Brother's pickup abruptly stops

Archived Dreams from 2015
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Brother's pickup abruptly stops

Post by roses »

The night of May 19, 2014, I had a dream:
My brother was in his white pick-up and another unknown man was behind him in another white pick-up. I was following them in my vehicle. Then my brother and the man each made a right turn. They turned into the driveway to go to what was once my parent's farm and which my brother subsequently took over. After they made the right turn, each pickup abruptly stopped. I got out of my vehicle and looked in the pickups. The driver's seat of each pickup was laying flat. My brother and the other man were each laying face down in the flat seats of the pickups. They did not move. I lifted up the other man's leg and there was a little blood.
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Re: Brother's pickup abruptly stops

Post by underhiswing »

Very interesting dream.
Does your brother really drive a white truck?
Did the other man resemble your brother in any way?
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Re: Brother's pickup abruptly stops

Post by roses »

Hello underhiswing,
My brother really does drive a white pickup.
I did not see the other man's face, and I did not notice that he resembled my brother.
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Re: Brother's pickup abruptly stops

Post by underhiswing »

Thank you. Were the trucks identical?
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Re: Brother's pickup abruptly stops

Post by roses »

I do not think the trucks were identical.
My brother had a smaller white pickup in real life. He may still have it but I am not sure. During the summer, his hired man would drive it.
After the dream, I thought the other man might have been driving my brother's smaller white pickup.
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Re: Brother's pickup abruptly stops

Post by underhiswing »

Ok. I would like to know if the 2 trucks "in" the dream were identical?

This is a symbolic dream, not a literal one, so we have to discover what you are saying to yourself or what the Lord is saying to you. When He speaks in our dreams, He uses our own personal symbolism to spell out what is going on...He speaks "our/your" language (that is why books on the subject of dreams and symbolisms or reading lists of symbolisms are only partially helpful...if at all). So my questions will need to be answered accurately, (if you are interested) so that we can discover what He is saying to you.

The four characters in this dream are your brother, this hired hand, you, and your parents. There is a reason why you are all in this dream together. The actions within this dream are; "following", "entering" , and then "abrupt ending", we need to keep those actions in mind in interpreting what this is about.

Has there been an "abrupt end" to any aspect of your relationship with your brother, this hired man, or your parents...or any actual literal death that has recently occurred or is looming in the near future(ie; illness)? I ask this because of the blood, the "flat out" seats, and the" abrupt end" of the driving (which seems to me to be the key to the dream)When you went to investigate, were both men not moving? I wonder why you lifted the leg of this man and not your brothers to investigate?? Any thoughts on that?

Was this land a personal home of yours once, or was it just your parents land? Why was it "taken over" by your brother? Have you spoken of all of your thoughts within the dream. Those thoughts are far more important than what you thought after waking (because our conscious mind will skew things that the dream was trying to tell you). I know that sorting this out may seem like a big undertaking, but I think with some effort, we will discover this dreams meaning.
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Re: Brother's pickup abruptly stops

Post by roses »

Thank you underhiswing.
I would like you to help me understand the dream. I am interested in finding out what the Lord is saying to me.
The following are the answers to your questions.
The pickup my brother was driving was the larger pickup. I am not sure what make it is. He still drives it sometimes. The pickup that the second man was driving is the one I thought was my brother's smaller pickup that the hired man would drive.
There has been an abrupt end to the relationship with my brother. Several years ago (2005), my parents sold a house (not the farm house). Before the house sold, the Lord told me that my brother wanted over $150,000 from the sale and what he would use the money for. My parents both had dementia. ( My dad died in 2008, but mom is still alive.) When the house sold, my parents were calling me and they said they were looking for their money and would I help them. They did not know where their money was. I called my brother to ask him where the money was. He said he did not know.----Then I located the documents filed at the county courthouse and found where my brother had my parents sign papers to transfer the money from the house sale over to him so he could apply the money to a land purchase he was making (not my parent's land). Also, if the Lord would not have told me, I never would not have known about the transaction, because there was not transfer of cash in a bank account. Then for several years, I was debating on what to do. After praying, I had a symbolic dream where the Lord was saying that if I do not stand up for myself, I will get cut short. Then in Sept. of 2012, I got an attorney who specializes in trusts and estates. Beginning in February 2013 - May 2013, I contacted my brother and asked where the money was. He would either ignore me or say he did not know. The attorneys did not contact my brother until July of 2013. That is basically when our relationship began to end and is now ended. My attorneys got a good settlement signed in March of 2014. In the settlement, my sister and I first each get the same amount out of mom's estate that my brother took. Then everything is divided equally. ---However, as part of the settlement, and to avoid going to court, we had to compromise and we allowed my brother to remain the executor of dad's and mom's estates, as was stated in their wills. My dad died about 6 1/2 years ago and my brother has not settled the estate.

