President wants to paint nails

Archived Dreams from 2015
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President wants to paint nails

Post by jackiebauerle »

I would like help with this dream, Thanks.

I was in this big building empty of furniture. There were people in this room with me. I just observed the activities of the crowd (irl...normal for me). Then a small group of masked assailants came into the room from the back of the room with guns. After threatening to shoot everybody, they went out into the hall in the front of the room to look for more people. Once the door closed, I saw the people just stayed there waiting for them to come back. I checked the back door and it was clear. I herded the people out of the room and told them to go to safety. I then went out the front. I looked down the hall and I saw a lot doors but no one was visible. I knew the assailants were around but I did not know what room or where. I began to open doors and looking inside for other people to save. One of the doors I open, I saw a lady lying on the floor. It was the president of a state christian organization. I said her name but she did not respond so I went over to her and she sat up on the floor. I told her she had to go out the back door to safety because of the bad people in the building. She acted like she did not hear me. She just talked small talk with me. I got closer and I tried to pull her off the floor but she resisted me asking to paint my finger nails. I grabbed her with both hands looking at her face to face and said, "Listen carefully to me. You have to leave because there are some bad people in here and they are going to shoot you." She just smiled and said, "Ok, but let me paint your finger nails".

I realized that even though I tried to explained that Thank you but I am not a person her it is necessary to paint my nails....she was not going to leave until I let her paint my nails. I also noticed her left arm was wounded. A big red oval shape swollen spot. I asked her what happens. She said she did not know. Even though I did not have anything with me when I went into the room, I suddenly had a shot of antibiotics and bandages that I dressed her wound with. Once I finished, she painted my finger nails yellow. I then got her up and pushed her in the direction of the back door and I went out the front to see if I can find anyone else.

I am in the hall opening and shutting doors to empty rooms when I see her again in another room on the floor. I asked her why she was there. She did not know. We exchanged the same words all over again. Her arm I saw was worst. It is not raised and blistered and open wound. I bandaged it again and this time she asked to paint my toe nails. After trying to get her to see the need to hurry was not working, I let her paint my toe nails pink because it was what it was going to take to get her out of there. This time I walked her outside the back door myself and shut the door between us.

I resumed my search in the hall getting a glimpse of the bad people entering a room on the other end of the hall. A few doors down, I find her again...on the bandages on the arm...and she is still there not understanding the danger she was in. Her arm was worst torn opened more. I think I gave her another shot...cannot remember for sure...but I bandaged her up again and I was trying to explain to her that she painted my nails and toe nails already and she has to get out. I had a caring but a more authoritative voice with her this time. I began to pull her off the floor when.... (I woke up)
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Re: President wants to paint nails

Post by bella »

This dream seems to be about you seeing what's really going on. You're observant by nature and this spills over into the spiritual. You're aware of the dangers and you help many to safety, but this one person is deceived or deluded??? Her focus is on the superficial. It's almost like she's under some sort of spell. You, in mercy, humour her for a while, but it gets to the point that you can't any longer. You're there to heal her too. Do you know this actual woman or do you think she represents a body or group?
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Re: President wants to paint nails

Post by jackiebauerle »

I do know her. Actually on a board with her. Interesting. ...thanks