Is this a personal WARNING dream?

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Is this a personal WARNING dream?

Post by ElijahsTask »

Standing in door of hotel room getting ready w/my dau. to leave, as she was walking toward me I noticed 2 snakes on the carpet. One snake was the same color and pattern of carpet, orange, pink and red swirls. The other, a smaller one was blue-grey in color and moving toward us. My dau. in walking toward me almost put her heel down on the multi-colored snake. I grabbed her quick and pulled her to me then showed her what she'd almost stepped on. She was shocked and surprised.

Next scene:

I was in a back yard, w/ green grass hanging up a large dark green towel on a clothes line. I look down and see snakes in the grass and run.

Next scene

At a later date, a friend and I have a laundry basket full of clothe we are going to hang up, The grass is much taller now. We're laughing and when I look down, I see many snakes looking up at us while moving around. I gently push her to leave quickly. IRL she moves very slow due to physical problems.


I am standing on dirt where off to my right I see a wheat colored snake w/ brown lines that have a waffle type pattern looking like this xxxxxxxxxx over it's entire body. ODD OBSERVATION: The snake was TRI-FOLDED over upon itself. It was flat but as it came up off itself it became round. It seemed focused on me. I saw another small snake off to my left but this other had my attention so I turned back to watch as it unfolded itself like a try-fold wallet.


Someone asked us to run an errand for them using their little red mini truck with a hood. Hub and I were in the back of the truck where there was a wooden box. ( reminded me of a coffin tho it wasn't one) I remember noticing the splinters coming up off the wood. Some guy rode by wearing a wide brim hayseed type hat, laughing and telling hub and I saying "hey" you 2 aughta spend the night in that thing" I thought in the box? Hub said no, "in the back of the truck cuz it has a hood on it" we both laughed.


I woke up extremely tired this am which is unusual.

ANY insight or thoughts are most welcome!!! Thank you ahead of time,

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Post by Newbie »

The snakes spoke as a demonic attack in the area to feelings, such as depression, discouragement, and also deception. Perhaps you may have experience things in your day to day walk in which you may have been contaminated by coming into contact with others. I will post more later.
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Personal warning or what?

Post by freedinHim »

Again, what I am picking up is the attack is in form of lies and gossip and lies told against you and your daughter (may be) and you need to be there to protect her against some of these. I am not too happy in saying these but these attacks include deception from religious leaders and those that have spiritual oversight over you and may be your daughter.
As Newbie will say, if it doesn't fit; toss it
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Post by ElijahsTask »

Newbie, freedinHim..... Greeting and thank you.

A demonic attack it may well be. I agree the attack is in the form of lies, gossip AND deception against BOTH me and my daughter.

I THINK I know what the dream is about but am not sure, I PRAY I am wrong.


There has been a huge event that just took place in my life that my
daughter knows nothing about at this time.

After having had this dream, I am proceeding WITH CAUTION.

I believe it deals with 4 people in particular and then others I know are there in the back ground but don't KNOW who they are just yet.

FreedinHim, hub and I are not attending a church right now but are staying plugged in by the internet. However...... it MAY BE a religious leader over one of the 4 people mentioned above.

I know I don't like the feel of this and am praying the Lord will reveal some "specifics" to someone as a "confirmation".

I thank you BOTH so VERY much for your thoughtfulness and am open to anything else the Lord may drop in your heart.
Rich blessings to you both, and again, thank you very much!!!


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Post by bella »

Hi ET,

What is saw was that you just seem to be surrounded by these snakes - where ever you go, and over time, they're there, blending into the background almost. And even something will unfold (trifold snake like a wallet), but you've seen it for what it is.

I did feel like it was lies, lies that are believable because they're blending in with their surround. You know, what's coming to mind is that satan's lies always have an element of truth to them, because that makes them believable to those looking on.

It also seems that someone is going to ask you to do something for them, but you identify that as confining to you (the little red truck with the coffin-like back).

I've been praying for wisdom for you, and for all of those lies to be exposed for what they are. I'm just conscious of not saying too much right now, but will be praying more.
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Post by ElijahsTask »


WOW, I was focusing on the snakes, their colors and their sizes and especially the trifold of the snake.

The snake was flat but as it began unfurling, it became round like we know snakes to be, not flat.

Here's what you brought me back to which gave me a little jolt as I read your post. You said someone may be asking me ( us, hubs and me) to do something for them. I DO believe you're onto something here and the Lord did not want me to leave this out of the equation.

I SO MUCH appreciate your prayers here CrackerJack and when you said:

"and for all of those lies to be exposed for what they are."

As best I know, the ONLY WAY for this to happen WOULD BE FOR THE HOLY SPIRIT to REVEAL AND CONFIRM these lies and deception.

I say this because if the enemy has sold you a lie...... you buy into and believe that lie......... the enemy is not going to come to you and tell you boldly to your face " I just sold you a bill of goods and you bought it hook line and sinker!!!"

AS A HYPATHETICAL HERE..... say you had a big blow up with your boss and you get fired. A year later your boss calls and wants you to come back to work for him and you respond favorably to his asking forgiveness
You, as a christian want peace between all men and since it weighed so heavy on your heart, this blow up, when your boss calls, you're over joyed and accept his forgiveness and at his request you go visit your boss and place of past employment.
You arrive and you find he only got you there to inflict mental damage to you. You leave in disbelief, bewilderment and are dazed.


