At Dining Room Table with The Jackson Family

Archived Dreams from 2015
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At Dining Room Table with The Jackson Family

Post by jdarby2007 »

Greetings All:

I recently had a dream that I was at a dining room table with the Jackson family. There was conversation but I don't recall what was said. But I remember the mother Katherine speaking at the table and whatever she said was very powerful. What's interesting is when I saw the Jackson family in the dream, they looked like they did back in the day, with afros, even Michael was there.

I like The Jackson family, and think they are very talented, but never idolized them. I do know they are Jehovah witness which I am not, so don't know or understand my association with them in the dream.

Any insight or interpretation the Lord gives would be great.

God bless,
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Re: At Dining Room Table with The Jackson Family

Post by PastorJKG »

I believe the Mother speaking powerful words over the family may be the point. From what I have seen and read those kids had a rough childhood. The Father wasn't vey loving and drove them incessantly to perfection. The Mother being the High priestess of the home and speaking destiny is in contradiction to the plan of God. The Fathers of this generation need to take there rightful place and lead their families in spiritual matters. This dream may represent the source of M.J.'s feminine ways. Young boys need that Fatherly figure so they can see masculinity in operation. That's what stood out to me. Hope this helps
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Re: At Dining Room Table with The Jackson Family

Post by rarara »

Been thinking about your dream for quite a while now. It could be that the whole scenario that you were shown in your dream is symbolic and not necessarily about the Jackson family. You will know. The thing that stood out to me first off was the Afros. Hair is usually glory and or wisdom. The name Jackson could mean sons of John as Jack is a derivative of John and this means Yahweh is gracious. I grew up thinking of the Jacksons as the Jackson 5 and five is Grace symbolically in the Scriptures. So that's 2 mentions of Grace. Being with a family round the table is just that. Being part of the family of God's Grace. At the Jewish table and particularly the Seder, the mother is the one who does the talking. She lights the candles and prays The blessing. And in the Proverbs Lemuel advises his son to take heed of his mother's words. My guess is that this dream may be about taking heed of wisdom and receiving His Grace. An Afro is a very natural and gorgeous hairstyle and could reflect in your dream the beauty of His wisdom imparted from someone who loves you. And that as you receive wisdom you get more. Kind of like the Afro. Real plentiful.

Also this is James 3 v 17;

But the wisdom from above is, first of all, pure, then peaceful, kind, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy.

And the name Katherine in it's redeemed state means pure and Michael means " like God". Jolly good names.

Only my thoughts,

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Re: At Dining Room Table with The Jackson Family

Post by PastorJKG »

I bear witness with what rarara said. sometimes our perspective is affected by what we already know about things and it hinders us from receiving revelation. to become strong we must first become weak. to become wise, we must first confess that we are ignorant, to become righteous we must first confess we are sinners. To receive revelation we must not lean to our own understanding but in all our ways acknowledge Him and He will then direct our course.

Pastor JKG
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Re: At Dining Room Table with The Jackson Family

Post by jdarby2007 »

Thank you so much for your insight rarara and Pastor JKG, I had some time to reflect on your words and my life and what you said is true. As a confession, I have to be honest, I am very vexed in my spirit and my heart is broken at the condition of the church and this country. I believe the church is in a delusional state and sleeping, this county has sunk into deeper level of depravity, I've been very angry lately. I am usually a person of grace, but every since the same sex marriage and recreational marijuana laws passed, I've turned somewhat cold. The idolatry is astounding, but God is still in control and still on the throne, amen!

I'm a Pastor's wife in Colorado and it's very different here now, you can smell the stinch of satan, very demonic! My stomach turns thinking about it, but I repented because I don't want my love to wax cold because of the lawlessness in the land.

I recently had another dream I will post in a moment.

Again, thanks for your insight!

God bless,