ANOTHER: dream/question for snake dream

Archived Dreams from 2015
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ANOTHER: dream/question for snake dream

Post by kingnme »

i was making shoo-fly pie

seems like it was problematic ....suddenly i came across the body of a snake

scenario: grass ---sidewalk----grass.....

and im coming down the sidewalk walking toward the snake's body it was blocking me from going over

apparently the snakes HEAD came OUT of the grass from the left side

crossed over the sidewalk

and his HEAD burrowed down in the grass on the right side

so ALL i saw was its HUGE/tall body crawling across the sidewalk going from ONE side to the other


and i asked WHAT IS THIS SNAKE......?

Question: what does it mean when you see NO head NO tail??? just the body

OH! btw it had one or two color patterns kinda like a clowns hanky i think it went WHiTE then black ... REPEATing ...i THiNK that was all the colors no sure...... ?
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Re: ANOTHER: dream/question for snake dream

Post by Newbie »

For your discernment: A sidewalk is a path and a snake can represent a lie, confusion/chaos, and/or deception. So the snake is something that is lying in your path and you have a decision that needs to be made: 1) you can kill it off (remove its head); 2) step over it ---> temporarily avoid it but problem is still there; 3) run away---> same results as #2.

Shoo-fly-pie, brings to mind pest. In the dream you were attempting to make this dessert; getting ready to serve up new wine [Molasses comes from Late Latin mellaceum "new wine," properly neuter of mellaceus "resembling honey," from Latin mel (genitive mellis) "honey"]; however, you were having some difficulty because of the pest (snake).

So long story short, you are trying to serve up "new wine" and you are encountering a distraction, an obstacle of sorts. You need to kill this thing off, if not it will always be there to distract you.
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Re: ANOTHER: dream/question for snake dream

Post by kingnme »

..............And ooooOH HoW I WaNT TO KiLL iT!!!! :x

thanks Newbie.......!

there is so much distracting things to go around home is in great need:
car (not because im tired of what I have...but its because there are so many mechanical issues...I was stranded for an hour on yesterday)
pests (bugs in my apt)
family issues
it has gotten overwhelming :(

I tried to reach out on last night by looking for the Women's prayer room...

I didn't even see that its no longer there :lol:

guess I was too busy I didnt really take a tour of the new dream website

I just believe The Lord have me going through a Trust Exercise...(However I can feel the "burn" through this exercise)

yea! exactly is whats needed ....New that right!

just wanted to ask the loved ones on this board if could you send up a prayer for me...?
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Re: ANOTHER: dream/question for snake dream

Post by Starfire »

You are not alone! Prayers sent up for you. The evil one is trying to make the saints too weary to
maintain the spiritual connection needed to survive the days coming. Yes, trust is a major issue
these days, as it's possibly never been more crucial.
Your dream shows this in black and white (the attempt of the enemy to prevent you from continuing
on the path) and wants you to not know that you are the head not the tail. The enemy would have
you believe there IS NO head or tail-that there is nothing to gain; he wants to trip you up.
Deuteronomy 28:13 (NRS) The Lord will make you the head, and not the tail; you shall be only at the top, and not at the bottom—if you obey the commandments of the Lord your God, which I am commanding you today, by diligently observing them

Do not worry; he is WRONG and keep confessing John 10:27-30:
"My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; and I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand.“My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand.“I and the Father are one.”

I have printed this out & put it on my bathroom mirror. It reminds me that I need not worry, the Lord has a firm grip on me, even when my grip feels like it's slipping or I feel he world's troubles are making me too weak to hold is NOT our grip that counts - it's HIS & we can trust (there's that word again) that the Lord will NOT let go, just keep seeking Him with your whole heart.
May the Lord Bless You, Protect You, Approve of You, Be Gracious to you & Grant you Favor & Peace.

PS. I see the shoefly pie as you trying to make the best (sweetest) out of the most basic and limited ingredients (limitations) in life.
Shoefly pie is so good and made with almost nothing. Even with very little, when we offer it up to the Lord, He
will make something GREAT out of it. The enemy wants you to hear his lies and see the limitation of ingredients rather than trust what the Lord can do -even with almost nothing. We don't need to start with great faith, we can start with LITTLE Faith and trust that God will increase it and make something GOOD of it...
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Re: ANOTHER: dream/question for snake dream

Post by kingnme »


That is EXACTLY what both interpretations are conveying

I feel the enemy is just going the lonnnng way around just to tell me:
You ain't the head and he certainly ain't telling me I'm NOT the tail either !!!

You're so right ......Its to the point where I'm hearing more than one says yes the other says no!?

Been real confused latley......I'm recognizing theres more to understand thanks everyone!!
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Re: ANOTHER: dream/question for snake dream

Post by Carterman »

the snake and the flies mean the same thing. they're both lies. flies-lies