Gefilte fish

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Gefilte fish

Post by bella »

I was standing in a room that had a vinyl tiled floor and metal counters.

I was eating something.

A guy walks in through the front glass door. Turns out I'm in a shop. Maybe a deli or a takeaway. and I'm behind the counter in the food prep area. It's a large space.

I don't work there, but I'm just standing there. He's not to know I don't work there.

I thought someone was helping him, so I don't say anything. Then he turns to walk out. I realise he must be thinking I'm ignoring him. So I apologise, say I thought someone was helping him, and asking him if I can do anything for him.

He says, yes, he wants some gefilte fish.

I turn to my left and on the counter, there's a large stack of silver coloured fish. I ask him which one he wants, and he comes and points to a fish which is about 3 from the top.

I pick up some tongs and I can see they've been used to pick up cooked chicken. I can see bits of oil and cooked chook on the tongs.

He watches me closely as I turn to the sink, which is to my right, and run them under water, then pull out a pump bottle of detergent from under the sink. There were two pump bottles of detergent in the cupboard and both were filthy on the outside, like they've been refilled a million times. But the liquid was clean. I put detergent in the sink and have the tap running with hot water, and I clean the tongs.

Then I turn to get his fish, and I'm thinking how I've seen other people in delis use plastic bags or sheets to pick up the product by hand and maybe I should be doing that. And also i should have a glove on.

At some point I'm thinking, this guy must be jewish.

And as I'm washing the tongs I was conscious that it would be important that I was cleaning the tongs i.e. he's noticed all this.


Another bizarre dream. I had to look up gefilte fish because I didn't know what it was.
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Post by bella »

It's all very curious!

In the dream I thought the fish was whole. When I researched and saw how it's made I thought well he must have been buying a fish to MAKE gefilte fish. But yes, it is possible that it was already made in the form where the fish still looks whole.

Also curious to me that all the fish were silver and smaller compared with the types of fish they use to make gefilte fish. Not the same at all. But the silver was very important because it stood out as one of those 'take notice of this' parts of the dream ... as did the tong cleansing and the bottles of detergent.

I realised too that this is not the first dream I've had about filling a sink with water and fish! The last dream was about gold fish.


Seriously, I'm not that into fish!
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Post by bella »

The fish weren't small, just smaller than the 3kg fish they apparently use to make gefilte fish.
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Post by bella »

I'm still pondering all of this.

Why would a trip to Israel increase ministry?
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Post by Newbie »

Hello Elle! I viewed your dream yesterday and my first impression was kosher. Your handing of the utensils may reflect being kosher. Kosher means to be ritually fit or pure. The term is derived from the Hebrew word kasher which means to be fit, proper, lawful. According to Strong’s the short definition is success. Other definitions is to be advantageous, proper, suitable or to succeed.
The second thought, is making preparations which according to Strong’s means to establish, be fixed, be firm, provide, or direct toward moral sense.
Gelfilte fish literally means stuffed fish. To be stuffed means to pad or fill something up. Proverbs 1:31, Therefore they will eat from the fruit of their way, and they will be stuffed full of their own counsel. The man in question is someone who wants to eat the gelfilte fish and the gelfilte is a traditional dish to avoid borer. Borer means selection or choosing and the key component is refinement, sorting the undesirable from the desirable.
Tradition Jews consider the fish to be parve, meaning that it is neither milk nor meat. Milk is God’s Word and meat is His Word of righteousness. The man may represent someone who is a leader, teacher, or person in authority is someone who is stuck to traditions and not wanting pure milk and strong meat. The tongs that held the chicken brings to mind the tongs from off the altar in Isaiah. The tongs in this sense was a symbol of purification. The chicken may reflect strong meat. The washing of the tongs may reflect this person wanting or settling for watered down gospel; in other words, someone who does have the hunger or passion for Christ.
As usual toss if it does not help!
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Post by TexasTransplant »

my first impression was kosher.
Mine too! Actually, the very first thing I thought was 'sterile' but quickly changed to 'kosher' because of all the Jewish implications. The metal counters seemed to convey this feeling too. Lot of apparent symbols in this one to me but I don't have a clue what they'd mean :roll: . I always lean toward fish being people in my own dreams. Either way, I'm with Newbie and bet that 'kosher' is an important theme here. But maybe not! You'll have to try that on for size yourself. You seemed to be in a position of being able to serve but not wanting to cross lines or step on toes. Or were you just avoiding him not wanting to be bothered and I read it wrong?
He's not to know I don't work there.
What's up with this, I wonder? And now I'm wondering about what the point of everything being kosher was all about to the Jews to begin with and how it might correlate to us today. 'Handling things correctly', maybe.
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Post by bella »

Newbie and TT,

My first impression was kosher too!

