electrical fires

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electrical fires

Post by charlie »

Scene 1:
I am driving in a car around a neighbourhood and I become aware that some emergency situation had occurred, firstly, by hearing news of an electrical fire 'on the soundwaves' (you know how it is in dreams!) and secondly, I encountered a route re-direction and a whole section of town had been cordoned off.

I became aware that the electric fire had started at a house in the corner of a cul-de-sac street which had been a house that hubs and I had looked at and contemplated buying some time previously (in the dream rather than in real life).

Scene 2:
I am observing 2 children-a boy and a girl probably around 10-12 years old who it seemed lived in this house. Their parents were not to be found and I was asked/or I offered (I can't quite remember clearly this bit) to look after them temporarily. I was concerned because they were pretty wild and I felt I had enough on my plate but at the same time...no one else seemed to be available/stepping forward to help.

Scene 3:

I was again in my car driving round and aware that this electrical fire had extended to an electric power station and that the situation was very dangerous.

Scene 4:

A brief scene where I was standing with a small group of people and I suddenly knew that something nearby (a utility.building of some sort) was gong to explode imminently. I shouted to the people to run and as I was running I wondered if/why I had left it too late to put enough distance between myself and the danger.

Emotions were in the main ones of concern. It was, surprisingly perhaps, not a fear-filled dream...but I was puzzled and concerned about how the situation had become so extensive and though there were cordons etc. there were surprisingly few emergency services directing people/explaining the situation/warning people etc.

Any thoughts welcome!
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Post by Newbie »

Hello Charlie my first impression in regards to the fire is short circuit.
Short circuiting can cause electrical fires.
Short circuit: (1) an abnormal, usually unintentional condition of relatively low resistance between two points of different potential in a circuit, usually resulting in a flow of excess current. (2) is an electrical circuit that allows a current to travel along an unintended path, often where essentially no (or a very low) electrical impedance is encountered.
The house being on fire may be a reflection of losing stability in some regards, e.g., a mindset, loss of control due to a never-ending problem, powerful emotions that has overrun, etc…. What I am gathering is that perhaps you may be temporarily assigned to someone to help nurture them during this tumultuous time; however, you may feel a bit overwhelmed due to having a full plate already. What is also coming to me is the old saying the Lord does not give you more than you can handle. So perhaps this may be a situation in which you may feel the devil is keeping busy; however, it is a time in which the Lord is moving (the Lord showing His strength during man’s weakness). These are only thoughts and toss if it does not help!
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Post by charlie »

Thanks Newbie for those insights...they are helpful...it is good to remember that God doesn't give us more than we can bear...of course the rider to that is that we sometimes, through our own decisions take on more than we can bear! :roll: It may be a warning...

I also wondered about the symbolism of an area where I usually have freedom which is now restricted (cordoned off) and about which I (as usual!) am asking questions... this area is not my responsibility nor is the house, which may have been a passing concern (we had viewed it with a view to buying but hadn't gone forward)...however, I am, seemingly, taking responsibility for something which isn't my responsibility (the two children) because someone else (their parents/ NOK/authorities) are NOT DOING WHAT THEY NEED TO BE DOING.

The cul-de-sac corner house (where the electrical fire started) speaks of a dead end or something which has been cornered/cut off from the main road...'short circuited' might fit...

Its feeling like a processing dream...I'll need to pray into it more...

Thanks Newbie!
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Post by piano »

Hi charlie,

I was just curious if the area was familiar to you at all..or the house?

What was the scenery like, (desert, mountain, ocean, wooded) and was the city large medium or small?

Was the house in disrepair, new, old, big or small or odd in color or shape?


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Post by charlie »

HI Piano...

Nothing was familiar in that I didn't recognise any features.

I would describe the area as a town. The house itself was very ordinary detached house in a corner of the cul-de-sac. One notable detail was there were large trees in the back garden which seemed to cast a lot of shade...I felt somewhat relieved we hadn't bought the house...though that was just a sense rather than based on it looking in poor condition as such. It seemed 'lonely' and abandoned but not run down if you know what I mean...soulless maybe...

All very fleeting impressions really...

Jesus said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3
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Re: electrical fires

Post by charlie »

charlie wrote: I become aware that some emergency situation had occurred, firstly, by hearing news of an electrical fire
Ok...5 minutes ago I was sitting opposite my husband in our office at my desk preparing for a teaching session tomorrow and with a snap crackle and a pop an ELECTRICAL FIRE breaks out on my computer lead!

The sparks land amongst paperwork and books...unattended this could easily have led to a fire.

The interesting thing was that 30 minute or so before I had a low battery alert (even though I was plugged in) so I jangled the lead and the connectivity improved...THAT WAS MY WARNING AND I MISSED IT.

Ok...stuff to pray about here

If your battery's low and you think you are plugged in get your lead checked.

What would the lead symbolise spiritually anyone?Prayer I'm thinking...


Jesus said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3
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Post by piano »

If your battery's low and you think you are plugged in get your lead checked.

What would the lead symbolise spiritually anyone?Prayer I'm thinking...


And about that teaching session?
2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.