couldn't say Yeshua?

Archived Dreams from 2015
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couldn't say Yeshua?

Post by Joshua116 »

several times now while asleep, i've had these uncomfortable experiences

i admit, i sleep under my covers for several reasons:

1.) i have my portable fan on while i sleep but i sleep under the covers to avoid any dust allegy effects
2.) fear

well this morning, wether a dream or for real, i felt something crawling on my head through my it was a cat.

i felt something crawling on me and i felt afraid but couldn't speak...i tried to say Jesus' real name Yeshua but i just couldn't utter it

i finally snapped out/woke up from this but my covers were OFF my head and i was exposed to my room and felt afraid and quickly got back under the covers

several weeks back, i woke up briefly from sleep and literally thought i SAW a figure hovering over me and it freaked me out
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Re: couldn't say Yeshua?

Post by Joshua116 »

what's strange is all i did last night was go to my sister's Pre-Wedding Rehearsal and Dinner

it was a nice night, then this happens
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Re: couldn't say Yeshua?

Post by bjcollin »

Don't freak out... it is a demon, an enemy spirit attacking you... this used to happen a lot to me too years ago until I started fighting back and learning spiritual warfare... Keep getting stronger in your relationship with the Lord and keep using the Name of Jesus (the Hebrew form Yeshua is fine as well) eventually the enemies will flee at the Name.
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Re: couldn't say Yeshua?

Post by Starfire »

BJ gave you great advice, just wanted to affirm what he said. You need to call upon JESUS. (Whether Yeshua, Yashua,
so many spellings...some even say Yoshua) IF you can't speak it, try to picture him and picture yourself calling him.
That will work. As you concentrate on him, anything evil will lose it's grip.
I recall years ago I hadn't slept more than about 1/2 hr a day for 4 nights. I was exhausted, but my mind wouldn't stop.
I'd close my eyes, start to fall asleep and bolt up, awake, sometimes by a horrible thought or dream. I had even announced aloud that I am a child of the MOST HIGH GOD and ONLY HE and whom HE chooses to send have any authority over me, all others must go. And they would - temporarily. Then one night it was so bad, every time I'd close my eyes I saw evil ugly creatures running toward me. I had cried out to Jesus many times & they would stop, but when I'd relax and think of nothing,
again, as before, they'd return. THEN I prayed and asked Jesus to just hold me while I slept and keep all evil from me.
I told Him, I am trusting Him to keep me safe no matter what I see or experience. I pictured myself clearly laying with my head on his lap, His hand on my shoulder.
Well, Jesus has a sense of humor.
The images didn't stop at first, but watching them, I acted like it was on TV - just a show and snuggled into Jesus' lap knowing they can't hurt me. Then the funniest thing happened. They would come charging at me and as they got closer and closer, they turned into cartoon characters. I even laughed out loud. I recall I slept only about 3 hours but awoke so completely refreshed, it felt like 16 hours. God is good. He is with you. Call upon him (If not able to aloud, do so in your mind, HE HEARS) and TRUST that once you have, HE is in control. Evil MUST flee when He commands it, so trust in that.
I will pray you get sweet sleep. I know how it wrecks havoc with your mind.
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Re: couldn't say Yeshua?

Post by Starfire »

I did want to clarify that to take authority over & command evil to leave you must speak ALOUD (Only God can read your mind), but to call out to JESUS, you can do so aloud or silently. When you (can) do so aloud, the demons tremble.
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Re: couldn't say Yeshua?

Post by Joshua116 »


haven't posted in a while

yeah it hasnt' happened in a while either

there's no pattern, just maybe 4 times this has happened.