When I was cleaning the chicken off the tongs at first, it was because I was just being hygenic the way you would be in a shop. But then as I was at the sink cleaning, I became aware that this guy was watching everything and I thought 'he'll be happy with this'.

Fish mean people in my dreams too. And I became aware of that goldfish dream I had ... I'll try to find it and put the link on here, later.

You seemed to be in a position of being able to serve but not wanting to cross lines or step on toes. Or were you just avoiding him not wanting to be bothered and I read it wrong?/quote]

I'm REALLY into not crossing lines or stepping on toes. It's one of those character things I decided on years ago and it's really strong in me. And it's not like me to ignore or not bother with people, which kind of came out strongly in the dream!!? I noticed that.
He's not to know I don't work there.
What's up with this, I wonder?
I wondered the same thing. I have NO idea.

I was also pondering this dream and it was weird how it just started with me standing there in this otherwise empty deli, eating something (no idea what). Empty except for the pile of silver coloured fish, and the deli counters. Like completely empty. No wording on the windows, no other people, no other food. Just stainless steel benches and glass deli food thingy's.

And - what's also weird to me is the fish weren't under the glass counter covers that are usually refrigerated or heated, like at a deli, sandwich shop or butcher, they were just pile up (neatly) on a section of plain counter. Oh! maybe it's because Orthodox Jews won't even use electricity on the Sabbath. Oh! and the lights weren't turned on in this shop. It just had the natural light from the windows. I could see that in the dream but didn't ping that it meant anything. I met a Jewish man once who told me they couldn't walk through a certain door (where we were) because they were electric sliding doors and it was their Sabbath! Wow I had completely forgotten about that.


SEVERAL things you wrote jumped out at me.

Firstly that meat is considered the word of righteousness. I didn't know that. I thought that milk was the foundational/basic stuff like righteousness, and meat was the extra stuff on top of the foundation of righteousness!

And one of my really strong beliefs is that the church, generally, at the moment, doesn't understand the word of righteousness i.e. the foundation that we are righteous in and only because of Him, and many are trying desperately to be righteous THROUGH their own behaviour. Rather than our behaviour being a fruit of knowing that we are righteous because of His work.

And the thing is, when I read up on gefilte fish, I was kind of annoyed. Because I get annoyed with the extreme nature of orthodox Jewish custom where they won't work on the Sabbath and that means they won't even pick the bones out of the fish, hence the reason for the existence of gefilte fish. Like c'mon HOW IS THAT WORK? It's the laws taken to the extreme. And what's just coming to me is that's what Jesus was trying to address in many scenes, like healing on the sabbath.

But even though it really annoys me, I still have respect for people's choices. So I kind go 'weeeeelllllllll, if you insist on being bound up in this, that's your choice ......'. I'm not gonna try to convince you otherwise. I'll tend to put forward another view once, and then leave it at that.

It's strange because I'm seeing more about this dream but still don't know what it's about. Maybe it's one of those ones where I'll have to wait to find out how it applies????

to help give a sense of kosher, Ezekiel was given rules for Levitical priests during the Millennial Kingdom Reign of Jesus Christ. among those rules:

They shall teach my people the difference between the holy and the common, and show them how to distinguish between the unclean and the clean.
I find that strange, because when Peter went into a trance when he was told to go and visit Cornelius (a gentile and therefore considered unclean and common), God gave him the vision of the unclean animals and then told Peter DON'T CALL ANYTHING COMMON THAT I'VE PURIFIED [through Christ's death and victory over sin].

Unless it's really specific what he was referring to i.e. not people or food, but something else.

Can you give me a scripture reference so I can go and look that up?

