Ocean Turned to Dryland

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Ocean Turned to Dryland

Post by Imma »

n my dream this morning I was swimming up an ocean/ huge body of water swimming against some small tides. I reached a point and felt I have swarm enough . I decided to turned to swim back to where i left my things . When I turned to swim back the entire ocean/huge body of water miraculously become a dry land and I walk back on dryland instead, of swimming back. I was shocked by the transformation. Astonished, I asked the ocean guards what happened because I was shocked by the event. They said that the have gathered all the water and diverted them into the bottle beneath the earth. And thy allowed to take a peep of the blue water of the ocean where the bottled all of them beneath the earth.As I was in the dream it reminded me of the verse in Job 38:4 where God asked him if he know how he anchored all the water in the oceans. “Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell Me, if you have understanding.
I then realized that they have swept away the things I left behind including my purse. I woke up very shocked and terrified by this dream.

Please , I need help with interpretation of this dream.

God Bless You

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Re: Ocean Turned to Dryland

Post by bjcollin »

Hi Imma,

Welcome to the Tehillah Dreams board. Great first post. In addition to the verses in Job 38 that you already pointed out, your dream also reminded me of the verses in Genesis 1:9-10 where God created the dry land and in Genesis 7-8 where God opened and closed up the waters of the deep for the great flood. To me the basic message of your dream is don't get tired and don't give up in these current trials and tribulations that you are going through, as God is going to do a miraculous transformation in your life. The one that ultimately guards your life (aka God) is the only one who can do this transformation, and it is only He that can bottle up these turbulent waters that you are in the midst of. Your old identity that you were holding onto needs to change to become your new identity in Christ.

Refs: Genesis 1:9-10, Genesis 7:11, Genesis 8:2, James 1:2-8, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Galatians 2:20

Hope this helps you on the dream.

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Re: Ocean Turned to Dryland

Post by bjcollin »


God was reminding me about Job over lunch time today... The thing about Job was that he was righteous, and he did not sin either before or even while he was going through what he was going through. However, Job also did not have insight into what either the enemy was doing against him, nor did he have any insight into what God was doing for him either. He only had a lot of good guesses. In Job 31 we see Job IMHO getting to the point of self righteousness. In Job 32 - Job 37 Job's only good counsel friend Elihu (name meaning My God is He) basically ends by telling Job that God is also in the storm and that He is the mighty power.... Now we get to the verses in your dream... In Job 38 God is basically finally speaking to Job and He is chastising Job's lack of knowledge and understanding of who God really is. To me the point of those verses as used in your dream says that no matter how much we think we are in the right and no matter how much we think that we know about God... Ultimately it is God that is God and it is He that allows those trials and tests to come into in our lives for His purposes, and it is in His wisdom and might that we need to trust in. I have this saying that I always use: God is God, and I am not God. Hope this helps more on the Job aspect of the dream. Yes, some very scary verses. For completing Job, look at Job 40:1-8 and Job 42:1-6. There is only one response which is to repent.

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Re: Ocean Turned to Dryland

Post by Imma »

Thanks a lot!. BJ Collins. I really appreciate your insight and interpretations. I thought it may be a likey miraculous transformation in the struggles in my life but could not get the rest.

1)Please I still need help with interpreting my identity in Christ," Your old identity that you were holding onto needs to change to become your new identity in Christ".
I already strongly believe in God,Jesus and the Trinity. Does it me that currently I am not doing enough . Are you aware of how I may improve on my identity in Christ?

2)Yes. It definitely helped more.In that dream I have the impression of that verse in Job in my heart though I did not know the exact verse in the dream. When I woke up,I type on google search bar" show me the Bible verse where God asked Job if he know how he created the earth and anchored the ocean" and Job verse 38: 4 came out.

