Earthuake and miraculous escape

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Earthuake and miraculous escape

Post by desertrose »

Dream starts with my hesitation in walking into the 13 story building where I work in real life. In real life we have been subject to a number of major earthquakes (over 8,000 aftershocks and quakes) since september 2010 - I put my trust in the Lords plan for my life - realising no matter what happens = He is my shield and fortress.

I enter the building and press the elevator button - the elevator doors open and shut erratically and repeatedly - the floor starts moving and I realise there is another major quake. I then look to my left and see a solid wall about 10-15 feet ahead of me - and somehow i know I have to go in that direction. Which doesnt make sense in my mind - as I approach a closed door miraculously appears but it looks so wedged shut due to the damage from the quake (which is still happening in the dream) I think to myself - yeah - but I will never be able to get it open...however after a couple of tugs at the door it opens up - I am at that stage thinking - buts its a real drop to ground level - what do I do now..then I look and see a set of stairs leading to the ground. With that knowledge I go back into the building and find a group of people huddled in a dead end area and guide them to the door - I feel calm enough even to walk back again and pick up my cellphone and handbag that I had originally dropped by the elevator - then I left the building as well.

dream ends
Be blessed and keep sweet !