Dream from Nancy in Mexico

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Dream from Nancy in Mexico

Post by bjcollin »

ORIGINAL Dream sent to me in Spanish:
Soñe que estaba todo muy verde y vivos los colores acababa de llover intensamente, pero nosotros no escuchamos la lluvia asi de fuerte e intensa, hasta q salimos nos dimos cuenta de la cantidad que habia llovido, no se si por noche o dias habia llovido solo sabíamos que habia llovido mucho porque todo estaba super mojado, nosotros estabamos en un bosque, vi los arboles muy inmensos y altos todos mojados eran pinos, arboles, flores, muy bonito, la tierra super humeda, la casa estaba como incrustada en una montaña porque arriba de ella se veía tierra que también estaba super mojada, la casa era de madera, vi barrotes q eran parte de la casa muuyyy fuertes y resistente.
despues vi que estábamos dentro de la casa tu armando y yo, dentro de la casa aun no habia nada ningun mueble, no habia nada en las paredes( las paredes eran de madera) , estabamos de pie los tres y con nosotros habia no recuerdo si dos o tres personas (ELLos) se veian como cuando una luz esta desde arriba, conectada ) a ellas las miraba vestidas de blanco, estabamos alli porq era una junta muy seria e importante.
ellos habían venido a darnos algo y tu eras como la intermediaria para q ellos nos otorgaran algo a nosotros. Ellos estaban frente a nosotros y tu en medio (tu estabas vestida de una falda blanca q tienes y blusa blanca con tu cabello suelto, el piso de la casa era de madera tamb.
de pronto sentimos como si la casa se hubiera desprendido del piso dos veces!! Trono al momento de desprenderse el piso, Y al momento q se desprendió sentimos las dos veces, y solo nos balanceamos, y tu dijiste es un tornado!! Y sentimos como la casa comenzo a elevarse Pero no sentiamos nada de vueltas ni movimiento bruscos hasta aqui.
Seguido de esto estabamos ya en el piso y cuando volteo a ver por la ventana estabamos justo en medio del tornado, vi como giraba afuera el tornado y veo el tornado en su furia habia llevaba consigo muchas ojas y pues agua, aqui ya estabamos siendo sacudidos por el movimiento de la casa, recuerdo a las personas que ellas tambien eran impactadas por el movimiento pero no igual, era como si no fueren humanos por su reacción en medio de aquellos movimientos
Recuerdo q en el movimiento yo te grite miss tu cintura! (En el sueño sabia q esos movimientos te hiban a dejar sin caminar o en cama sin moverte porque te estaban estrujando y todo recaía en tu columna vertebral) recuerdo, aqui que no se porque traias un pantalon negro y una blusa gris de tirantes peinada con dos trenzas. Recuerdo como rebotabas de un lado a otro sin poder sostenerte, y cuando te grite miss tu cintura arm y yo te agarramos al mismo tiempo para q ya no rebotaras, Armando del brazo y yo de la pierna, y tu ya no podias reaccionar porq tu columna estaba dañada.
El peligro de destrucción era inminente y recuerdo q en medio de ese horrible tornado comenze a orar y a reprender todo espíritu de muerte y enfermedad y a cubrirnos con la sangre de Cristo. De pronto ceso el movimiento, y sabiamos que habia terminado, no sentimos cuando la casa fue puesta en tierra . No supimos en donde fue puesta la casa en que lugar del mundo, cuando nos levantamos para salir solo estabamos arm y yo, la casa fue puesta en una montaña super alta, ya no estabamos en el bosque ahora estabamos en esa montaña altísima, el tornado la movio de lugar, pero sabiamos que Dios nos habia llevado a otro lugar arm y yo eramos los que estábamos en esa montaña justo en el pico agarrados de la mano, viendo hacia abajo a todas las demás montañas.
Era de día y había luz, mientras en el bosque era nublado y las nubes cargadas de lluvia.
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Re: Dream from Nancy in Mexico

Post by bjcollin »

