A Hook Being Placed In My Daughter's Jaw

Archived Dreams from 2017
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A Hook Being Placed In My Daughter's Jaw

Post by RevK »

I had this dream last night, I have included scripture to go with it. Thank you in advance for taking the time to read this.. :D
Ezekiel 29:4'But I will put hooks in thy jaws,
My Daughter has been having her share of problems with her husband and oldest child (they have other children). He lost his job and the child is very head strong and rebellious even at her young age. The Mother does not attend church, none of them do. This family is struggling.
Dream: I saw this large hook being put into her jaw. (quick vision) I am hoping this is GOD pulling her back and not the world. After I saw that, I saw three white vans parked in the driveway of her home. One for Dad, Mom, and their child. They looked like ambulances, but weren't. Someone told me today that white cars, vans etc., are symbolic of angels.. It wasn't a confusing dream, no fear, just matter of fact.
If you can possibly help me with this dream, it would be deeply appreciated. Looking for confirmation of what I think I am hearing. Thank you!
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Re: A Hook Being Placed In My Daughter's Jaw

Post by Joshua116 »


yes i thought it was God's doing as well

the verse you shared is God saying it so it seems God is saying it about your daughter too
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Re: A Hook Being Placed In My Daughter's Jaw

Post by rarara »

Jesus is the Fisher of men. I have heard only John Wimber YEARS ago asking the Lord to put a hook in the jaw of those who had not yet been born again. I have never forgotten this. As a fish hook has a barb there is no going back and when it happens there will be no going back for these family members. The Ezekiel Scripture seems really harsh when you read it in context but this Scripture talks of Pharoah who is a crocodile at the bottom of the river being caught and when he is caught all the fish stick to his scales. Maybe this means that God will cause the enemy to be held captive and as a result there will be a harvest of souls or fish. Your family members will be only the start and others will follow? Thus the vans which have room to carry quite a few people. When they come in others will follow. This has to be a beautiful promise of Salvation for your family and beyond. And Btw even people who attend Church and are believers are not exempt from problems such as those your daughter is experiencing. I know it is hard but don't let any of that be the focus.
And I think that you are right to hope that the Father is pulling her back.
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Re: A Hook Being Placed In My Daughter's Jaw

Post by Beautiful »

Do not fear, only believe. The Lord is going to catch her, he may use you!
Thank him and praise him as you touch and believe to see the goodness of the Lord in their lives. The driveway is the "end of the matter" the vans represent family ministry. White is a high spiritual color!
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Re: A Hook Being Placed In My Daughter's Jaw

Post by iluvyahweh »

Dear dreamer,

Here is what I see in this dream:

When the Lord puts a hook in someone's jaw, it is typically the enemy he is dealing with - and very often Leviathan. Jesus doesn't operate like that with people, it's the kindness of God that leads to repentance - and a change of heart. Father draws people in my view.

Ezekiel 29 - All about the Pharoah, the Crocodile - the Croc is again a symbol of Leviathan.

Ezekiel 38 - All about Chief Princes, and enemies of God.

Job 41 - The sea serpent, Leviathan.

What if the dream is about your church, and deliverance from Leviathan operating in your church? Your daughter need not be your natural daughter, but she could be representative of a spiritual group - like where we get the daughters of zion from?

If you're a church leader, and I suspect that you are, then the three vans could be 3 groups of people in the church, operating in pride, confusion, and fear. These are normally the things that go hand in hand with Leviathan - and especially twisted communication and manipulation.

The connection of the ambulances is an interesting one. Ambulances are emergency vehicles. They get to break the rules, drive through red lights, stop other drivers, in order to get to their destination as quickly as possible. These are all hall-marks of Leviathan, and especially the spirit of pride - with people who just think they can do what they want, in order to get to the top of the pile.

Obviously, I would pray about this - I'm just not sure it is about your natural daughter tho. I don't want it to come across as an accusation either, or for your to operate in fear - its primary MO. And, I'm not saying that the Lord is not operating in your daughters life either - he likely is.

Grace and peace to you,