And why would there be Levitical priests through the millenial reign of Christ?
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Post by bella »

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Post by Newbie »

He's not to know I don't work there.
What's up with this, I wonder?
You do not work at this shop; however, you wanted to assist this guy. You did not wanted him to know that you did not work there. IMHO this is like being undercover. There is only one instance of undercover being used in the Bible and that is in the ISV of Joshua 2:1, “After this, Nun's son Joshua sent two men from the Acacia groves as undercover scouts. He told them, "Go and look over the land. Pay special attention to Jericho." So they went out, came to the house of a prostitute named Rahab, and lodged there.”
According to Bible commentaries on this word, it means secretly which may implies craftiness. This craftiness is implying “the silence and skill required for the task. He who knows how to he silent possesses one at least of the elements of success.” Which leads back to the word kasher which means skills, success. Looked it up again the word that it came to was "equity" which means uprightness or righteousness.
Additionally, “Joshua … sent … two men to spy secretly—Faith is manifested by an active, persevering use of means (Jas 2:22); and accordingly Joshua, while confident in the accomplishment of the divine promise (Jos 1:3), adopted every precaution which a skilful general could think of to render his first attempt in the invasion of Canaan successful.” AND “to spy secretly; or "silently" (s); not so much with respect to the inhabitants of the land, for it is supposed in all spies, that they do their business in the most private and secret manner, so as not to be discovered by the inhabitants…”
In regards to this what comes to me is you are having a crossing Jordan moment (receiving a breakthrough of sorts to get to your promise land).
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Post by Newbie »

Hello Bella! Spiritual meat is the truths of God in the Scriptures: "Word of righteousness" = "strong meat" (Hebrews 5:12-14); "word of God" (Matthew 4:4).
In regards to the scripture you asked for it is Ezekiel 44:23, They shall teach my people the difference between the holy and the common, and show them how to distinguish between the unclean and the clean.
Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible puts it like this, people in an evangelical sense, “should
discern between the unclean and the clean; impure persons, doctrines, and manners, and those which are agreeable to the word of God; the sense is, that they shall take pains to instruct persons in the knowledge of divine things, and shall do it truly, faithfully, and sincerely.”

Another word comes to me as well, “rightly dividing the word”! 2 Timothy 2:15, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
I am just like you in which if someone wants to live in darkness, then it is their free will to do so. Just like you I get irritated but I respect others wishes. I recently had a case of this in which someone gave another advice on a dream. What bothered me about it was the individual stated to the dreamer that they needed to pray to Jesus and Mary :shock: ! Although I really wanted to address this misnomer; however, I kept hearing choose your battles wisely, with that being said, I left it alone and simply exhorted the dreamer.
I hope some of this helps and if not simply toss!
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Post by bella »

Hi Newbie,

Thanks for all that extra info.
In regards to this what comes to me is you are having a crossing Jordan moment (receiving a breakthrough of sorts to get to your promise land).
I've had a big week of stuff happening which seems to be along these lines, so you'd be spot on there.

The thing is though, in the dream, I wasn't purposely hiding the fact that I didn't work there. It really didn't occur to me. I just saw a person needing help, so helped. Plus I seemed to actually be the only person there, even though I thought someone else was helping that guy??? Dreams hey! That's actually probably significant too ... now wondering does it mean that everyone else thinks that someone is doing the work?

The other thing that comes to mind when I read what you wrote about Joshua, is that I just get on and do whatever needs to be done, and I don't make a big deal about it or tell people about it. That (secret) stuff jumped out at me, with regards to success.

And thanks for the Hebrews ref. I must have read that quite a few times and not cottoned on, that meat is the word of righteousness.

It just goes to show what I've been harping on about for years now ... you can have an idea in your head that's a wrong teaching and it can take some time to shake the wrong belief. Which is why it's SO IMPORTANT to not take in rubbish teaching!!!!!

Thanks for all that work you did. Appreciated. Much.
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Post by underhiswing »

This is a great dream. I believe it reveals what you mistakenly think about your own position in the Lord's service. I wondered as I read your dream if you "think" you are not one that God has formally "called" yet to serve on His behalf. I also felt that you are spiritually discerning (seeing) that others are not doing their jobs well (mess, disorganized (soap "under" the sink instead of on top near the sink), and uncleanliness all point to discerning of spiritual darkness and neglect). This perception/perspective/discernment is a gift from God. You even perceived in the Spirit that using dirty tools of convenience made by man were not as good as "hands on" in a godly protected/shielded way (plastic=covering). Consider the man to be the Lord who has come to see how you handled this difficult situation. Even though "you" felt you shouldn't be serving in this capacity, you quietly served and did the right thing, without raising an issue with those who should have been "on the job" and were failing to help others in a holy (clean) way. You could have outwardly criticized others in the dream but you didn't. God is revealing these things to you, and it is not from your own wisdom. He is showing you the lack in some of His servants and showing you it is ok to step forward and serve. He has already given you what it takes.

