

Maybe your seeing how you will look when we get to heaven?

Post by talitha »

On this general subject.....

I believe that it is the intention of the Lord that we receive His beauty, and not only in the spirit, but also as it is reflected upon our countenances. When others see this beauty, they don't know how to respond sometimes other than to give us compliments - and that is not a bad thing. We need to learn to give and receive compliments, for beauty and grace are IMHO gifts from the Lord, and we are supposed to appreciate them in one another - and even in ourselves.....

But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit.
(2 Corinthians 3:18 )


My eyes are small but they have seen
the beauty of enormous things
Which leads me to believe
there's light enough to see that

You make everything glorious
You make everything glorious
You make everything glorious
And I am Yours
What does that make me?

Jewels sunshine

Post by Jewels sunshine »

I remember that about three years ago not to long after i joined the board and was still a mystery to the members as they were with me.. a strange and lovely thing happened.
I was watching this detective tv show with Mark Harmon on it. It had a beautiful woman in it and i watched her and it made me kinda sad. She was so pretty and interestingly was supposed to be a Isreali agent on the show. She looked NOTHING Like me. I sat there and thought ' why" why couldent i be pretty like her."... it made me feel jealous and sad a little.
She had a awesome name to top it ,, but i cant recall it.
There is person on here that diidnt know much about me but gave me a word that hit . like a hurricane wind. She told me that my name was going to be changed( something like that),, and it ' was the name of the lady on the show! She spoke something about Lea from the bible i think and i felt alot like Lea and have had a kinship with her.
' Around that time another person gave me a word that read my mail... the person told me i was beautiful to God....
That changed me... i dont think i was ever quite the same again after thease words from people who did not know me came out... Also about that time the person who told me i was beautiful gave me scriptures that i had read on my own earlier... I told God if this was for me as a Rhema word to send a reafirmation of it. This precious person gave me those very scriptures. His words were almost like a personel word of prophecy birthed by spirit revelation they were so personel and hit home so closely. This from people who did not know me.
I started to see myself a little diffrently.
Thats been about two and half years ago.
I do feel self concious,, i have no upper teeth and the bottoms arnt great. I have had weigtht battles. I do feel a little of of sorts. I have alwayes wanted to be a beauty.I try to make up for theas lacks in other ways.
Maybe the dream is a reflection of my yearning ,.... or maybe the way God sees me... Beautiful!
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Post by discerning »

the way God sees me... Beautiful!
Yes, yes, yes and amen. And if I counted correctly this makes five confirmations.

I believe if we could all just get a tiny glimpse of how Papa sees us, we would all be encouraged...

I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning...
Ezekiel 3:17
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Post by ArisenShine »

I have had a couple of those kind of dreams...not close together....but both at times when, unbeknowns to me, my self-esteem was at a low. I know the Lord gave them to "see" my self differently. It was like...WOW! That was really ME!....not at all the way (at the time) I was 'seeing' myself at all..far from it...and had been settling for less. (maybe abit depressed and not fighting it..but the dream would snap me out of it...that's NOT the way HE saw what He had made!)

God is so good!

Many times I have been able to 'see' some ladies as God intended them to be, when they (at the time) had been far from that...and would pray for them...that they only could see the potential beauty He intended for them, and love/care for themselves more.
Consider the lilies....
Jewels sunshine

Post by Jewels sunshine »

When i was given these timely words ,,, i looked myself in the mirror and it really touched me. I recall now the character on tv was Ziva. This person online spoke of that name and this was the character i thought was so pretty....
It still humbles me when i think ONE silent little thought in ME was detected by God and he chose out of all my wailings and prayers to confront. If he hears one little silent thought hes hearing the others to.
I never have forgotten t
It semmed to bother God ( if i can use that word) that i thought this... Anyhow to have Jesus think im pretty its hard to see myself any other way. 8)i recall asking God why are you telling me this now? I have wanted to hear this before...( there was a what i call a "prophecy " given"( if given in a church setting this is what i would have called it) words so kind and beautiful about his love for me.
I think i heard " because u needed to hear it now)\"
In other words i truly had need ,,, and God met the need.
Im not sure what thease dreams are about... one i had of walking towards a man that looked like a old boyfriend called Mike. I had a flower in my hand.
I think there was another ' youth dream" and now this.Maybe the coming new year will show what it all means.
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Post by Pearls of Wisdom »

Your dream leads me to this scripture:

Psalm 103:5 (New King James Version)

5 Who satisfies your mouth with good things,
So that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.
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Post by Jewels-inhisheart »

Heres another one! :mrgreen:
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Post by RevK »

Ps 149:4 - For the Lord takes pleasure in His people; He will beautify the humble with salvation.

Post by talitha »

amen! amen! yes, I think it's all coming together, Jewels!!
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Post by shine »

talitha wrote:On this general subject.....

I believe that it is the intention of the Lord that we receive His beauty, and not only in the spirit, but also as it is reflected upon our countenances. When others see this beauty, they don't know how to respond sometimes other than to give us compliments - and that is not a bad thing. We need to learn to give and receive compliments, for beauty and grace are IMHO gifts from the Lord, and we are supposed to appreciate them in one another - and even in ourselves.....

This is really great. . .I love how different we all are on the dream site. I love how wisdom flows thru each of us. Talitha your compliment from me is that you regularly flow in wisdom, & you state these revelations, or beliefs in words that are easily understood.

Blessings, Shine
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Post by shine »

& on that note of giving compliments. . .
JewelsAGlow, you are an incredibly deep thinker - and a Super sincere person
Blessings :D
Jesus is the Saviour