went to jail in woods/Lions

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went to jail in woods/Lions

Post by ginasings4him »

I had a dream that I had to go to jail out in these woods where nobody else was (I was isolated from the entire world) and this was for 5 years. My husband dropped me off and I remember how unbelievably sad and hopeless I felt knowing I would not be around anyone for 5 years and thinking just how long that really is. In one part of the dream I was going to have to sleep outside (I was frightened of the wild animals attacking me). But then I found myself inside this very empty house - I was able to sleep inside where I felt safer from the animals but I still saw a male and female Lion lurking through the windows around the house. I went outside and got into a vehicle, someone else was in the vehicle with me (not sure who) but I saw the Lions again - the male lion came right up on the hood growling and lunged right over the vehicle but I was protected. The dream ended - I have no idea what this could mean - anyone have any insight?
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Post by ginasings4him »

bumping up if anyone has any interpretation - thank you.
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Re-went to jail in woods/Lions

Post by freedinHim »

This is what I have. I start by saying that dreams are in various levels, this may just be one level.
I believe that in this dream, the Lord is letting you know that, He will orchestrate a time of spiritual refinement in your life that will only be effective in your being confined and being alone I guess with Him-He has works to accomplish in your life. During that time of lonesomeness, you will realize the things that bring fear into your life, particularly the hold that the enemy has over your life (I am not sure the source of that hold-here you may need wisdom to toss this or reflect on what the stronghold is). But God want you to know that, the predator is empowered because you gave him authority-you allow it. He is the Lord, even while you are in the house alone, or in a vehicle with someone else in control, the fear of the enemy is paralyzing.
The message from the Lord is that YOU ARE PROTECTED.
May the Lord bless you richly
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Post by ginasings4him »

I certainly pray for all fear to break off of my life in Jesus name. I thank the Lord for his protection over me and my family always!
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Post by RevK »

I had a dream that I had to go to jail out in these woods where nobody else was (I was isolated from the entire world) and this was for 5 years. My husband dropped me off and I remember how unbelievably sad and hopeless I felt knowing I would not be around anyone for 5 years and thinking just how long that really is.
Ezekiel34:25 And I will make with them a covenant of peace, and will cause the evil beasts to cease out of the land: and they shall dwell safely in the wilderness, and sleep in the woods.

Sometimes God puts us in His 'Divine Isolation Ward', where nothing or no one can touch us, not even spouses. This is usually done when God wants His hands on a person only, and doesn't want them tainted by the world in any sort of way. Truly this is for a select people, because this trial is particularly difficult at best! And yes there are many times I have felt sad and hopeless, there is just no other way to put it. I had to discover and still am, that He never left me, I do the wandering. I have been in it for years, and just now coming to the point of realizing that God has me in hiding until the day of revelation.
In one part of the dream I was going to have to sleep outside (I was frightened of the wild animals attacking me).

Unfortunately, when you live for the Lord, evil things do try and come to scare you, which can be demonic, or just our own fears. The devil is AS a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. So yes there are frightening things out there to disturb our peace. Thank God that we are not allowed to see everything in the spirit.
But then I found myself inside this very empty house - I was able to sleep inside where I felt safer from the animals but I still saw a male and female Lion lurking through the windows around the house
. You found yourself in a 'safe house', perhaps a church or a ministry. And the animals that were bothering you were on the outside looking in. Sounds like the devil to me, always following, always intimidating, so we succumb to fear, his tactics are not new. he knows he is not welcome in the House of God, the anointing would burn him up ahead of time (well in churches that truly have God's Spirit in them)..
I went outside and got into a vehicle, someone else was in the vehicle with me (not sure who) but I saw the Lions again - the male lion came right up on the hood growling and lunged right over the vehicle but I was protected.
A vehicle in a dream usually means ministry, traveling. Obviously you have a very deep call on your life, this is no ordinary dream. Of course the devil would come after you and almost climb into your lap, he is afraid you will do the Will Of God. God has you covered. Be at peace, You are just being shown that the devil will fight you all that he can, but I have learned the devil doesn't waste time with those he already has. God's Riches Be Yours!!!!!!!!!!

The dream ended - I have no idea what this could mean - anyone have any insight?
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Post by ginasings4him »

Thank you so much for that scripture in Ezekial 34:25 - that is right on! A few years ago God whispered to me in my dream Isaiah 54 (the whole chapter) and said it was for me. I see a lot of similarities in this scripture to Isaiah 54. I receive his peace and promises that he will always be with me to keep me safe, protected, and HIS and that no enemy formed against me shall prosper. I know the number 5 means God's grace. Perhaps in means five years in the wilderness - I just came out of a wilderness season and feel I'm in transition from some things closing and new beginnings. Its a frustrating season - I feel placed on hold in a lot of ways in ministry. Perhaps the isolation feeling is because some close relationships I've had ended up not being what I thought and the door closed in a lot of ways with our relationships. Sometimes God needs to end some relationships and some things to get us to the place he wants us to be I suppose. You said "God has me in hiding until the day of revelation" - that is good. I have felt that also in a lot of ways.
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Post by ElijahsTask »


I agree with what has been shared here and would like to add that when Elijah was to be used by God, he was brought on the scene and then the Lord hid him away for some time while he attended the Lord's spiritual bootcamp.

