Home place half fenced in

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Home place half fenced in

Post by Compassion »

I had this dream about 4 or 5 years ago. I don't remember all of it but here is what I remember.

This was the last part of this dream. I walked onto my home place property where I saw an old camper with a barking dog that came running up to the fence. There was a chain link fence around that part of the property. I then began to walk towards the house which was not a part of the fenced in area. I noticed at the back corner there was siding torn off down to studs which exposed some things hidden in the walls. I went inside the house through back door. It was dark inside. As i walked on in to the dinning area there was dummies hanging from the ceiling and a sense of gloom or evil. I then turned around and told those with me to run out. Dream ended.
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Re: Home place half fenced in

Post by bjcollin »


Welcome to the Tehillah Dreams board. Wonderful name you have chosen, we all need Compassion in our lives. Great first dream post. Even though the dream is a few years older, it still has great meaning. I too would have very similar repetitive dreams over the years of property and houses in different stages of construction and enemy spirits in them. It meant that the Lord was showing me places in my life where the enemy had taken up residence and they needed to be removed so that healing could come and progress in my walk with Him could be made. I feel your dream is this same type of dream.

In your dream, I feel the property and house represent your life that you are living, so it would represent a spiritual status of when you had the dream which was a few years ago. Chain link fences are a way of protecting our property, so I feel that the fence represents that this is more private part of your life that you don't want to show anybody. That is ok and maybe even natural to feel this way, many people are very guarded and private when it comes to how the enemy has attacked them over the years and how the enemy has encamped against them. The back part of the house in disrepair to me says that this is an issue from your past that is being exposed and the hidden things are being shown. At the end of the dream you are shown that it is dark and the enemy is indeed lurking in there trying to give you a sense of fear and dread about confronting them and they are trying to stay entrenched in your life. To me the hanging dummies is a warning sign from the enemy that they are intending to send you a message that they intend to do you the same type of harm. From John 10:10 we know that it is only the enemy that comes to steal, to kill, and to destroy, but it is only in Jesus Christ that we have abundant life. So Jesus is the answer to removing the enemy and to start the healing process in your life from whatever happened in your past.

I hope this helps shed some light on the dream. If you need to discuss and feel it is too private to do so, please send any of the mods or admins a PM. Many of us are trained ministers and pastors in various churches. Also, possibly deliverance and/or inner healing could be needed depending on the past wound.
Again, welcome to the Tehillah Dreams board I hope this helps you.

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Re: Home place half fenced in

Post by PastorJKG »

Perhaps your past pain is the motivation for your desire to be compassionate. All things work together for good to them who love God and are called according to His purpose, Rom 8:28, What the enemy meant for evil God turns to your good. Gen 50:20 and may indicate the direction of your ministry. Having been delivered from drugs and alcohol I feel a great burden for those currently struggling with addictions.