Eternity ring and gold ring

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Eternity ring and gold ring

Post by Anne »

Shalom friends! It has been some time and I have had some trouble reconnecting with my previous handle (charlie) so I'm hoping the admins can help me but in the meantime here is a recent dream I would value your thoughts on.

I am in a sculpture park with my 2 youngest daughters and they are continuing to explore while I go and sit at a picnic table bench in a rest area. It seems that we are killing time waiting for an appointment to meet with someone called Jill (IRL she is someone with a retreat ministry in Spain where I have been to take sessions with my husband). Opposite me at the picnic bench is a man who I do not know, seemingly also waiting. He begins to look closely at my hands and asks to see my left hand ring finger-I am wearing a rather beautiful diamond eternity ring (which I do not have fact IRL I have recently lost my engagement diamond solitaire!). He studies the ring and then notices that I am wearing a gold wedding band on my right hand ring finger and asks to see that too....I'm thinking 'this is odd' but it somehow didn't feel too strange so I obliged. He was very taken with the gold band and sighed and smiled and simply said " God has something special for you do do" Then I woke up. I had the feeling that the stranger was Swiss and not a christian himself but that he could not but speak out.


Anne (charlie :))
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Re: Eternity ring and gold ring

Post by bjcollin »

Check your private messages for account admin info. Cheers.

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Re: Eternity ring and gold ring

Post by bjcollin »

one more try, deleted anne account and tried to restore charlie account.
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Re: Eternity ring and gold ring

Post by charlie »

I just logged in as you and tested your account, now it works. Crazy.

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Re: Eternity ring and gold ring

Post by charlie »

BJ Hurrraaay!!

Thank you for getting to the bottom of this :)

Happy to be swimming in the Tehillah tank again!

Jesus said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3
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Re: Eternity ring and gold ring

Post by bjcollin »


I feel that this dream is about you the dreamer and your journey or walk with the Lord. The dream seems to indicate that you may be in a waiting / holding pattern ministry wise right now. I feel that this first part of the dream in the sculpture garden represents your current ministry/marriage state if you will, just searching and waiting for God and for the spiritual retreat times. You have a big engagement ring in the dream, so I see that as a big promise from the Lord as well as representing marriage. Since you lost her engagement ring in real life, I think there is a feeling of anxious and being attacked by the enemy who I think on one level is represented by the swiss man in the dream. Wearing a gold wedding band on the right hand vs the left hand is common in Europe where you are from, so it might or might not be that significant of a symbol as it would be here in the US which mostly only uses the left hand for wedding rings. It is interesting that right in symbology is what you have the physical strength for and left is what you what your called to. Also, maybe for swiss, this guy at another level could be just a neutral messenger, telling you the message that God has something special for you to do i.e. it is time to stop waiting. The enemy always seeks to divide and attack marriages, but not God as He is the one who established marriage. There might be an aspect that because of things in the marriage may need a little work as the husband is missing in the dream, that this may be linked to the season of waiting.

In general, the closer we are with the Lord the more active we usually are in Him. God can and does use times of waiting to build our character in our lives and for His strategic purposes as well. It is all designed so that we will seek Him out. This also holds true to our other covenant relationships in our lives like marriages. In general, if there is friction or absenteeism in a marriage, it will also deeply affect our walk with the Lord and that can put us into times of waiting. I have seen a few exceptions to this generality over the years with individuals who are let's say very challenged relationship wise, but they are still walking in ministry and the Lord is using them. However, I have seen that this was the exception and not the norm and I have seen it affect way too many in the body of Christ the other way over the years as well. I have found from my own times of spiritual waiting in life, that in order to move on, it is up to me to choose to move forward into what God has for me and to seek Him out. Hope this makes some sense.