The Lord removed all that was familiar to him. Elijah's was thrust into a place where he had to fully depend on God for his food, water and direction.

Elijah experienced being part of those who would not have water as the brook the Lord sent him to had dried up.

Elijah was quick to respond to the Father's commands.

I find the story of Elijah very interesting :wink:

Time is coming upon us when He will be using those who will not compromise nor be distracted from what He has called them to do.

They will not shirk the call on their life.

These are your days of preparation.

You don't want to get ahead of Him. Being on hold is vital to the whole outcome of things. It causes us to listen and press in harder and "rest"

I'm excited for you as I believe you have a grand call on your life Gina, a grand call.

Be blessed dear one and take comfort where you are right now.

Joel 2:1 Blow the trumpet in Zion; sound the alarm on My holy hill. Let all who live in the land tremble, for the day of the LORD is coming. It is close at hand--
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Post by ginasings4him »

Thank you Elijahs Task - that means a lot! Blessings on you!
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Post by underhiswing »

I have read all three of your dreams, and the common thread is you feeling, fearing or actually doing something wrong.

Saying prayers for you today.
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Post by ginasings4him »

Thank you for your prayers <3
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Post by underhiswing »

It is my pleasure and joy to do so.

The lions (prowling/stalking enemy)were only an outside "threat" while you remained "safe inside" (symbolic of your private arena), and then when you stepped into the vehicle (your ministry/calling) you were actually attacked. Those two aspects helped me to see that you might be afraid to step out and into your ministry/calling because you fear being hurt and attacked "more" by the enemy than he already has been, in his various ways that he does,...... and because of the other two dreams, I see that you may be worrying about doing the wrong things when you do step out. These are a common fears among us. I heard a pastor say not long ago that what you currently fear is directly related to the very direction you are supposed to be headed in. Fear and doubt are the most common tools used to keep us from serving at full capacity.

I can sure understand how "very" strong those feelings are, when you recently have been hurt in relationships and how that disappointment and pain might be causing more sensitivity to additional emotional pain and attacks.

What ET has said above is true.
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Post by ginasings4him »

That is true that I do have some fear that I need to deal with. I know I must focus on God's will and what he wants me to do regardless of what that may look like in the natural or if someone else might not like it for whatever reason.

I have in the past been afraid to step out in fear of "stepping on someone else toes" that being a leader that was pretty controlling and hurt me with unjust gossip about my family. I have since not had to be in minstry with this person (at least not right now) and if I had to again I am not sure how to approach such a controlling person, other than be submissive if that person is given the authority, this person obviosuly abused that authority and I have no trust there anymore so it is difficult because leadership still allows her to lead. I have forgiven but trust is still not there and I feel as though the friendship was no loss to her and almost like she used me as pawn or something. I suppose I can respectfully speak my opinion if I feel boundaries are being overstepped if I ever have to do ministry with this person again. It has been a difficult journey, as we were best friends, so I thought.
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Post by underhiswing »

I am so sorry you were hurt. That kind of thing is so painful.

I know that the Lord is leading you onward. It may be good to keep in front of you, that in the dream when you got into the car (ministry), Jesus was with you (the other person who was there with you) and when the Lion attacked, you could see it happen right up front and it did not hurt you. The Lord will show you how that is possible. We will be attacked and betrayed, and we do need to learn how to graciously deal with that just like our Lord did. That is one of those kinds of lessons that we learn a few times over. If you can give your pain to Him and hold His hand and go forward anyway, this will make you spiritually stronger, instead of holding you back as the enemy intended it to do.
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Post by ginasings4him »

That is very good advice and I have been trying to deal with it as graciously and as lovingly as possible remembering that our Lord dealt with the most unimaginable betrayal, humiliation, and condemnation. I did hold back for a while because I was so hurt and realized that was the Enemys technique to try to hold we back from my destiny and from God. Once I realized that, I held my head up high with confidence in Christ and set my sights on what he called me to do, regardless of man's opinion of it. Blessings to you underhiswing - sounds like you too have experienced this kind of thing and have grown from it. :)
underhiswing wrote:I am so sorry you were hurt. That kind of thing is so painful.

I know that the Lord is leading you onward. It may be good to keep in front of you, that in the dream when you got into the car (ministry), Jesus was with you (the other person who was there with you) and when the Lion attacked, you could see it happen right up front and it did not hurt you. The Lord will show you how that is possible. We will be attacked and betrayed, and we do need to learn how to graciously deal with that just like our Lord did. That is one of those kinds of lessons that we learn a few times over. If you can give your pain to Him and hold His hand and go forward anyway, this will make you spiritually stronger, instead of holding you back as the enemy intended it to do.
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Post by underhiswing »

I have indeed. Wherever the work of the Lord is being done, the enemy is right there trying to destroy it and/or us.

I know that the Lord is pleased with you and your choice of "pressing on". Well done.