Missing Assignment

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Missing Assignment

Post by bjcollin »

I had the following dream this morning,

I dreamed I was in a university setting, and I was going to a class. I have had this dream many times before and in this dream I go to various classes. Once I got into the class it was full of people, and I sat down and took my seat. The professor came in and started passing back assignments to people that he had graded. Everybody got one except for me. The professor held up a grade sheet and said "wow everybody turned this one this time except for one person". He showed me the grade sheet with the names in a column, and the grades in another column, and there was a blank next to my name. I was the only one in the class that had a blank. I was horrified because I knew that I had done the assignment and I had previously turned it in on time. So I said, "I know I turned it in on time, excuse me a minute so I can go search for it". I got up out of my desk seat and I went out of the class and went next-door to the room where we turn in the assignments at. I started looking through the bins and drawers in that room, which was where you put the papers at to be graded, and I was searching and searching and searching for my lost assignment that did not get graded. When I woke up from the dream, I was wondering what the assignment was that I had missed. I can't for the life of me remember what the course I was taking was titled, but I just remember that it was a course in some sort of humanities and the paper I missed was some sort of a writing assignment.

Thank you.

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Re: Missing Assignment

Post by PastorJKG »

Missing an assignment on humanities? Perhaps you are missing some element of ministry for whatever reason. Maybe the Lord is trying to redirect you a little to get you more in alignment with His Master plan. For your prayerful consideration. Hope this helps brother.
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Re: Missing Assignment

Post by PastorJKG »

Maybe the answer is so simple it has been easy to overthink.
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Re: Missing Assignment

Post by bjcollin »


Thank you for the reply. Yes, it was something simple that I missed...

On Nov 14, one our our managers here at our workplace had gotten a call from his 25 year old daughters workplace that she had not reported to work for a week and they were checking up on her. He had no idea that she had driven from her apartment in the outskirts of Houston 8 hours to Big Bend national park out in West Texas for some solo hiking and camping time. She had went missing and did not check into her campsite on Nov 8 and they were searching for her. They found her rental car in the trailhead parking lot, but she was nowhere to be found, so they initiated search teams to find the missing daughter. It was a miracle! She was found and air lifted out on Nov 17 after spending 9 days in the desert wilderness! She is now recovering in the hospital, she was moved out of ICU yesterday, and she is soon to be released possibly before Thanksgiving.

I was assigned by the Lord to pray for this girl's safety and for her to be found. What I learned during my prayer times was that I was lacking in a humanities aspect... Love/intimacy. Yes, I was praying in Faith for this girl to be returned safely and quickly... but I was lacking in love for her and her family as I was praying... I was praying as if it was just an item on a checklist. I had to repent before the Lord for my lack of seeking Him. God gave me the assignment ultimately for me to become more intimate with Him, which I have been missing this last year or so. Sometimes we treat prayer requests just the same as a grocery store shopping list and we do not see them for what really matters which is our relationship with Him. God desires intimacy with us above all else, and we need to see his heart of Love for those around us and for what they are going through. The first fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22 is Love.