wife and baby in hospital

Archived Dreams from 2014
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wife and baby in hospital

Post by sophie »

My husbands' dream:

In this dream my wife was in a hospital having a baby.
We seemed to be about 30 years younger than our present age and it seemed like it was a time of war.
My wife had the baby but for some reason it was hard to get her home.
I wanted to go and get my car but for some reason the car was not at the hospital and I needed to go back to my house to get it.
I must have left the hospital, but when I tried to get back into the hospital it was like an obstacle course and it was hard to get in.
It seemed to be that the entrance was being covered up with sheets of iron, and I was trying to get through over planks of wood.
When I did get inside my wife was complaining that they wanted her to keep coming back during the day for back rubs and something for the baby and other ridiculous reasons that did not make sense.

Also at some stage in the dream I started to sing a song and people started to join in, and I could see streets filled with people singing this song. I think it was Bye Bye Blackbird.
It looked like streets in a city centre crowded with thousands of people dressed in 1920 -1950s clothing.
I remember thinking and being so amazed that all it took was for me to start singing a verse of a song
[ I remember that I could not remember all the words of the song, but the crowd knew them]
and people just wanted to come together and sing, and they sang all the song.
There just seemed to be such peace and unity.

thank you
Gal.2:20 I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.
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Post by benny »

I would say the dream speaks of a church you and your wife were involved in. It was a very difficult trying time. God had given you some new work/ministry but you were not really released to do it. It seemed like you had to jump through so many hoops and conform and operate in the flesh to be able to do what God wanted you to. They may have even given you reasons as to why you were not able to do what God had put in your heart, one could be something to do with past issues (back rub) and they didnt not think you could do the work (bring baby back).

I believe the Lord is going to release something through you that others will relate too and connect with. it will bring people together. The people may be from a particular demographic like the clothes they were wearing (1920-1950). When people hear what God has put on your heart others will join with you and help you do this as they have just want to be involved. It also maybe something you start that others will finish.

(on a side note: bye bye blackbird could mean something to you but a black bird symbolises gossip, slander and bitterness. Your song could break the power of these things in your life and others.)

(dream symbols= hospital = church, baby = new work/ministry, car = personal ministry/work. Iron = stronghold. wood = carnal, flesh.)

