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Post by Chosen128 »

XHey blessed ones!

If your reading this hopefully it is Holy spirit led. I also bless you for taking the time to help me sought out this dream.

I dreamed I was being driven in car by a friend to what was supposed to be my mom's dad home, now my grandpa has been deceased abt 10 yrs now, the car I was driven in had other women in car I was in back seat with another woman. We drove to my grandpa's family business (which is actually in Virgin Islands) it seems the door had tape as if it was shut down.

We continued driving down the road, it suddenly started looking like a residential area in Florida (which is where I live). Me and ladies in the car simultaneously said as we drove up to this nice MUSTARD colored house we said " oh this is your house the one with GOLD BELLS on the door"? I said yes, got out of the car, I believe they left.

My eyes first went to MUSTARD color on house, then huge basketball size ROCKS that were built in the front of the house, then my eyes went to GOLD BELLS on the door. To the right of me right above what I believed was a garage door was numbers 3085 or 3805 in Gold, which to me those numbers will speak to me because the 3 is my fave, 5 my ex/friend's fave# & 8 new beginnings.

Lastly after seeing #'s there were 2 cars that pulled up in driveway with some Hispanic women with dark hair, wearing white spring dresses, they were grilling as to why I was not dressed like them & why I wore what I wore, when I looked down at myself I had on a spring dress right above the knee with small multicoloted spots on it with a jacket over sleaveless dress. I told them I was ok with what I was wearing because I wasn't informed what to wear.

Now a quick key my ex/friend is still in my heart. Sorry for all the details. :idea:
"Seek ye FIRST the kingdom of God AND his Righteousness and ALL these things will be added unto YOU" Mark 6:33 (Spouse, Finances, Health, Buisnesses,etc.)
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Post by Newbie »

Hello Chosen128, this is not Spiritled but I can help you with some of the symbolism, the numbers in your dream means love. The mustard color brings to mind a couple of scriptures:
Matthew 13:31-32, "Here is another illustration Jesus used: β€œThe Kingdom of Heaven is like a mustard seed planted in a field. It is the smallest of all seeds, but it becomes the largest of garden plants; it grows into a tree, and birds come and make nests in its branches.”
Luke 17:6, "The Lord answered, "If you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, 'May you be uprooted and thrown into the sea,' and it would obey you!"

The rocks speaks to me as Jesus and the gold bells is that of the Spirit. A house is normally symbolic of ourselves. The Latin women speaks to me once again as Christ's passion; hence their complexion is "reddish/ or goldish brown tone". In my dreams often, if there is a certain race/color of the person, the Lord is pointing to me what this may represents) The white dresses speaks to me as the Spirit or purity. The two cars may mean that you are bearing witness or will give a testimony. Toss whatever, don't fit.
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Post by Chosen128 »

Hi Newbie!

Blessings! You hit some great points on the head! wow! Thank you sooo much for answering my post. I'm curious of a few things, How did the numbers translate into love? (I've never heard it in that comparison before) and the bells being of the spirit. Just curious.

Do you feel the dream had any connection to my ex & I?

Have a blessed day!

Gina :D
"Seek ye FIRST the kingdom of God AND his Righteousness and ALL these things will be added unto YOU" Mark 6:33 (Spouse, Finances, Health, Buisnesses,etc.)
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Post by Newbie »

Hello Gina, the numbers 3085 or 3805 when you ad them up both equal the number 16; 3+8+5 = 16. 16 normally symbolizes God's love. However, the numebers could represent other things depending on how you break it up; but the symbol of love corresponds to the overall them of your dream. In regards to you and your ex, I righteously do not know and I do not want to mislead you on this one. Is it something you have praying over?
I hope this helps.
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Post by Chosen128 »

Hi Newbie!

Yes, it was something I had been praying about, In reality, the Lord would talk to me with his situation in numbers, and I actually added up total to 16, then 1+6 being 7, perfection, completion, at least currently progressing to a healthy state, being perfected spiritually. There was also another dream the Lord gave me and it had to do with my ex and the number "7" was spoken towards him in the dream.

Have a blessed day!
Gina :)
"Seek ye FIRST the kingdom of God AND his Righteousness and ALL these things will be added unto YOU" Mark 6:33 (Spouse, Finances, Health, Buisnesses,etc.)
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Post by Hannah »

Hey G,

I just read this so I would have same info as you. I see this as very symbolic of what we are entering into...your grandfathers house represents your inheritance good and bad, the tape blocking the door is the bad stuff and perhaps the women in the car with you rep me n Marsha?

The next part you are in Florida and come to the door with gold and numbers...all of that will be given to you after our fast??

I don't know, it's just what came up in me...love ya!
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I Agree

Post by His_handmaiden »

:D Just wanted to share that I agree about the numbers adding up to 7, (God's perfect number, and, wanted to add that since you were in the back seat what lies ahead someone else would be taking the leadership and you would be letting go of the reigns, so to speak. The driver is in charge. And the gold, taking in consideration about the house being your inheritance, perhaps you are receiving your inheritance from the Lord as you come forth under God's leading as pure gold and shall receive a blessing . What it is is between you and the Lord, I believe. It definitely could add to this conerning the fast. Anyway, this is what I am receiving. Hope this helps. May the Lord reveal this to you in the fullness, it only points to good. :D
We are in the last "laps" of the race, be careful how you run it.