A girl my Ex Boyfriend is dating (or maybe Not) LOL

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A girl my Ex Boyfriend is dating (or maybe Not) LOL

Post by Chosen128 »

Hey Blessed Ones!

Feel free to interpret my dream If you felt led to by the Holy Spirit.I thank you in advance for your thoughts.

I had a dream yesterday morning about this girl I just found out is or was dating my ex, whom I have a 7yr history with and whom I'm very much still in love with (though i chose to seperate from him last Aug 2012), because it wasn't God's timing for us to be together, but God is still confirming the last few yrs in more ways than one that he is my husband.

Anywho, I saw the girl sitting it what my spirit knew to be her car it was gray compact new car could have been a Hyundai or one of those brands (not a car buff..lol) what struck me as strange is her car was parked in front of a Housing Bldg in my hometown in the Virgin Islands, where one of my aunts had lived, the other strange thing is I've dreamed of 2 of his exes the morning of Valentine's Day last yr one before me and the other was after me, the last girl was in front of that same bldg, and the one before me was a few bldgs away from there (DONT GET IT!) Not sure why it's happening at the location and not at the leaset the house I grew up in the Virgin Islands (Those girls never been there!) We all currently live in Miami Fl. Now back to current girl I observed that she was sitting in the backseat behind her passenger seat with all 4 doors closed in her own car, she had lots of items and things packed up in the backseat with her as If she was moving, I also noticed on top of her items in backseat there was a book that looked to be titled something about God's Will (not 100% sure), she appeared to be very calm as she was writing something on a white paper, as i walked outside her car and got to the back of it, there was a collage of pics leaning against the bumper near the trunk, so i decided to take a look to see If my ex were in the pics, but they were only pics of her by herself. The entire time I was at perfect peace in the dream, but my spirit strongly knew that my ex was far from her Physically, Spiritually and emotionally, I just knew.

Now I know this dream is self explanatory, but for me it's a bit more complex because I'm really emotionally involved, that same morning I dreamed he was standing in front of me telling me something, but for the life of me I can't recall..Lol. So please HELLLPPP!! LOL
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Post by Proverbslady »

Greetings Chosen128,
My first question to you is: Are many of your dreams literal? As in do you forsee future events in dreams often? If so, based on my own similar experience, when certain events from this dream occur, you will get confirmation regarding why your aunts home/neighborhood was the focus of the of your exe's prior women he dated. (could it be home/Virgin Islands is where the heart is and they and these women have been near your heart/exe??) But as far you seeing his exe in her compact car with pictures of only her and your Spirit feeling they are apart I feel is confirmation that they are apart. I have had similar dreams seeing a situation not working and later received confirmation that my dream was accurate, it was not working. If you are a literal dreamer and many of your dreams have come to pass, I believe you will be having a conversation with him in real life. If your emotions were good when you talked to him, expect the same good feeling when it happens. Thank God for the Spirit of Truth!
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Post by Chosen128 »

Thank you so much Proverbslady!!!

Actually I usually do dream things that come to pass, the last girl he was dating the Lord was letting me see everything in dreams that short season they were together, and after he broke it off with her, when he reached out to me I shared most of what I dreamed, and he confirmed everything and told me that it was why he left her, but I never told him that in the dreams when he saw me he would leave her and one dream she was in my room, and he was in my living room telling me, that he was in love with me and wanted to be with me. Now this new girl, I don't know If he is still dating her or not, which is something he never shared with me because we haven't spoken since last Aug, but this is just what the Lord has shown me in dream.

Also that place in the Virgin Islands was not where I actually lived, it's where an aunt of mine lived, so that's why I am confused!! lol :?: But I know God is trying to say something by using this location. So I will dig until I find GOLD! LOL :D
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Post by Charys »

Hi Chosen, the thought, "backseat driver" came to mind as I read your dream. A backseat driver usually means someone who tries to influence or control the driver. Owning the book, "God's Will" makes me think she has access to God's will, but she is not reading it, but rather writing something for herself. The collage is about herself, perhaps meaning that concerns for her own welfare take precedence over this man's.

Now let me ask this as gently as I can. Is there any way this person might have some characteristics that you also might share? (I only ask because sometimes we can see things in other people in our dreams that we cannot see in ourselves. They can be a kind of projection.) This is entirely up to the discernment the Lord has given you. Perhaps it is about the actual person and you can see her motives are not to first give up her own interests or to encourage or support your ex to be the man God means for him to be.

Childhood homes or neighbourhoods often speak of ideas we received in our past or something in our history. This might make sense in the context of a previous relationship with him. The other 2 exes showing up in this backdrop make me wonder if he is not free of previous entanglements, in other words if his soul is still tied to more than one woman.

God absolutely has great plans for you. He adores you. He wants to be first in your life and when it comes to potential mates I believe we are not ready to be givers until all our needs are met in Christ, or else we are tempted to make a spouse into our god, and then are disappointed in them when they turn out to be merely fellow sojourners.

-for your discernment-
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Post by Chosen128 »

Hi Charys!!

Thanks so much for your perspective on this dream. Actually the other ex's weren't in backdrop they were in another dream, and during this current dream that I posted I actually felt in the spirit that there was a Huge seperation emotionally, spiritually, and physically...It was a strong sense of knowing, the Lord has talked to me like this with another relationship he briefly had in the past which was also another girl that was in front of that same building.

Breaking News: I just hung up from my cousin that actually lived in that building a feeewww yrs back, and she told me that the building had been torn down that it no longer exists!!! :shock: ...CRAZYYY!!

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Post by bella »

Hi Gina,

I'm thinking, that if that building has been torn down and doesn't exist, then maybe that's the status of your ex's relationships with those women. Torn down and doesn't exist. Just a thought.
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Post by Chosen128 »

Thanks Crackerjack!

Love the the Username by the way...LOL. Yes last girl he was shortly dating was in the apartment in that building and, then she was in front of building exactly where this current girl was that dream was the morning last yr of Valentine day, and I had NO CLUE until today that the entire time that building had been torn down, now it makes sense something that I assumed was there (the building) was not really there (relationship) being torn down. God is sooo funny! Your on the money...Thanks again! Stay blessed! :D
"Seek ye FIRST the kingdom of God AND his Righteousness and ALL these things will be added unto YOU" Mark 6:33 (Spouse, Finances, Health, Buisnesses,etc.)