An overwhelming dream from marbe

Dreams and visions to be interpreted
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An overwhelming dream from marbe

Post by bjcollin »

Hey guys, this dream was submitted via email from the old Dreams From Him (DFH) Yahoo group which is no longer supported by yahoo boards... Please help to provide an interpretation for Marbe's dream:

My name is marbe and I have been a member of this group for a lot of years. About 20 years. This group has helped me before with dream interpretation.
In the dream I was in a house. A spiritual Christian service was about to start when I have the urge of using the bathroom.. When I finished my necessity and notice there was water coming from under the bathtub. When I was going to grab the toilet paper it was wet & I couldn’t clean my self properly. I got out of toilet seat and called my sister. She came & asked me for brother in law.

Then I saw my brother in law moping and getting the water out of the room. You told him, the enemy does not want this service to take place. I started speaking in tongues and my brother in law was baptized with the Holy Spirit.

Then I see myself driving but for some reason saw myself driving backwards. I couldn’t see the cars coming but I heard this big horn sound and there were big trucks coming, one from the front and two through the back. I was trying to avoid them but somehow one of the trucks who was the color green crush my car. In the dream I saw the truck crushing my car and I heard myself saying Oh my God, Oh my God. Then I woke up.

I usually interpret my own dreams but somehow this one cause an overwhelming experience & I just started writing this email.

Thank you in advanced. I hope you can help.


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Re: An overwhelming dream from marbe

Post by bjcollin »

email to Marbe:

Thank you for your email dream submission. The yahoo groups Dreams From Him (DFH) board no longer exists, and as of a few years ago we moved to an all online internet forum now called Tehillah Dreams If you have not already done so in the past, please login to our board and create yourself a login name and password. If you have any trouble doing this, then please let me know and I can help you. We would welcome you as a user on the board.

I have gone ahead and posted your dream to our website for the users to get started with seeking an interpretation for it. Here is the link to the dream from your email that I cut and pasted onto the board.

Personally, what I feel on your dream is that if the brother-in-law is not currently saved, then you are currently approaching the salvation of the brother-in-law backwards. If you want to avoid an accident, you need a totally opposite approach from whatever you are currently doing regarding him. It will first take major intercession and praying in tongues to break and remove the enemy that is getting in the way. Some people give their lives to Jesus easily when they first hear the water of the Word of God presented to them and they are easily cleansed. However, for the majority of people who are harder of heart it takes breaking the enemies hold on them before they will even realize that they need Jesus as their savior. They need to feel and see the overflow of the Holy Spirit before their hearts can be changed by the love of God. I hope this helps on the dream. God bless you.

in Christ,