Black puppet or doll

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Black puppet or doll

Post by Yukon »

I had what seemed like a very dark dream with some weird people. I was looking at this dark figure and something that was at the bottom of this murky dark body of water would give the enemy great power, so I dived down deep into this water and was able to retrive this black puppet (kind of like the type you can put your hand into it) before that dark figure got to it. I somehow knew where it was in the water while the dark figure swam around looking for it. The dark figure was in the water way before I was and I somehow had record swimming speed.

So, I grabbed what to me looked like this black doll or puppet and put it in my right pants pocket and swam back to the shore. So, when I got back to the surface all of these evil people came looking for me, but I wasn't afraid at all, because God has been teaching me about where I am in Him and His promises and Psalm 91.

I even sat in a row of people and most of them were the evil people looking for this puppet and didn't even know or could sense it was in my pocket.

Somehow I ended up in a room with a long bench with a cover and I was told to hide in the bench because two of these evil people had guns and I watched from a distance as they empty their guns on this bench that apparently my body was hidng in. Not a single bullet hit me. Even when they took the lid off and had direct aim at me, they still couldn't hit me. I spoke out in the dream as Psalm 91 says, God covers me with His feathers and hides me under His wings.

So, I have probably answered most of my questions, but just curious of how can a black doll or puppet have so much power to the enemy?

Yukon :roll:
Last edited by Yukon on Tue Nov 02, 2010 3:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by servant »

This is a tough one... but what comes to mind is all the horror shows that depict dolls as evil. Also, the puppet thing seems like showing maybe the way satan/evil has ways of controlling some people.

I hope some of this helps in some way!

Peace and understanding,
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Post by charlie »

Yukon...reading this dream I was reminded of the Metallica song "Master of Puppets" which is basically singing about the effects of drugs on a person's life pushing them to the edge of life and into death. In the song, the puppet is the drug user and it is controlled by the drugs which "pull his strings". The haunting lyric which sums up this deadly spiral is this:

Master of Puppets I'm pulling your strings
Twisting your mind and smashing your dreams
Blinded by me you can't see a thing

(10 mins later...interesting...we just had a complete power cut so as I typed the last line i was left in complete darkness!!! Just had to go down to the basement with a torch to trip the switch again...Mmmmmm)

Anyways, it made me wonder if you had a calling/burden to reach out to those affected by illicit drug save the puppets before their "master" destroys them and uses them to destroy others...

Even if not specifically related to drugs it seems that some folk which the enemy wants to possess and use to His own ends need to be pulled out from under his nose...the murky water speaks of drowning in the murky depths which most who have experienced the loss of hope and will to live have experienced...

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Post by Yukon »

Servant and charlie,

I have been doing some praying for a lady that has some weird things in her life and have been warring for her in prayer and the enemy is not happy that I am praying for her. Also, have been helping two other women lately and been lifting them up in prayer.

Thanks for helping me understand what the doll/puppet stood for better. Makes alot of sense now.

I enjoyed the most swimming at super speeds in that murky water and totally beating that weird evil looking guy in the water.

Yukon :)
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Post by charlie »

Yukon wrote:
I enjoyed the most swimming at super speeds in that murky water and totally beating that weird evil looking guy in the water.

Yukon :)
Yes, Yukon, Abba is with you when you reach out to those who are oppressed. Sometimes we move swiftly because we understand the landscape/terrain, having passed through it before ourselves perhaps or through revelation...we know the terrain and God's grace in our lives enables us to find and to free others from the snare.

Psalm 40:2
He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.

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Post by Jewels-inhisheart »


This is something i dont understand and can fully explain the 'whys", I can only share the little tiny bit i have-learned from my few years in deliverance and reading what some deliverance ministers believe and think.
Now i do wantto put this out, I dot believe all dolls are evil. I have dolls for my little girl. I'm not against some dolls... as they can be what they are meant to be,, toys. Especially baby dolls,, as i had them and normal baby dolls or the more innocent bland Barbies can simply be fun interactive toys to enrich a childish imagination.I gave a bridal doll to Cherish on her 3rd birthday and as a present for her participation in my 2nd wedding to Ed a few Weeks go.

That being said.

Dolls in some societies are not toys but items used for voodoo and are used to do great harm. Puppets to. Some deliverance minsters believe that puppets altogether are not to be used or played with. I myself am not against regular hand puppet but the ones with strings bother me and i dont like ventriloquist dolls at all.

They can be sued as 'tools" of the enemy and in the dark realms. AS with any doll,,even one bought here ( the US.)as a toy it needs to be looked at carefully to be sure its up to snuff. No magical connections ( dolls that represent anything to do with magic or supernatural power,,)Tinkerbell,,, Barbies that are fairies or represent beings with supernatural abilities,,. Also any talking dolls should be regarded with caution. I only buy regular looking benign baby dools or the innocent inexpensive barbies that a usually princesses,,Ballerinas or the bathing suit ones. I like to stick to the young looking Barbies the kind u can find in Pharmacy store for maybe 10 $.

As for deep waters ( Perry stone teaches on this!) There is a belief that portals to hell can be found in certain parts of the deep. Certain places in the oceans have places that go straight into the regions of the dammed. Helli under the earth so this do sent surprise me.

I had a ocean picture i painted as a Murial on my bathroom wall., It was a picture of a beach and then the waters and then the tropics under the water.
I had a seahorse,,a jelly fish and some coral reefs.( still have it) but i had something else.

I had a black hole that was suppose to represent a cave where a octopus woudl live. I made the cave but i never got around to putting the octopus in there. Just this black cave( actuality im not done with that door yet and i started that maybe 7 years ago! IT needs a few more things to complete it and some repair)

Ben started to have 'fits" wile taking showers. He would just start screaming and having a terrible tantrums. It was getting to be a chronic thing the older he got.( Ben loved showering and at one time he craved a lot of bathing and being in water)

When i started counseling with AP,, i took my phone into the bathroom and my counselor said " i feel like im in another dimension my eyes went to the door.

To make a long story short,,,,,, we prayed and then had communion outside near where my bathroom was. Authority was taken over any evil getting into the house supernaturally and lodging into the bathroom ( to unbelievers they will scoff at this but i know what happened) as ill logical as it may sound. Many things are illogical to may minds and people but are real nevertheless)
I also realized that black hole on that wall had becoming a portal. I covered it up with a huge Grey boulder and wrote in red ' Jesus Christ..the rock of our salvation!"
I got rid of the seahorse (thats ANOTHER STORY !) and put PSALM 93.4 ON IT( where the water was..).
That was maybe two years ago, From my memory Ben has never had a bad fit again. If he did they were minor and i know its been a very long time he has had one at a ll wile showering. Some will say well..m,maybe the water was to hot op cold... we;; why did these fits and tantrums stop or stat leveling off abruptly after this was all done?

That is my story, It happened so for me im convinced there is something about the great deep and portals to the underworld,. Again Even Perry stone has a teaching on this.

I gave u this is info thinking maybe it would help make the dram make more sense. knowing that people from the outside who read this will laugh and think im nuts or a fanatic,,but i know what happened... its the truth...Only my own input and testimonial and thought it might help u understand the dream more clearly.It is a interesting dream!