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Post by Victorious »

It was early morning and I asked my husband if he needed the car Friday (or Saturday?) and then asked if he could drop me off in St. Petersburg, FL on his way to work that day, because I was going on a cruise. He said yes, didn’t even ask any questions.

There was the journey to the city, getting on the boat … First I was in a seat on the left, facing the back of the boat. I was very nervous that the ship was going to sink, and I kept looking out at the water, expecting it to look deeper and deeper as it rose over our heads. But it didn’t. (This part, the boat launch, reminded me of being on an airplane taking off.)

I was aware that my husband was also on the cruise, which really surprised me. I walked to where he was, though I don’t remember actually seeing him, but I know he was there and we talked.

Walked back to the back of the boat, and my toddler was at a table where we had been eating. He saw me and ran to me, but I was really nervous because there were no visible rails on the side of the boat and I thought he would fall off. Of course he was fine.

I had another dream, not sure if it was before or after, about my dad giving my teenage son a swimsuit magazine to look at on the cruise (even though he wasn’t on the cruise) … he was on my husband’s side of the bed and I was on my side, a couple of his classmates were also in the room. He said something about “they lied. They said she would have 2 swimsuit pictures but there’s only one.” I looked, and pointed out the second picture was a baby picture. I got mad that he was looking at this magazine, and told him these girls had bodies just like mine, wanna see it? I was trying to make a point, not trying to be lewd. I couldn’t believe y dad would give him this magazine and that my mom approved. Then I looked at the magazine again and realized it wasn’t full of scantily clad women after all, but it was more like a “People" magazine.

Not sure if/how the two dreams are related. When I woke up, I heard, “Mercy translated over a tree,” (the cross) … and a few minutes later, Romans 12:1 - “… in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship."
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Cruise dream

Post by MJ »


I am not new to dream interpretation; just new to this site.

I did receive an interpretation for your dream...I want to be loving and kind in this interpretation because there is a stern message I feel you need to hear.

You have some anger issues that you need to seek God about. They are manifesting in your relationships, especially your immediate family. You want to run from the problem but it will only resurface again if you continue to avoid the real issues.

The magazine is representing the "glossing over" of difficulties. Your husband seems to be committed to seeing the problem through although he doesn't totally understand the underlying problems. He appears to bring people into the situation which only causes the waters to be muddied up more.

You have an adventurous type of personality which sometimes gets you into deep waters.

Pray for discernment for this dream and please consider this interpretation prayerfully. I do believe you are going to work through all of this. Please take this as encouragement. I've been down the same road so the Lord showed me the deeper truths in your dream.

God bless you.

"Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ." Galatians 1:3