Google Translate Version:
I dreamed that it was all very green and bright, the colors had just rained intensely, but we didn't hear the rain so strong and intense, until we left we realized how much it had rained, I don't know If it had rained per night or days, we only knew that it had rained a lot because everything was super wet, we were in a forest, I saw very huge and tall trees, all wet were pines, trees, flowers, very beautiful, the land was super wet, the The house was like embedded in a mountain because above it you could see earth that was also super wet, the house was made of wood, I saw bars that were part of the house sooo strong and resistant.
Then I saw that we were inside the house, you armando and I [Yolanda Missionary, Nancy's husband Armando, and Nancy], inside the house there was still nothing, no furniture, there was nothing on the walls (the walls were made of wood), the three of us were standing and with us I do not remember if two or three people (they) looked like when a light is from above, connected) I looked at them dressed in white, we were there because it was a very serious and important meeting.
They had come to give us something and you [Yolanda] were like the intermediary for them to grant something to us. They were in front of us and you were in the middle (you were dressed in a white skirt that you have and a white blouse with your hair down, the floor of the house was made of wood too.
suddenly we feel as if the house had fallen off the floor twice !! Throne when the floor came off, And when it came off we felt both times, and we just swayed, and you said it's a tornado !! And we felt how the house began to rise But we did not feel any sudden turns or movement up to here.
Following this we were already on the floor and when I turned to look out the window we were right in the middle of the tornado, I saw the tornado spin outside and I see the tornado in its fury had carried many leaves with it and well, water, here we were already being shaken by the movement of the house, I remind people that they too were impacted by the movement but not the same, it was as if they were not human due to their reaction in the middle of those movements
I remember that in the movement I yelled at you miss your waist! (In the dream I knew that those movements were going to leave you without walking or in bed without moving because they were squeezing you and everything fell on your spine) I remember, here I do not know why you were wearing black pants and a gray blouse with straps combed with two braids. I remember how you bounced from one side to the other without being able to hold yourself, and when your waist arm yelled at you and I grabbed you at the same time so that you would no longer bounce, Armando from the arm and I from the leg, and you could no longer react because you column was damaged.
The danger of destruction was imminent and I remember that in the midst of that horrible tornado I began to pray and to rebuke every spirit of death and disease and to cover ourselves with the blood of Christ. Suddenly the movement ceased, and we knew it was over, we did not feel when the house was grounded. We did not know where the house was placed in what part of the world, when we got up to go out there were only arm and I, the house was placed on a super high mountain, we were no longer in the forest now we were on that very high mountain, the tornado He moved it around, but we knew that God had taken us to another place. Arm and I were the ones who were on that mountain right at the peak holding hands, looking down at all the other mountains.
It was daytime and there was light, while in the forest it was cloudy and the clouds loaded with rain.
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Re: Dream from Nancy in Mexico

Post by bjcollin »


Thank you for sharing Nancy's dream with me. I just hope that google translate did a good enough job, and that the Lord speaks and fills in the rest for this interpretation. Wow, that was a powerful dream that Nancy had. What I feel that the Lord is saying in the dream or that the base message of the dream to Nancy is that there is a time of uncertainty and shaking is coming, but the Lord will keep everyone safe through it all, and it is He that is raising them up during this upcoming time of transition.

That was the simple part, now comes more of the details in the dream...

I feel that the wooden house in the woods represents the mission that Ken (thank you Jesus that Ken is with You!) and that you have built over the years there in Mexico. At the Lord's leading for many years, you guys have literally built something by hand out of the nothing that you started there with in the wilderness. The rain and the green-ness represent the life that the Lord has blessed you guys with. The bars on the house represent security, and it is the Lord who has kept you safe and protected from the attacks of the enemy all these years.

You dressed in white, and the other unknown people also dressed in white who are angels, represent your relationship and connection to God. Just like the importance of the mount of transfiguration meeting in the Bible, the importance of this heavenly meeting with you and the angels is also very important. Yolanda, as you know since Uncle Ken passed on, you are the spiritual head/owner of the mission. Just as in Elijah transferring his prophet's mantle to Elisha, spiritual transference is very important due to spiritual authority principals. As you are contemplating retirement, I feel that there needs to be a heavenly transference of the mission from you to the next missionaries in the spiritual as well as in the natural.

The tornado scenes say that there is a time of shaking and transition that is coming soon to you guys at the mission. Partly Nancy and Armando don't recognize it yet, and partly you do recognize it, then they recognize it later for what it is. The unknown people don't feel it the same because they are angels (not human) and they are along for the ride with you guys as commanded by the Lord and they are not affected. Also, Yolanda, your time at the mission is passing soon, I don't see an actual death or sickness (although Elie tells me that you do have back pains right now that need to go in Jesus Name!), but I see more of a time when you will start to loose your will for working at the mission that is coming soon. The spinal cord is the thing that takes the messages from the brain to the feet to get things done, and if that is damaged then there is no movement that will happen. Nancy and Armando are currently holding you up and trying to help you, but there will come a time when you will need to stop wavering back and forth and finally decide when to retire and officially transfer the mission over to them.

In the last scene of the dream, on the high mountain top the Lord will set them down without even them knowing, and it will be Nancy and Armando together to follow what the Lord has for them to do next. I hope this helps with the dream. Please feel free to call me or Elie if you need to!!!! GOD BLESS YOU and HEALING in the Mighty Name of Jesus!

in Christ,