Losing my eye teeth.

Dreams and visions to be interpreted
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Losing my eye teeth.

Post by rarara »

I dreamt that one of my eye teeth suddenly just fell out and then soon after the other one too. First the left one and then the right one. I was quite upset in the dream and salvaged them both so I could take them to the dentist hoping he could put them back in. There was a discussion with someone as to whether I should put them in milk or water and I opted for water for some reason.

Then I felt something in my throat and coughed up what looked like a huge misshapen molar (about 2 inches square) and I looked at it in my hand, very traumatic in the dream but I knew it wasn’t my tooth.

Then I coughed again and up came the strangest thing, it was like a purple rubber glove that had become solid like plastic, like a container, then I went on to say that I had been in the ocean and had swallowed some water.

The dream is a bit ridiculous but was not a nice one to have. :s10: :shock:

Any ideas?

Thanks and God bless!
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Re: Losing my eye teeth.

Post by PastorJKG »

Full of metaphors. Eye teeth= The ability to tear into and bite off the meat and also connected to spiritual sight. Loosing them may indicate loosing the ability to properly feed on the written and revelatory word of God. Left indicates destiny and right points to what you are naturally inclined to do. Something must be putting pressure on you to hinder your spiritual diet. Perhaps offence or frustration. Maybe even something that is taking too much of your time and energy. It could even be the introduction of a errored teaching. Have you recently gotten involved with a new teaching or a doctrinal idea that seems to push the envelope? If so, maybe it's pushing it just a little too far. The glove hardened by the ocean. The ocean is often representative of the sea of fallen humanity. Perhaps indicating a connection to people who are carnal. The glove is supposed to be soft and elastic for your protection but it is ruined like Jeremiah's girdle that was marred. Jer. 13:7

For your prayerful consideration
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Re: Losing my eye teeth.

Post by iluvyahweh »

Interesting dream…lots of common symbols, but the difficulty with common symbols is that they can mean many things, and it sometimes makes the interpretation harder…here is what i see though.

Dream Symbols

“I dreamt..” – the dream is about the dreamer.
“that one of my eye teeth suddenly just fell out….” – the eye tooth is typically something that speaks of revelatory insight, so a loss of revelation - maybe. However, I’m not sure that this is what this dream is saying. Think about the idiom: I’d give my eye teeth for that. The eye tooth can therefore represent something very precious, something valuable to you, and also something that is PART of YOU. You lose something valuable, and it happens suddenly.
“ and then soon after the other one too…..” – you lose a second thing that is precious to you, sometime soon afterwards the first one.
“First the left one and then the right one…” – a precious thing on the right, a precious thing on the left.
“I was quite upset in the dream…” – this loss, caused you emotional distress.
“and salvaged them both…” – hope for the future.
“so I could take them to the dentist….” – Jesus is the dentist.
“hoping he could put them back in….” – hoping Jesus can restore, recover loss of the two precious things.
“There was a discussion with someone as to whether I should put them in milk…” – discussion with holy spirit, unknown person. Milk speaks of nurture. Do you nurture them?
“or water and I opted for water for some reason….” – water speaks of many things: life, death, the word. I wonder if it represents death in this dream. You entrust the two precious things into death. A dying process.

“Then I felt something in my throat….” – emotional distress.
“and coughed up what looked like a huge misshapen molar…” – molars represent wisdom. They help you chew on things, and think things through. You bring up wisdom, but misshapen wisdom, not God’s wisdom.
“(about 2 inches square)”… – don’t know, probably a time frame. 12 inches in a foot, 12 months in a year.
“and I looked at it in my hand…” – the hand represents power. You look at this man’s wisdom within the context of your own power, your own hand, your own strength.
“very traumatic in the dream…” – caused you more emotional distress….
“but I knew it wasn’t my tooth…” – Not your own wisdom or the wisdom of god, but someone else’s wisdom.

“Then I coughed again and up came the strangest thing….” – getting rid of something else, a foreign body.
“It was like a purple rubber glove that had become solid like plastic like a container…” – a glove is a container for the hand. Hands represent many things; ministry, fellowship etc. In Hebrew, the 10th letter of the aleph-bet is the letter Yod, however. It is a picture of a hand, the same hand Elijah saw in the clouds. And, it represents the hand of POWER, the right hand of Yahweh, the hand of God, and the power of God. You therefore get right of something (the glove) that is containing the power of Yah (the hand) in your life. It is the removal of the feeling of powerlessness in this situation.
“Then I went on to say that I had been in the ocean and had swallowed some water…” – You learned this powerlessness from others and by believing others.

Dream interpretation

The dream shows that the dreamer has lost two things that are precious to them (the eye teeth.) The first loss came unexpectedly and quickly (suddenly), the second sometime later.

The dreamer has hope for the future though (salvage) that Jesus can restore (the dentist) the loss of these two valuable things.

The dreamer was tempted to resolve this themselves via nurture (the milk); but has committed them both to water (to death) the dying process through guidance of the holy spirit (unknown person.)

The dream also shows the dreamer discarding wisdom about this matter that has not come from God (someone else’s misshapen molar.)

The dream shows the dreamer breaking free of feelings of powerlessness about this situation too (the rubber glove that is the container for the hand, the hand being the power of Yahweh)

For your prayerful consideration,
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Re: Losing my eye teeth.

Post by rarara »

Hi Pastor and Iluvyaweh

Thank you very much for your responses and taking the time to post.

This crazy dream ended up weighing on my heart a lot afterwards as I sensed it was touching something painful in my heart and life. Quite out of the blue.

The eye teeth bit troubled me a lot because I knew this was something you wouldn't want to lose, and I feel like I had lost 2 things, the thing about losing these things which is a private matter was how painful it was and also was on display, is not something that can be hidden.

Pastor JKG, the pressure that you mentioned is right, I believe, because as I was waking up from the dream and thankfully realising it wasn't real I said to myself that the pressure of what was coming up in my stomach had shaken my teeth out!

I luv Yahweh, I had thought about Jesus as the dentist too and therefore the hope I can have and the power that He has to restore. And there was a lot of hope and redemption throughout your interpretation. Thank you.

I still have to figure it out a bit more though, I will try. :D

God Bless