During the settlement process, my brother was saying lies about me to my attorneys. Then my attorneys would confront my brother with the truth and my brother would drop the lie. Then he would go on to another lie.
Two times after the settlement. my brother said lies. The attorneys confronted him with the truth again and my brother would drop it (one of these times the attorney had to send him a demand letter).

The good thing is that my attorneys are monitoring what my brother is doing. My attorneys are paid out of mom's money when they follow up the status of dad's estate with the estate attorney. This was written into the settlement. My brother has often commented to my sister that my attorneys are mean.

Now the issue is that my brother will not get dad's estate settled. He was also supposed to set up a trust for my mother by September of 2014, but he has not done that either. He would say he is too busy with his farm work. He is paying the estate attorney and nothing is getting done. As long as this goes on the estate attorney will collect more money. So my attorneys told me that at some point if this is not done, we will have to go to court. The attorneys would probably get my brother removed as executor of dad's estate and hopefully mom's estate also.

No death has recently occurred and there is no illness I know of. My mother has dementia, but I do not see that she is physically ill.

When I went to investigate, both men were not moving. I do not know why I lifted up the leg of the other man. I never thought about that until you asked me.

This land was a personal home of my family when I was younger. My brother bought the land from my parents. From documentation I have seen I do not think my brother cheated my parents in those transactions. Those transactions went through an attorney. (The transaction I noted above did not go through an attorney. )

The only other thought I can think of is: After I lifted up the other man's leg and saw the blood, I got my cell phone and called the police. I thought "I do not want anyone to think I did this." Then I woke up.

I will also add that there were other incidents in the 1990's and early 2000's where my brother took advantage of my parents financially, but I did not have records to document that.

I hope you don't mind that this is so long. I have a lot of detail.
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Re: Brother's pickup abruptly stops

Post by underhiswing »

This appears to be prophetic.

He and his alter self (the hired man represents your brothers alter ego. The 2 of them are, your brothers bad and his good sides, and also the brother of the past and the one of the current times or future times) Both aspects of him have been stopped abruptly on the family land and they apparently appear to be dead/done/finished/over. This could very simply mean that at all of this activity with the estates will come to an "abrupt end" and will occur in a way that you will need to call the involved authority and (symbolized by the desire to call police) to make sure that you will not be accused of bringing this "abrupt end" to fruition....Symbolically you were tailing him, and were first (firsthand knowledge) and discovered the bad ending of the situation.
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Re: Brother's pickup abruptly stops

Post by roses »

Hello underhiswing.
I just read your interpretation. I bear witness to what you said. I also feel that this is a prophetic dream. Thank you for helping me to sort this out. God bless you and your family.
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Re: Brother's pickup abruptly stops

Post by underhiswing »

You are so welcome. Thank you for the blessings. I receive them on behalf of my self and my family. Some members really need the Lord's help and His touch right now.

I am so glad that He is protecting you....
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Re: Brother's pickup abruptly stops

Post by roses »

To underhiswing,
I will be praying for you and your family.
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Re: Brother's pickup abruptly stops

Post by underhiswing »

Thank you roses. My mother just passed away, and it seems to make some people say things and do things that they normally would not do. She will be greatly missed.
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