dreamed of white robe with green

Archived Dreams from 2014
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dreamed of white robe with green

Post by angel777 »

In this dream I was standing in a pulpit. Ihad on a karge white robrvwith a silk luke green scarf? Around my neck hanging.in front of the robe. I had a cassette in my hand. I think ibwas playing it ina ccassette player that was inside the podium. Later I had a microphone and I started singing as I looked into the audience. The people had on pink suits with a small purple ribbon pinned in front on the side if the suits. It seemed as if I where directing then. Then I noticed there where individuals playing violins in the chiornstand behind and to the side of me. I seemed to wonder if rhe audience liked it. I started singing and walking down the steps of of thepulpit. My eyes where closed but I kinda squinted out of one of them to see the crowds reaction. I noticeda lady llooking at me when all of a sudden my voice changed and I began to sing beautifully. The woman smiled. I had been getting in the spirit to praise God, but now I was really feeling his presence. When I stood in front of the pulpit I noticed a famous movie star coming to the alter, the others started to cone and form a line behibd them. St that moment I twirled around and wondered whatbI should do with the people in the line. When I stopped twirling around I noticed the star and some if the others where gone. As for the ones that stayed, I went held one ofvthe mens hand abd ked him to Jesus Christ. I kinda wondered if maybe a pastor or someone of more experience should be doing this. When I awakened I felt as if I had just gotten out if church. I felt rejuvinated, strengthened.It was great! Just what I needed considering where I was at when I had the dream. Thank you fir your time.