Dream about hands/arms-very vivid, still.

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Dream about hands/arms-very vivid, still.

Post by RevRyan11 »

I have only had three dreams, prior to early this AM that I truly felt, beyond a shadow of a doubt, was God, but I woke up at 2 AM (Thanksgiving Day) with a dream so real that my lower arms tingled (a first!) for about a half hour after waking up. It is only the second dream I actually woke up to write down (and I would not have needed to, because it is stamped in my memory). Problem? I have no interpretation. Can you give me your anointed thought? :) I will warn you the first half is rather "Gross," but the second half seems more whimsical.

In the dream I was going to a job interview, and, for some reason was going to stay the night at a ministry friend's home. My wife and I drove up to his home, and it looked like a British estate (he lives in a regular home in "real life"). As I went in, with my wife to greet him, I noticed that the tops of my LEFT hand-from wrist to finger tips had what resembled a "boil" on it. You know how when you get burnt, sometimes your skin fills with a fluid "pocket (not sure how else to describe it)?" I was very concerned about it, and went to show my friend. I grew even more alarmed as, from the time I noticed it until I could show him, it was completely surrounding my left arm from elbow to fingers-like my arm was in a sack of it... It was like a thin second skin had grown and was filling with a yellow thin water and oil mix. My friend was not concerned at all and said to get a pin and pop it to take care of it, but, no sooner had he said that, then I noticed the fluid overtook the thin skin-like membrane and was "leaking." I remember going to the restroom to finish draining it, and went to bed with all fluid gone, but the loose membrane "hanging." In the middle of the night I got the idea to go to the restroom and carefully pull the skin off (because it was just hanging loose and would be painless).
As I entered the restroom, I saw that my hand was perfectly "Whole." No extra skin or anything-however, when I looked at my RIGHT hand, it had from the fingers down to the elbows tiny clovers and small flowers growing out of it (like the little tiny flowers that grow to only about an inch long in yards and kids pick for their moms). I was very concerned about this, but, again, when I went to show the friend I was staying with, he felt it was very normal and unconcerning. He reassured me that it would be alright, and I woke up.
Again, I was wide awake, and BOTH arms tingled for about half an hour (just a light tingle just enough to make it feel like they needed scratched.
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Post by Charys »

Hi RevRyan,
As I prayed about your dream this is what stood out to me.

Your friend lives in estate =lives in a state of understanding he is nobility -perhaps a royal priest? Perhaps not the actual friend, but someone who walks alongside you as a friend in ministry, someone you can trust.
Boil =in Deut. boils are a consequence of disobedience
Left hand = usually the weaker hand, the hand that is dependent on the strength of the right. For me, the left hand represents spiritual strength and the right hand physical strength.
Boil covers whole arm =what seemed like a small thing has grown to sap much more of your effectiveness and strength
Draining = dealing with unpleasant stuff takes time andcan be draining
Restroom =a place of cleansing and resting in forgiveness. A restroom to me is a place of confession. Get it out. Flush. Wash. Sometimes you can receive showers of blessing or enjoy a good soak in the tub as you are cleansed in that room as well.
Flowers on right hand = As you are cleansed and made whole spiritually, you are also blessed physically. Consider the flowers of the field...

--for your discernment--
...that I might know Him...
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Post by MJ »

Welcome to the site, RevRyan

While reading your post I thought of a dream I had this past summer which was similiar to yours. It was a problem-solution type of dream and may have some bearing on the interpretation of your dream.

In my dream I was peeling layer after layer of skin off the palm of my left hand. I was amazed in my dream the number of layers coming off, plus the fact that the peeling was over the entire palm of my hand. End of dream.

IRL I've struggled with eczema on my hands, and detergents and cleaning products may sometimes start or aggravate a new case of eczema. I know the Lord has touched me and eczema has not been a major problem in my life since 1982. This past summer I struggled with probably the worst case of it I've ever had. No home remedies would help me recover completely. Finally in October I went to the doctor and he gave me some antibotics and over the course of two months my hand has healed.

It may that you have an underlying infection of some sort that will continue and become very nasty if you do not check the source of the problem. The dream indicates a very painful type of infection, so I would recommend a time of fasting and praying and for a spirit of revelation to enlighten you.

Those are my thoughts and others will have different interpretations but they may all be parts of the puzzle for you.

God bless you,

"Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ." Galatians 1:3

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Post by Charys »

Hi. I'm back. It just struck me that this may have been a blister that occurred in reaction to being burned. You wrote, " You know how when you get burnt." Have you been burned by something in the past? A teaching, a situation, a person or circumstance? A blister like this can be the body's reaction to being offended. Perhaps there is a reaction to being burned that has caused you to take up an offense. (The phrase "a slap on the wrist" comes to mind.)

Praying for your further understanding. This much I know, Abba absolutely loves you, enjoys spending time with you, and He takes delight in you. Ps. 149.
...that I might know Him...