The fish being holy (in both testaments) and silver points to the food of the Lord, and this confirms (at least in my mind) that this was the Lord you were serving. The number three also points to the divine trinity.
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Post by TexasTransplant »

This is a great dream. I believe it reveals what you mistakenly think about your own position in the Lord's service. I wondered as I read your dream if you "think" you are not one that God has formally "called" yet to serve on His behalf. I also felt that you are spiritually discerning (seeing) that others are not doing their jobs well (mess, disorganized (soap "under" the sink instead of on top near the sink), and uncleanliness all point to discerning of spiritual darkness and neglect). This perception/perspective/discernment is a gift from God. You even perceived in the Spirit that using dirty tools of convenience made by man were not as good as "hands on" in a godly protected/shielded way (plastic=covering). Consider the man to be the Lord who has come to see how you handled this difficult situation. Even though "you" felt you shouldn't be serving in this capacity, you quietly served and did the right thing, without raising an issue with those who should have been "on the job" and were failing to help others in a holy (clean) way. You could have outwardly criticized others in the dream but you didn't. God is revealing these things to you, and it is not from your own wisdom. He is showing you the lack in some of His servants and showing you it is ok to step forward and serve. He has already given you what it takes.

The fish being holy (in both testaments) and silver points to the food of the Lord, and this confirms (at least in my mind) that this was the Lord you were serving. The number three also points to the divine trinity.
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Post by bella »

I believe I understand what this dream means now ...
I was standing in a room that had a vinyl tiled floor and metal counters.

I was eating something.

A guy walks in through the front glass door. Turns out I'm in a shop. Maybe a deli or a takeaway. and I'm behind the counter in the food prep area. It's a large space.

I don't work there, but I'm just standing there. He's not to know I don't work there.
I'm in a place where people come to get spiritually fed. I was eating; I was feeding myself. Someone comes in looking to get food.

I have the capacity to provide food, but I'm not officially employed by this organisation. Somewhat connected, because I'm there, but not in an official capacity.

I thought someone was helping him, so I don't say anything. Then he turns to walk out. I realise he must be thinking I'm ignoring him. So I apologise, say I thought someone was helping him, and asking him if I can do anything for him.
I'm leaving it for people with official capacity to attend to him, and someone appears to do that at first, but then they quickly disappear (they were a shadow at the start, which is why I thought he was being attended to). So I step in and serve. (This isn't necessarily the right thing to do, btw.)
He says, yes, he wants some gefilte fish.
He wants the law. He wants Jewish ceremonial food.
I turn to my left and on the counter, there's a large stack of silver coloured fish. I ask him which one he wants, and he comes and points to a fish which is about 3 from the top. I pick up some tongs and I can see they've been used to pick up cooked chicken. I can see bits of oil and cooked chook on the tongs.
There's plenty of fish in this place. In fact that's all that's available. But I know at some point, chicken [as Newbie said, strong meat] has been served here at some point because I see the ready evidence of it. Recent service of strong meat.
He watches me closely as I turn to the sink, which is to my right, and run them under water, then pull out a pump bottle of detergent from under the sink. There were two pump bottles of detergent in the cupboard and both were filthy on the outside, like they've been refilled a million times. But the liquid was clean. I put detergent in the sink and have the tap running with hot water, and I clean the tongs.

Then I turn to get his fish, and I'm thinking how I've seen other people in delis use plastic bags or sheets to pick up the product by hand and maybe I should be doing that. And also i should have a glove on.
I clean the tongs because the serving and handling should be done in a clean, pure way. I notice the detergent bottles have been used over and over and over because they are filthy. Refilled numerous times. Says to me that I'm not the only one to do this. many have gone before me, through this process. I also wonder 'am I doing this right, should I have done this differently?'.
At some point I'm thinking, this guy must be jewish.
That would be legitimate question to ask if someone's asking for a jewish ceremonial food. Doesn't mean it's correct though. Look at the scriptures ... jewish believers tried to judaise the gentile believers ... and were chastised by Paul for it.
And as I'm washing the tongs I was conscious that it would be important that I was cleaning the tongs i.e. he's noticed all this.
... because then it won't offend his need to be ceremonially clean, rather than accepting that I'm just serving from a pure heart.

Blessings, and thanks everyone for your help in processing this dream!
