Going Places!

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Going Places!

Post by Victorious »

I have had so many dreams lately but have not taken the time to write them down. This one was a dream within a dream, and like most of my dreams, was in 3 parts.

Part 1: I was apparently in China with a small group (including the Holmes family), and was about to enter a particular city. This city was so spiritually dark, that there was a newsstand with 3 flyers indicating what to pray for. One flyer listed ways to pray for yourself, for your own spiritual protection in this city, one listed ways to pray for the people of the city, and I don’t remember what the 3rd one was about, but it was a full size sheet of paper, compared to the other 2, which were half-sheets. The group I was with was given a practice challenge of going door to door in a tenement building & at that point I realized how woefully unprepared I was for being a missionary in China, but I went with the group anyway.

Then I “woke up” and thought, “Now I know the 3 countries I’m going to” and wrote a list starting at the bottom with #3: China. Then I wrote the other 2 countries (I can’t remember if I wrote #1 or #2 next) - #1 was Haiti & #2 was Myanmar/Burma, but I was not 100% sure about #2.

(This is the 2nd time I’ve dreamed that I was going to “3 countries” - the 1st time, several years ago, it was first Puerto Rico, then ??? (again, unsure of #2), then China. Only I think Puerto Rico represented Haiti, by the things that were said in that dream.

In part 2, I dreamed about traveling to Germany, where my husband & I & oldest child lived during the earliest years of marriage. I was excited because I was going to take my mom & all my children, and they would be able to see where we lived and all the places we went.

Part 3 was about school busses & getting to school. I was driving in the early morning while it was slightly foggy/overcast, past a campground entrance, when I heard a siren. I pulled over and 2 school busses passed me, then another school bus pulled out of the campground and parked beside me. I got out of my car and got into the bus. The bus drove off and made a u-turn in a median & I was really impressed that the bus could make such a manuever (it was the type of median that was narrow and deep). Some friends from church were on the bus and we were having friendly conversation about other people from church, only they couldn’t remember who I was talking about. I mentioned seeing this other family (that the others didn’t know) “all the time” at Disney World. (I have many, many Disney World dreams, usually with another family, but it was not the same family we were discussing.) Then I was at a bus stop, out of the bus, and getting ready to walk to the school. There were 3 lines of students, and I was in the high school line, only I couldn’t see the high school. I was told it was past the other 2 schools and I would have to walk further to see it.