Lots of Political Leaders in Knickers/Bloomers

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Lots of Political Leaders in Knickers/Bloomers

Post by bjcollin »

My wife Elie had this dream yesterday 9/10/2020:

In this dream there are a bunch of political leaders and they are all pictured only in old fashioned underwear that my wife referred to as knickers or bloomers and a camisole type of top. My wife was just a spectator in this dream only, and she had no interaction with anybody in the dream.

When the dream starts out, she is first shown England's Queen Elizabeth II, and she has on fancy shoes, knickers/bloomers, and a white camisole underwear type of top, along with her royal robes on her shoulders hanging down behind her, and her royal crown upon her head. Then there are a bunch of unknown royalty or nobility type of people that are following her, and they are all barefooted and dressed only in knickers/bloomers/camisoles.

The next person she sees in the dream is the late president George H.W. Bush, and he is barefooted and dressed only in knickers/bloomers/camisole. There are a lot of US people who are in political office who are following him, and they are all barefooted and dressed only in knickers/bloomers/camisoles.

The next person she sees in the dream is Hillary Clinton, and she is totally naked (no knickers/bloomers/camisole) and she is many months pregnant. There are some people who are following her, and they are all barefooted and dressed only in knickers/bloomers/camisoles.

The next person she sees in the dream is former president Barack Obama, and he is barefooted and dressed only in knickers/bloomers and bare chested (no camisole). Following him was a prominent female black political leader (she didn't know who she was, but she was sure that it was not Kamala Harris and not Maxine Waters) who was barefooted and dressed in knickers/bloomers/camisole. Also following them were a lot of black people who were also barefooted and wearing knickers/bloomers/camisoles.

Any ideas on this dream that my wife had?

in Christ,
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Re: Lots of Political Leaders in Knickers/Bloomers

Post by bella »

Hi Brian,

I'm NOT sure that this is anywhere near what the dream means, but I just thought it's like they've all been "defrocked" or their royal or leadership appearances have been removed. It could relate to humility rather than it being a negative thing. But I'm leaning towards it relating to a "dressing down" of some sort.

The shoes may speak fo the shoes of the gospel of peace. Lack of should could mean no gospel.

I was thinking that Hilary with no clothes represents her being stripped of everything. I believe she is pregnant with evil.

Just some thoughts.
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Re: Lots of Political Leaders in Knickers/Bloomers

Post by bjcollin »

From a friend of mine via email:

The interpretation of this dream is found in Galatians 6:7-8. "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap. 8 For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life."

This dream is innocuous to all who understand it. Although it's about perilous times, it brings hope to those who are truly seeking God's direction for the future of leadership (Government) and unity for all peoples.
• To be barefooted and walking in a dream is to be walking on a new path in life...Breaking new ground...Life changing
• To be "scantily clad" (knickers/bloomers/camisoles) is to be exposed ...To be revealed...
• The others who followed, are secret seekers of opportunity, but were exposed. They sought to gain "favors" for their services
Governments: To be understood in terms of leadership style. This dream is strongly reminiscent of King Nebby's (King Nebuchadnezzar) dream in Daniel 2.
• Queen of England: The leadership (Government) of the past. Foundational reference of the American Government. What America's Constitutional style Government was like before George HW Bush.
• George Bush: Represents America's breaking new ground for the "New World Order" style government.
• Hillary Clinton: Represents "Theoretician" style government, ran in an orderly and fashionable way. Under Hillary, America would have been ran under strict guidelines of puritanical politics...But, when she got exposed the veil was ripped (inner sanctum open), and the dragon devoured her child (style of governance).
• Barrack Obama: Represents "Ideological Inference" champion of causes. Because he had no political agenda except transparency and openness, he came onto the scene already exposed. This made him looked weak and inexperienced because he believed in a "fair" system of governance and politics and got blindsided with the principalities, the rulers of the darkness of this world...Spiritual wickedness in VERY HIGH places. He met demonic activity on a level he was not prepared for which exposed his naivety. The black female leader...Oprah Winfrey...secretly done more for Barack politically than what is known (used influence and $$$)...but not with evil intent
Now the deception
Constitutional, New world order, Theoretician, Ideological: It was not about the leaders who led these nations...they were the ones to be blamed. The land is sick and these followers tried to be their own god (2Chr 7:12-14) without God. The gave birth to a religious cult like government to rule as monarchs but became thieves and stole the soul of what this nation stood for...One Nation Under God...

The deception is more about those who followed after the leaders that were barefooted. They were the driving force of the divisions that brought about the darkness of this nation. They came to profit, like the money changers at the temple (Mark 11:15-18) at the expense of the peace the nation and the people. They opened the door (reaped) to this present form of US Government...

Be not deceived...God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

Blessing to you Brother and my God always be first...
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Re: Lots of Political Leaders in Knickers/Bloomers

Post by Chrisy489 »

Very interesting dream. It appears that they are all going to be stripped of the "costumes/clothes" (outward appearance) that they present/presented to the world. They are going to be revealed - we are all going to see who they really are. It appears that it is global - they all have the same purpose, they are all in unison - from the leader, the Queen to the global elites and the American political leaders. This global purpose is not a "new" thing and it has been on track in the USA since President George H.W. Bush.

It is interesting that Hillary is naked AND pregnant. She will be completely revealed but it would not be the end of her influence in American politics. She "carries" the future for this "plan/purpose" to be realized in the USA. The question is WHO is the Almighty God using to strip these people of their outward appearance? It's interesting that President Trump was not shown in her dream.