Please are you aware of any specific thing I should be repenting of ? I am scared.
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Re: Ocean Turned to Dryland

Post by bjcollin »

Nothing to be scared of. Finding our Identity in Christ is a great subject. Identity is Who are you and what defines you. That’s a question many people struggle to answer. Too often, people base their identities on what they do (from their jobs to their roles in relationships), defining themselves by those pursuits. But by doing so, they significantly limit their lives. i.e. as a man I can say I am an engineer or I work for company xyz, or I am a husband and a father, but is it that which defines me? As a minister I can say I am a pastor, or I can say that I have prophetic giftings, but is it that which defines me? Or shouldn't it ultimately be my relationship with Christ that defines me no matter what I am doing in life? Does Christ show through me to others?

I have been a Christian since age 15, now I'm 50 something *cough* I am even today still finding ways that I can further deepen my identity in Christ. Of course the base level starts in that we are saved born again Christians and that we have accepted Christ's Lordship over our lives. That is only where the journey begins in life. Then we start to grow in Him and we find out that he wants us to live Holy lives (holiness and sanctification) and to find our giftings and find our place and find out what He wants us to do for the kingdom, and if we are called into the ministry either the calling of every believer or especially the calling of vocational ministry then it gets better from there. For me finding my identity in Christ over the years ultimately comes down to a lot of dying to self in different areas over the years and giving certain areas of my life over to Him. The repenting part for me comes in that I have to pray and repent to God for taking the reigns myself instead of submitting that area to Him in the first place as I should of. It is a life time journey. I was not shown anything specific to repent of for your dream, it was just the general idea of that is what Job did.
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Re: Ocean Turned to Dryland

Post by Imma »

Thank You Pastor!.God has richly blessed me today with his words of wisdom through you.
I Get it.

I don't know how to find God's purpose for me in life & ministry. Do your ministry teach that?. I know I dream and it come to past in real life. I am inclined to help people build their life. But I have struggled in my own career in the last 5 years immediately after I become a chartered accountant which is a kind of irony.

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Re: Ocean Turned to Dryland

Post by Chambers »


You all got this. I just wanted to say that i saw. Basically the same thing.

The body of water may speak of something like emotional or spiritual condition that you find yourself journeying in. Its enough to get you through some turbulence ...But you still find that you are swimming against some tides. That takes work.

It is when you turned back for your purse that you were surprised by the dry land. Purses and wallets generally hold personal items-identification, makeup for the ladies-
It is going to be washed away and taken into a deeper place.

God appears to be calling you into a deeper relationship with him.

Don't be surprised if you find yourself going through an inner dry season. Maybe you'll find yourself emotionally detached or wanting /lacking, possibly others too.
The waters are being guarded in a deeper place.

Remember Job's story too. Some may tell you that you must be doing something wrong, even people you may be journeying with and are in close relationship with, but know that God is doing a work in you, taking you to a deeper place in Him where you won't have to swim against the tide, but will be able to walk on water abd find you soul at peace even when we are amongst (emotional?) turbulence.

Basically the same thing already said, i believe, but thought may help some. Just gave some additional specifics that may fit and help.
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Re: Ocean Turned to Dryland

Post by Imma »

Thank you Chamber.
I do not understand the last paragraph:
'Basically the same thing already said, I believe, but thought may help some. Just gave some additional specifics that may fit and help.'

Please can you simplify it?

Thanks a lot for your help.

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Re: Ocean Turned to Dryland

Post by Chambers »

Sorry about that. I just meant that I believe I said pretty much the same thing (or similar) that was already said, I just added some thoughts about what the water and dry land may signify.

God bless you. Pray that God would reveal who you are in Christ and see what he puts before you to help you with that process. You are his child fully loved and accepted as you are because of Jesus, but only he can reveal that at a deeper level. As we grow in the revelation of who He is, like loving and trustworthy, then the rest will follow naturally.

BJ also mentioned some other aspects that aid our growth and help us to become fit for service because although we may be fully accepted in Him, we aren't necessarily, or always, fit for service. Try and relax during the process because it takes time.

Hopefully I didn't confuse you further. Forgive me if that is the case.
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Re: Ocean Turned to Dryland

Post by Imma »

Thanks a lot, Chambers
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Re: Ocean Turned to Dryland

Post by Chambers »

Your welcome and thank you.