Dentist dream, request interpretation

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Word Girl
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Dentist dream, request interpretation

Post by Word Girl »

Waiting in an office, for an appointment.  Not sure about the order of this dream, but while I'm waiting  I can hear a dentist discussing an electrical apparatus to a patient to help remove tarter from his teeth.  I was curios because I had the same problem.  So I approached the dentist and asked him about the apparatus and the dentist told me about two of them.  I then went back to my seat and saw two bibles.  These two bibles were round and zipped.  One was red leather and the other was black leather.  One was KIng James Version and the other was a Spirit-filled bible.  I took both bibles when I suspected they belonged to someone I opened them.  Both had identical brown leather pouches inside.  One had a $1 bill and a couple of items inside with no identity.  The other had a name imprinted on the bible, and atoll of bills, the outer bill was a $100 but I didn't unroll the money.  The name on that bible was "Babil" (I'm not sure).  I was headed to my laptop to search for the owners and if not located my second option was toreturnthe bibles in hope that the owners would seek them out.
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Post by bjcollin »

The Bible in any form or translation is rich in its content and wisdom from God. Sometimes reading the KJV it is pretty hard for people to get through the old elizabethan english and to get content out of it for them. However, the Holy Spirit still does speak through that translation and many people still use it and memorize scripture from it. It is sometimes better though to read the Bible from a more modern translation like the NKJV, NIV or NASB or other newer versions. These newer translations use more original hebrew and greek scriptural reference sources and they have more accurate translation knowledge that went into them than the original translators of the KJV had access to in the 1611 when it was first translated. I feel that your dream is pointing to that you will get way more value out of your Bible reading if you will press into it in a newer version. Unzip them and get right in this year. Hope this helps.

in Christ,