Maggot was Living Inside My Finger!

Archived Dreams from 2015
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Maggot was Living Inside My Finger!

Post by winterjade »

Hello everyone,

Recently I had a dream that there was a larva or maggot moving inside my finger underneath my skin. I was so shocked and disgusted. I slit the skin on my finger to try to squeeze it out but it was hiding, just digging and wiggling itself further into my finger. I panicked and didn't know what to do because I didn't want to cut my finger even deeper and cause any more damage or feel pain. However, I thought that I'd rather cut my finger and get this maggot out than feel no pain and still have it there. I got the courage and I slit my finger a bit deeper and peeled back some skin to expose the maggot. I squeezed the maggot out eventually. It was painful but bearable and I didn't feel any pain once the maggot came out.

The whole experience was more traumatizing than the pain itself but I was extremely relieved. When the maggot fell onto the floor, dark green liquid/ooze just splattered out of the maggot just like when you throw a water balloon and it hits the ground. It was gross and in that dark green liquid/ooze there were ripped up pieces of paper that was part of a picture (like fragments of something or puzzle pieces) and there were other things but I didn't observe them closely enough. I woke up right after. I would appreciate anyone's insight. Thank you!
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Re: Maggot was Living Inside My Finger!

Post by bella »

Hi winterjade.

Which finger was it?

Maggots = offspring of flies (baby flies)
Flies = demonic
Under your skin = an irritation = something's gotten under your skin
You manage to cut it out = you're dealing with the issue (even though you balk at first and it might be painful)
Green goo = infection/rot that comes out with the problem - better out than in
Papers in the goo = they're related to how this irritation got in there in the first place. This is the key. Put the pieces of this puzzle together and you have your answer.

Hope that helps.
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Re: Maggot was Living Inside My Finger!

Post by underhiswing »

Which finger was it?

Maggots are something that is birthed out of death...this can be symbolizing the death or dying of a relationship. You seem to be purging something that you know isn't good for matter how painful and hard it is (or will be) to purge.

Green (with these other negative aspects of this dream) is often a symbol of jealousy (yours or someone else's)
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Re: Maggot was Living Inside My Finger!

Post by winterjade »

Thank you underhiswing and Bella for the response. It was in my index/pointer finger on my right hand! Is there a specific meaning for each finger?
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Re: Maggot was Living Inside My Finger!

Post by underhiswing »

Yes. The index finger is the directional one. We use it to point the way, or point things out to others, or we use it to accuse others with.(finger pointing)
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Re: Maggot was Living Inside My Finger!

Post by winterjade »

Okay thank you! I'm trying to put 1 and 1 together. The maggot being inside my index finger...what does that possibly mean? That I'm going down the wrong path? It is true that I am currently trying to purge unwanted feelings regarding a relationship/friendship.
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Re: Maggot was Living Inside My Finger!

Post by underhiswing »

Purging and releasing is a holy endeavor. No, you are not going down the wrong path according to the dream. You are changing directions and getting rid of those feelings and pain which are not beneficial. You are going to work on what needs removing until it comes out of you and so you can heal. Praise God He is assisting you (and urging you) to press on when it looks too hard to do. (lifting skin=exposing the troubles to the light and love of God........ and that is when you got rid of it). It will be well with you as you stay on the holy path and release (forgive) that which is hurting you so much.

Thank you Lord....
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Re: Maggot was Living Inside My Finger!

Post by winterjade »

Thank you so much for clarifying! It's very true... it has been a very difficult time for me because I've been in a very vulnerable place but now I know that I'm in a season of purging! This brings a lot of peace. I was having a hard time discerning whether or not it's really necessary to cut ties and these feelings because it's so hard and I've been feeling very down. I didn't want to make any uncertain decisions and act out of uncertainty so I've been in a frozen state, just staying put till God gives me clear directions of what I should do and where to go, even though I just want to follow "my heart", my emotion and impulse. I don't want to act out of my own will before I know God's will. It's very difficult though but I'm always asking for His grace and strength to be patient.
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Re: Maggot was Living Inside My Finger!

Post by underhiswing »

I understand. The dream is telling you to expose what has been hurting and what you are thinking and feeling "in truth" to Him...expose it all to His light and love and it is the best way (and only way I know of) to come back from really painful things. The supernatural power of His wisdom and love heals us and teaches us without a word being spoken. We have to get to a place where we can tell Him the raw honest truth and become vulnerable enough to open our hearts to Him to begin letting go of it. He is the only one who can fully be trusted.
Last edited by underhiswing on Sat Feb 14, 2015 9:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Maggot was Living Inside My Finger!

Post by winterjade »

Thank you so much're absolutely right and this brings tremendous amount of peace and confirmation! I am more encouraged to be completely honest with myself and the Lord with every thought and feeling on a daily basis. He really is the only person I can fully trust and feel completely safe with in my vulnerability. At first I thought that maybe I'm just being hard on myself and putting myself through unnecessary suffering that won't guarantee any significant or beneficial outcome. But now I know that this is from the Lord and He's been leading me quietly even when I wasn't sure of what I'm going through. I feel like I'm in the wilderness! This purging process is not easy and painful but I have faith He will get me through this! Thank you again.
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Re: Maggot was Living Inside My Finger!

Post by underhiswing »

You are most welcome, and I am so glad that He is lovingly showing you that He sees your pain and is showing you that things will be better. The ending of the dream contains a promise...... that you will see it differently...for what it is/was (green/ugly).... and that it will be removed and the memories of it will be scattered (torn pieces of photo/paper)'

God bless and keep you always.
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