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Re: Eternity ring and gold ring

Post by barny »

Hey Charlie,

What a powerful dream. Please understand it is not my intention to confuse you or anyone here. I’m new to the site, new to the Faith and new to dream interpretation. All I know, for me, is that I dream a lot and dreams have great significance to me. I think and ponder about them. I greatly enjoy discussing my girlfriend's and friend's dreams.

I think the ring may hold significances regarding promise. For example a promise ring. It may represent God’s promises to us.

“He redeemed that the blessing given to Abraham might come to Gentiles through Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit.” Galatians 3:14

“God makes unmistakeable promises to guide us. But to hear that guidance, our motives must be pure and our will surrendered. After gathering information for the mind, we must prayerfully await God’s unfolding of events.”
F.B. Meyer

It may also represent our promises to God. Our promise to love God always, to be faithful and obedient. The scale of the ring may represent the significance and magnitude of his promises to us as well as ours to him.

The sculpture garden may relate to the works of the spirit.

“22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. 24 And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. 26 Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.”
Galatians 5 22-26

Perhaps the sculpture represents our most deepest desire of our humanity and that is of creative expression. I feel creative works or expressions are products of the spirit. And the expression is representative of the divine in us. Art, such as sculpture as well as music represent the most inner of our human condition. We are surrounded by God’s creativity.

“ 16 For in him all things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. 17 He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.”
Colossians 1: 16-17

You see I came from a Buddhist background that relied on the concept of relationship and causality through karma, but now as a Christian I believe God continues to create through the field of potentiality. Physics is now starting to back this up. 

“Physics has recognized the fact that when matter is reduced to its subatomic components, the apparent solidity of material existence is not"solid"at all. The subatomic realm is organized into quanta, (or packets of Energy). These form themselves into both particles and waves, sometimes acting as both simultaneously. Subatomic waves and particles are extremely interactive with one another. This is true even at great physical distances and relative locations. Our own inner states create such outgoing waves and particles in the surrounding unified field. Thoughts and emotions create impulses that travel outward into the environment.
An impulse generated in one area of a given field of energy, effects all the particles of that field, (and adjoining fields to some degree). Those in turn effect more adjacent energy fields, and so forth. A crude analogy for these field effects, is that of a stone thrown into a pond. The stone causes waves which eventually render changes in the entire body of water. This is the nature of the electromagnetic world in which we live. The fact that each of us is immersed in an ocean of usually invisible energy, intent and awareness, God is the one that carries all manner of impulses, is common knowledge. And also what is common knowledge is the extent to which such principles effect our daily lives, on a moment to moment psychic basis. The human nervous system is like a psychic radio transceiver, broadcasting our inner state to the world.”
We are all “made of God”, or in other words, Consciousness. An article by Matthew Webb.

Thank you very much for reading

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Re: Eternity ring and gold ring

Post by charlie »

@Brian...thank you for sharing those thoughts...I am still ring is very much worn on the left hand in UK so it is unusual to wear it on the right. I've never owned a diamond eternity ring (I'm not much of a jewelry person!) but I sense that it represents what you'd expect...eternal and enduring love...maybe being on the left hand is representing the spiritual promise of this in this dream. IRL I'm not really in a time of waiting and have some good things on my plate to get on with which I enjoy as does husband...the dream did come after a very challenging few days and I took it primarily as an encouragement.

Thanks again BJ!

Shalom :)
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Re: Eternity ring and gold ring

Post by charlie »

@barny good to meet you barny! Thank you for taking the time to share your insights and something of your own journey. Blessings as you continue the road!

I love your thoughts about the creativity of the Spirit and the richness of the gifts and fruit...I hadn't thought about the sculpture garden in that way. One thing I didn't specifically mention was that they were concrete sculptures...the large kind that you can clamber around...and they were largely abstract in nature. The picnic table and bench were concrete the space I was in in the dream was very concrete...solid...which could represent stability/solidity but could also symbolise inflexibility. I kind of feel that it is the former because I was relaxed and my girls were just having fun...

I'm still pondering and praying about it but I'm grateful for your insights.

Jesus said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3