KNOWING your boss knew you desired reconciliation and you knew he felt you were the reason the company took a nose dive, he lures you over to the old office only to hurt you. DO YOU THINK HE WOULD DISCLOSE HIS REAL MOTIVES BEFORE HE GOT YOU WHERE HE WANTED YOU? A CAPTIVE AUDIENCE EVEN FOR A MOMENT, JUST TO LET YOU KNOW ON HIS TURFF WHAT HE REALLY THOUGHT OF YOU?

NO, he wouldn't. Satan doesn't advertise "this is a lie"

ANYONE READING THIS, please understand this IS NOT what happened to me in any way shape or form,

I am just trying to say THIS WILL HAVE TO BE AN ACT OF THE LORD to reveal information through someone willing to be used and to get me a message.

THANK YOU AGAIN for all the prayer here folks. I NEED THEM!!!



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Post by bella »

I don't know if this is any help to you right now, but I was reading it just before I read your message ...

Let there be no divisions among you, My people. It is My will for you that you live in peace as much as possible. Division has its root in pride, and I would have you not provoke one another or start a fight. I am calling you this day to be humble and to forgive those who have offended you or caused you distress. Let this be a new day and a new season of humility and forgiveness, says the Lord.

Romans 12:18-21 If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men. Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, "Vengeance is Mine, I will repay," says the Lord. Therefore "If your enemy is hungry, feed him; If he is thirsty, give him a drink; For in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head." Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
This spoke to me directly, re something I've just been dealing with. It may speak to you as well???
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Post by ElijahsTask »

I am waiting to get more confirmation. THIS

It is My will for you that you live in peace as much as possible. HAS BEEN A THEME FOR SOMETIME NOW. JUST WAITING TO SEE :wink:

THANK YOU for your input!! I very much appreciate it.


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Post by Newbie »

Read this post, I believe you may find your answer here:
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Post by Newbie »

Hello ET, the folded up snake want leave me and this is because of something my husband would say. Whenever someone has someone under their control, he has this saying: So and so has you folded up like a wallet in their back pocket. So this spoke as control. All the snakes are blended into the environment which means to conceal, it appears that you may not notice the lies at first or discern them but you will because in the dream, each time, you saw the snakes. You stated that you do not go to church but you and your husband watch internet ministry, as do I. But maybe the answer may lie in this: the ministry/church. I believe that there is a great shift in which the foundation of the church is being shaken out and those things that are not of Him will be removed. Things done in the dark will be bought forward in the Light. This dream reminded me of your most recent dream and have the lying spirit very pronounced in both.
It seems each time the snakes are either on the ground or the floor = foundation. They are blended into the foundation. I believe the reason why you are having a rd time discerning is because it appears that they are from the Lord but in fact they are not. I have been having this problem for over a year of discerning if certain words bought forward are from Him or demonic sources. This could be a teaching, belief, doctrine, etc... There was a few that I was following and stopped altogether because they in essence was putting forth half truths. I would recommend to you read R. Loren Sanford's new bookVisions of the Coming Days because this talks about this great shift that is coming about. Also this site has great stuff as well and gives explanation as well:
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Post by ElijahsTask »


I started to read the articles then I saw how long the list was. Am going to make a copy because some of them are really good.

At the risk of looking and sounding dumb, was there a particular article here that spoke to you that you wanted me to read, or, that perhaps asking the Lord for a vision may not be a bad idea to "clarify" things.

It's ALL good and I thank you for the web site.

Bless you

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Post by Newbie »

Hello ET, I gave you this site to exhort you because it seems like you could use a pick-me up after your recent dreams. Additionally, because I felt perhaps maybe something might speak to you that others cannot explain well. This happened last week, with a posting by Texas TRansplant, in which I could not explain what I really wanted to convey, so I gave her the link to Elijah's List and sure enough, an article on there had expounded on what the message He was giving her. Hope this helps somewhat.
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Post by ElijahsTask »


I went to and THE LORD USED YOU to answer a question I have had totally unrelated to my last 2 dreams. It was in an article titled:

Francis Frangipane: For Dreams to Come True
Francis Frangipane

I have been reading his material for about 10 years now and when I saw that, I knew there was a morsel in there for me to read. I was right and delightfully so!!! THANK YOU.

Your husband has a good saying:

Whenever someone has someone under their control, he has this saying: So and so has you folded up like a wallet in their back pocket. So this spoke as control.

You said:

All the snakes are blended into the environment which means to conceal, it appears that you may not notice the lies at first or discern them but you will because in the dream, each time, you saw the snakes.

This encourages me that I am on the right track in my thinking.

You also said:

It seems each time the snakes are either on the ground or the floor = foundation. They are blended into the foundation. I believe the reason why you are having a rd time discerning is because it appears that they are from the Lord but in fact they are not.

Taking the Holy Spirit by one hand and my husband in the other, I am confident there shall be a conclusion to this soon.

I have needed the support of my friends here and the Lord has blessed me richly with all the input.

Newbie, CrakerJack, freedinHim, thank you for the gems you have blessed me with his far in this thread. I love how the Lord loves me thru friends like you. You're like that clean sweet smell after the rain :D

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Post by discerning »

snake in the grass: a hidden enemy: a friend or associate who is secretly treacherous
Some guy rode by wearing a wide brim hayseed type hat, laughing and telling hub and I saying "hey" you 2 aughta spend the night in that thing" I thought in the box? Hub said no, "in the back of the truck cuz it has a hood on it" we both laughed.
Perhaps Himself suggesting you & hub together cover this situation in prayer.

Prayerfully consider who or what, your daughter may represent.

I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning...
Ezekiel 3:17