Visions.Clear as the day!

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Visions.Clear as the day!

Post by eyes.enlightened »

My spiritual mom is a "Seer". She has seen several visions of a friend of mine. She has never met the person, but she has seen them in visions and she could hear them talking out loud to themselves, clear as the day.

My questions is, has anyone had this experience before? I don't know if I should tell this person about it? I know that the LORD has a reason why HE would share this information with me about this person? It makes me wonder if I'm suppose to let them know that God is aware of them. It reminds me of the time Jesus said to Nathaniel,..."I saw you when you were sitting under the fig tree".

I have never told the person what GOD has revealed to me through my spiritual mom. The person is not a Christian, I don't know if they would think that I am crazy, if I tell them what has been revealed. Otherwise, why would the LORD give this information to me, when it has nothing to do w/me? Share your similar experience, it might help my understanding...
Last edited by eyes.enlightened on Mon Nov 29, 2010 10:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by bjcollin »


Welcome to the board. God Bless you.

Yes, many of us have had experiences like the one you describe. Many times the insider information given by the Lord to us about another person who is unsaved is for the purpose of praying for that person or for Evangelism purposes. Good Bible reference on this you already gave an example of is John 1:48-50. Also other references in Acts 9 with Paul/Ananias and Acts 10-11 with Peter/Cornelius. So definately pray about what you have been entrusted with, and ask the Holy Spirit to bring conviction on the unsaved person and ask when the right time is to share with the other person. He will be faithful to bring the opportunity for Salvation in His perfect timing.

in Christ,
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Vision.clear as the day

Post by eyes.enlightened »

You have confirmed what I thought that I should do in regards to sharing the visions with the person at the right time. I was a little baffled by the amount of times that the person was revealed in an open vision to my spiritual mom over a few years. But I wasn't sure what I was suppose to do with it, but pray. So, I did.

I have been in intercessory prayer for years for the person, so I wondered why GOD kept revealing repeatedly to me the behind the scenes about the person? I thought that he was revealing it to share it w/them, but I wouldn't. I'll just keep it to myself and keep praying for them to receive the LORD.

Then recently she has had two visions, a few days apart where she could hear and see them. And get this, she was actually standing in the room and they couldn't see her. Again, you confirmed it. It's about time to let them know GOD is watching and HE know all about them.

Thank you, pray that the LORD give me the boldness to reveal this to the person. I pray that their heart is prepared to received at the appointed time. PEACE!
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Post by A Warrior's Heart »

Hi enlightened

Don't worry you aren't alone. When I am given a dream or vision, I too used to wonder well what does God want me to do with this. Should I inform the person about what I saw or if it's a warning should I warn them? I know that when the Lord does reveal something to me in a dream, I definitely pray. Intercessory prayer is a serious ministry and I believe that is what I've been called to do. I also believe the Holy Spirit will tell/convict you if you should contact the person. I know sometimes you may have doubts about what the person may think about you or say towards you after you tell them. Since you have been convicted to speak to them, that means you've been given the authority to do so. I pray for Holy Boldness for you to do the Lord's will. -God Bless
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Post by Truth Seeker »


When you get a chance, please read Ezekiel 3:16-20. I believe it will be helpful in this situation.

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Post by eyes.enlightened »

Truth Seeker,

All I can say is "Wow"! It is definitely time to go forth and speak to them concerning the word from the LORD through the visions.

Years, ago I received this same word from GOD, but I kept praying that GOD would send laborers to lead the person into the kingdom. I didn't really understand that I would be the one HE would use.

So, lately I have been waiting and praying but starting to feel that I may have to become bold and step out and share the visions that GOD has revealed to me through my spiritual mom with them.

Now, I know for sure, it is time. A few days ago, A Warriors Heart encouraged me and now with this scripture from you, I truly know with strong convictions, I must do it. Thank you and blessings to you.